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The Scottish Premiership's Best & Worst Posters 2014

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Is this an inside joke or reference to past event that I'm not in on? Or did I really just read an acceptance speech for a virtual award for 'best poster' (best Motherwell poster, at that) within a football forum?

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I doubt there's been any whooshing. While we've never broken out into full on e-bickering me and craigkillie have swapped barbs in the past so if he was going to pick a stooge to do a troll I doubt he'd chose me.

I'm very flattered. I don't post here nearly as much as I used to as work means I only get to a handful of Dundee games these days and away days are especially scarce. Barry deserves a nod because it was reading his blog that inspired me to to get back to doing some writing again and I think the combination of food and Scottish football and my shit comedy maybe appealed to the "everyman" more than his twisted tales set in a backdrop of deep Dundee folklore.

On some of the other "hits" I've had the Rebecca Black thing was memorable and some credit must go to Lichtie as you need someone to "play off" to make these threads funny and, while he might not have known much about it, he did that role well. I also enjoyed my "Deathrtap Dungeon" thread. That was a couple of evenings fun.

I never expected to get on this list as I don't feel I've been very influentual as such, I don't post here enough and under 3K posts in 6 years is testament to that I suppose. If it had been top 50 best posters I would have maybe hoped to have picked up a few votes but I'm not complaining. Thanks to everyone who voted for me and top work Craig on the thread which has been very entertaining.

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Good guy:


Sincere apologies about the absence. Typical that when I agree to do this stuff comes up.. Anyway, third place for Motherwell is Mikeywellfan. A decent poster, anytime I see him around I think he's a good poster, deserves to be in here. In second place for this award is Addie. Addie picked up 27% of votes. Didn't know glory hunting, part time fans were eligible for this award ;) no only joking, Addie is a good poster and the site would (maybe) be a worse place without him. And the winner of this award is Yassinmoutaouakil. With 35% of the voting yassin beats Addie rather tightly. Always going to be high up in these awards, and a good poster. Well done Yassin, you're Motherwell's poster of the year 2014.



There was quite a lot of people omitting this from their voting, many saying motherwell are a decent bunch. Can't say I don't agree. In third place is Dirtydave. Not going to lie, can't recall seeing this lad about but he has got a few votes. In second place with 33% of the votes is Addie.. Second place in both awards, and there was even someone voting Addie for best and worst, what have you done to piss these people off Addie?! The winner of the award is Linkin Fighter. He picked up 49% of the voting! Rather comfortably voted as worst poster. Not sure if he posts in Premiership forums very often these days, and posts more in other parts. Not seen much of him lately, but PnB have decided he's the worst motherwell poster.


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Is this an inside joke or reference to past event that I'm not in on? Or did I really just read an acceptance speech for a virtual award for 'best poster' (best Motherwell poster, at that) within a football forum?

It could be seen as a dig at Gus' acceptance speech but I think YassinMoutaouakil's speech was genuinely from the heart there.

Poor boy.

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The thing with the Gus speech is that everyone at the time knew Gus hadn't actually won, and it was DundeeBarry. I'm pretty sure there were posts ssaying that it was a wind up, but Gus still pulled the trigger. A 'f**k youse all' post may have been a bit better suited.

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Comes as no surprise that two leading members of the fun party did so well.

I expect Spain to romp home in the County awards with 8mile chucking shit stained confetti as he leaps up to get his award.

I would like to dedicate my runners up award to WaffenThinMint - the grandad I never had.

God bless you all, even the h8ters. I love you all.

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