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General Election 2015


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I said I was an SNP voter, dummy.

Don't criticise or say anything negative, or you're not 'one of us'. Is that they mindset you're going for? If it is then you're a fucking idiot.

The problem with the SNP is that they've attracted the 'lads' who drink beer, go to football, shout at women in the street, listen to Oasis and wear retro Adidas. This crowd now think they're all cultured because they've added politics to their repertoire.

Oh my

I've attended a good few SNP meetings, never met anybody like you've described, you're being naive, silly and offensive by saying what you are here.

Eta: by what you've described I mean people that think they're cultured when they're not, probably just your average bloke that you've described there tbh. Minus the shout at women in the street bit

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If Mhairi Black receives enough votes that is the only qualification she needs.

I see loads of useless, corrupt, weak politicians and un-elected peers who are old. Don't see many shite 20 year olds knocking about at Westminster.

What a massive, ringing endorsement of politics in Scotland electing her to Westminster would be.

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I work with a lot of teachers who have gone from school to uni and back to school. Generally speaking, those who have some other life experience and enter the profession a little later bring more to the job, tend to be less naive and more capable from the off. That's not to say there aren't exceptions on both sides, but that's my experience.

I agree with the poster above who said that she is more riding on a wave of her party's popularity than anything else, but at the same time she has been selected by the party to stand ahead of many older candidates and I'd fucking love it keegan style if she got it right up Jim Murphy so best of luck to her

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I'd also like to see more scientists and engineers in parliament, but that's just my personal bias.

The problem is that most scientists and engineers come in two categories - those who are in it for the money, or those who want to achieve great things. In both instances, each can achieve these far easier by never entering Parliament, where the wages are poorer by comparison for the hours worked & where plenty of lobby fodder go in & out of Parliament doing little more than making their maiden speech & that's it.

The days when it was considered a honour to be a Parliamentarian died with Enoch Powell & Tony Benn's generation. Nowadays it's considered a way of making contacts for lucrutive consultancies & otherwise lining one's pockets.

This is one of the reasons they're so terrified of the SNP massacre incoming - a whole wave of newcomers not versed in how one is "supposed" to "behave" in today's Commons, & who may take great pleasure in naming & shaming from dawn until dusk.

I said I was an SNP voter, dummy.

Don't criticise or say anything negative, or you're not 'one of us'. Is that they mindset you're going for? If it is then you're a fucking idiot.

The problem with the SNP is that they've attracted the 'lads' who drink beer, go to football, shout at women in the street, listen to Oasis and wear retro Adidas. This crowd now think they're all cultured because they've added politics to their repertoire.

You know, the frightening part is you're right. There is a whole swathe of fuckwits that "support" the SNP without having a bollocks about the party's politics for no other reason than it's currently considered "fashionable" - the same way the whole "New Labour" nightmare was allowed to happen.

From the creepy obsession by Milliband with staging having selfies taken with attractive teenage girls to appeal to "the lads" to the desperate scramble for celebrity endorsement, British politics hasn't moved on from the Cool Britannia dumb down. In many ways, it's got worse, even more Americanised, where politics is competing brand labels rather than aspirations and perspectives on how a civilised society should be run.

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'Left wing' pseudo intellectuals getting their knickers in a twist.

Once the votes are cast the Daily Heil can shout from the rooftops but no one will take a blind bit of notice.

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So what areas does Ad Lib need experience in to be a better candidate than he is just now?

A wife and two kids if my Tory opponent's patter at every single hustings is anything to go by.

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'Left wing' pseudo intellectuals getting their knickers in a twist.

Once the votes are cast the Daily Heil can shout from the rooftops but no one will take a blind bit of notice.

Hope you're right Granny but I'm not so sure. Watching Newsnight at the moment and a large part of the programme has been taking up by the legitimacy of a Labour government propped up by the SNP. Even had a Labour peer (can't remember her name) questioning the validity of Scotland sending down a block of 'separatists' to Westminster.

The backlash from the MSM, particularly from the right, is going to be of a scale unparalleled imo

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Does it hurt that Mhairi Black is going to have achieved more at the age of 20 than you have in your whole life come Friday morning?

Only if you view from a careerist perspective. What matters is what you do once you get into such a position. Even though she knows a lot about politics. For all we know (and it wouldn't surprise me), she may have the same old and worn out ideas that haven't worked very well in the past. Free tuition fees; bankers bonus tax and raising the minimum wage are not things which are going to fix anything in the long run.

To be fair the same applies to anyone who completely dismisses the idea of life experience being a thing. This is not a black or white issue, and yet the P&B masses jump in with both feet.

I would argue in the era of social media you don't need to be as old to get the same amount of experience that you used to in the past. Nor do you need to come from a student politics background to learn the art of debating. There is a reason why the best poker and chess players are much younger than they used to be. Although when it comes to being PM or Chancellor, I'd still prefer their age to be around 45-55.

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Personally, I would like politicians to have lived in the town/area they are representing for at least 5-10 years, and I would like them to have had a job outside of politics. I'd also like to see more scientists and engineers in parliament, but that's just my personal bias.

This seems a no brainer but the career political goons and spinners would do their best to derail them.

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Besides most of the young people that have been involved in politics have been glorified student union hacks who spent years getting pissed at the taxpayer's expense before going to parliament to, er, get pissed at the taxpayer's expense.

Look at our own nearest and dearest Jim Murphy for an example of that, okay he was in his 30s when he went to westminster but then he spend more than the usual time working with the student unions. It's refreshing to have a young MP that actually believes in the stuff she's standing for.

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Probably best to leave this democracy business to the wealthy and old. After all, the young and working class have always done fantastically well out of being significantly less politically engaged than these demographics.

I was thinking of voting on Thursday but I'm thinking some of P&B's life experts should come round mine first and review my iTunes library first.

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I'm not sure if this is threadworthy or should go in here or will just result in eye rolling (although I'm sure it'll provide no more eye rolling than people who think a 20 year old can't be in government, or people who think people who think 20 year olds can't be in government are idiots), but if you go to http://x.channel4.com/ and put your postcode in you can see the results in your constituency from 2010 along with the number of people registered to vote who didn't. Lots of hilarity come from Glasgow South West, it seems.

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I'm not sure if this is threadworthy or should go in here or will just result in eye rolling (although I'm sure it'll provide no more eye rolling than people who think a 20 year old can't be in government, or people who think people who think 20 year olds can't be in government are idiots), but if you go to http://x.channel4.com/ and put your postcode in you can see the results in your constituency from 2010 along with the number of people registered to vote who didn't. Lots of hilarity come from Glasgow South West, it seems.

So if the legitimacy question comes up, it's the abstainers who have the right to form the government?

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