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They're just happy their meaningless lives had something to celebrate for a few years when they were winning the league.

Were you procreating or helping develop a cure for cancer while you bashed that out?

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What a Thundercunt that was last night. His "I refuse to punish them, you will have to fire me" line (if he was still chief exec) Just so these c***s can hate each other up close a few times a year.

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I've caught up on the discussion from the last two night's podcasts. The blinkered belief that Scottish football needs Rangers in the top flight continues to astound me. Lambert, McCall and Mitchell all came across as complete idiots. They completely fail to see that Scottish football isn't all about Rangers and Celtic, and Rangers (re)appearing in the Premiership isn't magically going to fix everything.

Mitchell was especially moronic. I don't remember him as chief executive of the SPL, but the nonsense he was spouting makes you grateful for Neil Doncaster!

On the plus side, Spiers and English were solid as ever (have them on every night please), and the tax expert seemed very sensible. The interview with Justine Mitchell was also very good. Her story about losing her husband and father in the space of three days was heart-breaking, and I hadn't heard that before. You could tell she was struggling to talk about it.

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I've caught up on the discussion from the last two night's podcasts. The blinkered belief that Scottish football needs Rangers in the top flight continues to astound me. Lambert, McCall and Mitchell all came across as complete idiots. They completely fail to see that Scottish football isn't all about Rangers and Celtic, and Rangers (re)appearing in the Premiership isn't magically going to fix everything.

Mitchell was especially moronic. I don't remember him as chief executive of the SPL, but the nonsense he was spouting makes you grateful for Neil Doncaster!

On the plus side, Spiers and English were solid as ever (have them on every night please), and the tax expert seemed very sensible. The interview with Justine Mitchell was also very good. Her story about losing her husband and father in the space of three days was heart-breaking, and I hadn't heard that before. You could tell she was struggling to talk about it.

excellent post and sums up exactly my thoughts on the past couple of podcasts. I found myself shouting at it due to this constant "need rangers in top league". It makes my blood boil . As a St Johnston's fan of nearly 30 years, these past 4 seasons have been our most successful ever and it's all happened when rangers have been no where in sight. So why do st Johnstone fans, ict fans etc need them in the top league. Wish them and Celtic would just piss off for ever as I firmly believe our game would go from strength to strength
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Kincardine, what's the obssesion with the legality of the EBT's or use of them?

I'd like to think all the posters on here are more concerned about the consequence of the abuse of the EBT schemes set up. That consequence being that Rangers gained an unfair advantage.

Now, with reference to the current athletics doping crisis, an athlete is not breaking the law or committing a criminal act by doping, but he/she is gaining an unfair advantage. If this is found (and the authorities are not bribed etc) then that athlete will have their results, records & medals for that period wiped out and they will receive a ban.

They can appeal, and on occasion it may be found that a certain product they have eaten or consumed by other means contains some sort of PED (performance enhancing drug) and on the basis that that particular product has not been looked at in terms of containing a PED they may have their ban overturned. They unknowingly gained an advantage. And I have to say, you have to do a lot to prove it was an accident.

Now, Rangers knew EXACTLY what they were doing in their abuse of the EBT's. I don't want to get involved in the discussion on whether or not the use was illegal or criminal. But I do want the fact that Rangers gained an advantage as a consequence of using those schemes looked into.

It's not a case of 'Sorry sir, I seem to have printed off that blank EBT sheet and attached it at the back of the players' contracts accidentally'

They intentionally gained an advantage by using the schemes, and in the interests of football they should be punished severely. And they have absolutely no-one but themselves to blame for this mess.

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excellent post and sums up exactly my thoughts on the past couple of podcasts. I found myself shouting at it due to this constant "need rangers in top league". It makes my blood boil . As a St Johnston's fan of nearly 30 years, these past 4 seasons have been our most successful ever and it's all happened when rangers have been no where in sight. So why do st Johnstone fans, ict fans etc need them in the top league. Wish them and Celtic would just piss off for ever as I firmly believe our game would go from strength to strength

The whole conversation is so detached from the reality of the fans, or the consumer, if that makes it more palatable for them.

We are constantly told about revenues and investment in Scottish football being increased for the good of the game etc and this is where Rangers return comes into it and I have no doubt that is likely the case.

However, not one person can tell me how that benefits me as a supporter of Aberdeen and Scottish football. More games between Celtic and Rangers does not impact on my life at all other than having my head in my hands at the farce that is the Old Firm derby.

A two horse race does not benefit me.

Aberdeen getting an extra 100k does not benefit me as for every 100k we get, Celtic/Rangers get £1m, so it serves to widen the gap.

