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Lichtie, the fact that my point eludes you does not render me the idiot.

It doesn’t. You’re greeting about the way pundits on Sportsound speak. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, it’s a show for football fans to listen to, they’re not reading out the news.
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2 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


It doesn’t. You’re greeting about the way pundits on Sportsound speak. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, it’s a show for football fans to listen to, they’re not reading out the news.


Yes, but you seem to think it's about accent or pronunciation.  It's not.  It's about speaking intelligently.  

I think this matters; you don't.

It's not a huge surprise.

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It doesn’t. You’re greeting about the way pundits on Sportsound speak. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, it’s a show for football fans to listen to, they’re not reading out the news.

I don’t usually like to side with MT but you have misunderstood his point. I’m not saying this is his point but it’s mine - these guys are radio pundits, that is now their profession and for the majority of them they are just starting out. I would assume they have career goals to get onto Sky Sports or somewhere like that. To do so you really would need to be clear and articulate.

Sportsound doesn’t bother me because I’m Scottish, they speak exactly how I speak. However if I ever have the misfortune of listening to Talksport Drivetime the first thing that stands out to me is Darren Gough’s accent, lack of articulation and slang.
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Gough is like Stephen Fry compared to  some of the grunting Weegies I've had my ears assaulted by on BBC 'Scotland'.  Only the total imbecile Micky Quinn has been worse. Lichtie's showing why their output is aimed at the lowest common denominator.

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Some of them struggle to make sense with what they say.  That doesn't mean that the words they utter aren't comprehensible.
Poverty of expression very often accompanies poverty of thought.

You voted No didn't you.
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3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

When Alex Rae is doing Open All Mics and doing a halftime recap or whatever he sounds as if he's reading it while running his finger along the page to keep track of where he is.

Alan Preston is the worst for this. His slow speech when doing his HT & FT reports are excruciating to listen to. Somewhat ironically, he's much better when rambling on like a simpleton at normal speed.

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Yes, but you seem to think it's about accent or pronunciation.  It's not.  It's about speaking intelligently.  

I think this matters; you don't.

It's not a huge surprise.


They’re talking about football ffs.


It’s simple stuff, it’s not difficult.

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Lichtie’s spot on here. 

I couldn’t care less if Derek Ferguson is intelligent or not. I don’t listen to Sportsound to improve or stimulate my intellictual ability. I just want to listen to pundits who have half an idea about the sport they are paid to talk about. Derek Ferguson satisfies this requirement.

Chic Young is a different matter altogether. Stupid and clueless. You could be forgiven for thinking that he has learning difficulties.

Edited by Hammer Jag
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Lichtie’s spot on here. 
I couldn’t care less if Derek Ferguson is intelligent or not. I don’t listen to Sportsound to improve or stimulate my intellictual ability. I just want to listen to pundits who have half an idea about the sport they are paid to talk about. Derek Ferguson satisfies this requirement.
Chic Young is a different matter altogether. Stupid and clueless. You could be forgiven for thinking that he has learning difficulties.

Aye, Chick Young’s a total fanny.

Sure everyone can agree on that. [emoji1]
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34 minutes ago, Hammer Jag said:

Lichtie’s spot on here. 

I couldn’t. care less if Derek Ferguson is. intelligent. or not. I don’t. listen to Sportsound to improve. or stimulate. my. intellictual ability. I just. want to listen to pundits who. have half an idea about the sport. they are. paid to talk about. Derek Ferguson satisfies this. requirement.

Chic Young is a different. matter altogether. Stupid and clueless. You could. be forgiven for thinking that. he has learning difficulties.

I've edited your post as if Derek was reading it out.

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Wonder how you manage to get by day to day if you’re struggling to understand them.

So many things to bash sportscene about, this isn’t one of them. Absolute losers greeting about it.

Perhaps your point would carry more weight if you understood which programme / medium was being criticised.
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1 hour ago, Barney Rubble said:

That's Barry's verbal tic.

Derek is David Attenborough in comparison.

I find Barry's verbal tick helpful.

It points out that under no conceivable circumstances, should you listen to what will shortly follow.


I think someone on here identified it as Baz's Law.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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13 hours ago, Steve McQueen said:

I like open all mics but could be massively improved.

Needs Gordon or a presenter to take control.
Need the guys at games only say goal [team] till the presenter asks them contribute.
Lower league games should be muted & go to on presenters request.


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9 hours ago, Barney Rubble said:

That's Barry's verbal tic.

Derek is David Attenborough in comparison.

Derek's tic is "I tell you what".

Though I like him, he is equally enthusiastic no matter what game he gets sent to, and again, no matter what game he's at, he actually knows something about both teams.  I tell you what, I'd rather listen to him over his more eloquent colleagues who take the huff if not at a Premiership game, every day of the week.

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49 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

Derek's tic is "I tell you what".

Though I like him, he is equally enthusiastic no matter what game he gets sent to, and again, no matter what game he's at, he actually knows something about both teams.  I tell you what, I'd rather listen to him over his more eloquent colleagues who take the huff if not at a Premiership game, every day of the week.

I saw what you did there!!!!

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