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Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

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Is that not a Conspiracy Theorists website ?

anyhoo - Two things immediately spring to mind when reading that - first of all yon 'expert' refers to Carlos the Spanish Air Traffic Controller.

and secondly - he suggests that an aircraft with a ceiling altitude of 22000 ft shot down an aircraft at 33000 ft ... with a cannon !!

Next !!

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That RT conference (I haven't bothered my arse watching it) apparently has the Russians claiming a Ukrainian SU25 shot down the airliner. Despite the fact the SU25 is a bomber, would need to be fitted with missiles and a fire control system, would need modifications to get to 31000ft and couldn't climb that high in the time available anyway.

They're not claiming anything, just asking Ukraine to explain what they have presented. The main issue with the fighter is that Ukraine stated categorically that there were no military aircraft in the area, so it's awkward for them to have one show up on radar and ATC data, nevermind the countless eyewitnesses on the ground who saw and heard it. Most people probably haven't seen these eyewitness accounts on the news, since the BBC removed the report from their Russian correspondent from the website.

anyone got these "satellite " images yet?

Not sure if serious - there's over 4 minutes of showing satellite images in the video.

This has drifted out of the news lately. I wonder if there will ever be an 'official' version of events or if we will all just have to accept what is 'believed' to have happened.

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Ukraine Intelligence claims rebels meant to shoot down a Russian airliner instead.


Ukraine have changed their story and now 'conclude' that the rebels wanted to shoot down a Russian passenger plane but accidentally placed their missile launcher in the wrong town. Seems legit.

No surprise that every other major news outlet apart from the Mail is giving this a wide berth, although this line has apparently been OK'd be the Kiev government.

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting developments as one if the the bodies discovered was found to be wearing an oxygen mask.

Wearing in terms of it being wrapped around his neck. I'm sure another passenger would have been "wearing" the drinks trolley..

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  • 9 months later...

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