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The Famous Aberdeen - Season 2022/23


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:lol::lol: :lol: :lol:

This tops all your nonsense posts

As a neutral, Logan is better.

He also manages full seasons without shite, niggly injuries - I'd imagine Logan has probably played more in the past 2 and a bit seasons than Lustig has in his whole Celtic career (4 and a half - 5 seasons?)

As for saidy janko :lol:

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Imagine illogically blaming Celtic fans for an imaginary move, complete speculation. Shay Logan hasn't been linked with Celtic, it wouldn't even bother me if he was, and most Celtic fans I know wouldn't give a f**k either. Even with his 'kiss blowing' antics, Logan's really not that big a deal, honestly.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's desperate for a move down south to be closer to family.

Believe me, if he was that good a RB, and management wanted him, I doubt the fans would be that inconsolable.

I also don't think Logan, or Paul McGinn for that matter, is any better than what we already have, Lustig an accomplished full Swedish internationalist, we also have Saidy Janko coming back from injury.

Wee tip, before you start to throw shyte around, try starting with something that isn't imaginary created, or exists only in your mind.

:lol: heads gone.

My point stemmed from a rumour Celtic were interested in Logan followed by the link with our player.

I'm fairly certain I've said from the start it was a non-starter as even if there was interest it couldn't happen as the Celtic fans have targeted Shay Logan with a sustained campaign of abuse for having the audacity to be racially abused by an on loan, Celtic squad player.

Ergo the Celtic fans, through their is actions, have removed any possibility of signing the best RB in the league.

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Celtic fans so insecure that they can't even entertain the notion that a club other than their friends from across the city might have filled a position better than them.


Sad, really


Logan replaced Hector who is also a better player than Lustig or Janko, so we've filled that position better twice in a row. Just saying.

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:lol: heads gone.

My point stemmed from a rumour...

Kinda stopped reading there fella.

I'd imagine Logan has probably played more in the past 2 and a bit seasons than Lustig has in his whole Celtic career (4 and a half - 5 seasons?)

Nope. Another rumour perhaps?

Edited by Greenlantern
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Kinda stopped reading there fella.

Nope. Another rumour perhaps?

Kinda stopped reading then quoted from the rest of the post :lol:

I've checked the stats earlier as it came from a gut feeling RE appearances - seems Lustig has made a single figure number of appearances more than Logan in twice the time - Ooft.

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Kinda stopped reading then quoted from the rest of the post :lol:

I've checked the stats earlier as it came from a gut feeling RE appearances - seems Lustig has made a single figure number of appearances more than Logan in twice the time - Ooft.

It was a completely separate post of yours.

Try 40 more.

Are you all like this in Dundee? :huh:

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