They're so concerned with how Scottish football is seen from the outside, what do England thing, what does UEFA think etc that they've forgotten we're a small country that is never likely to have a big fanbase outside of our borders. They should be doing everything they can to engage with as much of SCOTLAND as possible. It is not rangers and celtic that attracts fans, it is competition.

While the people running the game are incentivised by revenue and the bottom line, we will never go anywhere.

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What a Thundercunt that was last night. His "I refuse to punish them, you will have to fire me" line (if he was still chief exec) Just so these c***s can hate each other up close a few times a year.

I only heard a snippet today of what Roger Mitchell said last night - Jesus f**k!

"There are much bigger problems going on elsewhere in sport right now so we should look at it in that context and draw a line under this and move on"


That is the worst argument for anything I've ever heard in my life. There is absolutely no danger I am listening to that entire podcast or I'll end up firing the computer out the window.

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That is the worst argument for anything I've ever heard in my life. There is absolutely no danger I am listening to that entire podcast or I'll end up firing the computer out the window.

Then you clearly haven't heard the bit where he explained that because Juventus have just pretended they didn't have titles stripped there's no point doing it anywhere else.

Edited by Forfinn
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It's quite incredible.

"I killed this guy with a hammer but there's thousands being killed in Syria so let's just forget it and move on".

Obviously an extreme analogy but you get the gist.

The Kincardine will be along to say that Rangers never used hammers so your analogy is shite.

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From the BRATL


"This latest ruling by three judges at the Court of Session upholds HMRC's position and renders the EBT arrangement illegal."


"The Court of Session in Edinburgh held the corporate entity which formerly housed Rangers, now in liquidation (oldco), had illegally used the scheme between 2001 and 2010 to pay £47.65m to players and staff in tax-free loans."

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I can see crowds falling when Sevco get promotion. Folk will remember how dreadful it is to have their scumbag fans in their towns and grounds and now they'll giving an angry "bak whur wee bulong!" load of pish.

Competition will be stifled and more top players from other clubs will go to Sevco. Fans will just drift away and the one or two visits of Sevco won't offset that

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I can see crowds falling when Sevco get promotion. Folk will remember how dreadful it is to have their scumbag fans in their towns and grounds and now they'll giving an angry "bak whur wee bulong!" load of pish.

Competition will be stifled and more top players from other clubs will go to Sevco. Fans will just drift away and the one or two visits of Sevco won't offset that

Our home crowd will drop, for certain. We get more home fans against Dundee and United than we do Celtic or Rangers, by a fair way too, its a horrible atmosphere when they visit as you either lose or spend the time it takes you to get home being abused and spat at.

But of course thats what we need to "save our game"....

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Our home crowd will drop, for certain. We get more home fans against Dundee and United than we do Celtic or Rangers, by a fair way too, its a horrible atmosphere when they visit as you either lose or spend the time it takes you to get home being abused and spat at.

But of course thats what we need to "save our game"....

Don't worry. They will be boycotting away games remember.

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Kincardine, what's the obssesion with the legality of the EBT's or use of them?

I'd like to think all the posters on here are more concerned about the consequence of the abuse of the EBT schemes set up. That consequence being that Rangers gained an unfair advantage.

It's not a case of 'Sorry sir, I seem to have printed off that blank EBT sheet and attached it at the back of the players' contracts accidentally'

They intentionally gained an advantage by using the schemes, and in the interests of football they should be punished severely. And they have absolutely no-one but themselves to blame for this mess.

You're conflating the two.


Using them broke no footballing rules. Sure, it may have been a stupid thing to do and resulted, eventually, in our administration (for which we got docked points). Sure, it possibly gave us an advantage but you can't seriously think that clubs shouldn't seek to gain an advantage? Really?

The effect of EBTs was to bring us to our knees and that's all there is to be said about them from a footballing perspective.

Player registration et al

This was dealt with by the Nimmo-Smith enquiry. we were found guilty of rules breaching and fined £250K.

That extensive inquiry declared that we didn't field improperly-registered players and gained no sporting advantage.

So the 'title stripping' talk is empty nonsense perpetrated by the empty-headed. EBTs didn't break footballing rules and our registration process has been investigated fully and we had the appropriate sanction.

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The latter decision was made under the premise that EBTs were an entirely lawful payment which hadn't been registered with the SPFL or SFA. The recent court decision about the EBTs could change the perception of the registration issue in the eyes of the SPFL or SFA. There is now an argument that Rangers were guilty of making unauthorised and somewhat unlawful payments to players, which is slightly different.

And I say this as a person who isn't really bothered about all the title-stripping stuff.

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