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P&B's Top 40 Films of the 90s


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Anyways! Enough about that.

17. The Silence of The Lambs


Classic horror/thriller. Little more needs to be said other than Jodie Foster is clearly the best Clarice Starling.

Oh, and Goodbye Horses!

Points Received: 34

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Hope I haven't missed total recall. Absolute 90s classic and the greatest by paul verheoven. Think it swept the board at the oscars too if I remember correctly. Based on a true story too. If you haven't seen it then you have failed in life. . .

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invergowrie arab, on 22 Feb 2015 - 23:53, said:

It's a terrible schmaltzy pile of shite that wouldn't make my top 10 war films of the 90s and probably wouldn't make anyone's list of not for the opening scenes, which to be fair, are an incredible piece of cinema.

There's a lot more to it than the opening scenes to be fair. It remains a spectacle throughout.

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There's a lot more to it than the opening scenes to be fair. It remains a spectacle throughout.

Definitely. If only talking about set pieces the climactic battle is also brilliant. Still can only barely watch the scene with the German on top of Mellish slowly stabbing him to death in the midst of a massive battle outside. Got the scene at the antenna where Wade is killed which is refreshingly shot from afar but still tense. Sniper scene etc. Not to mention all the amazing scenes taking a look at the men on this mission as well. Superb piece of cinema for me.

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There's a lot more to it than the opening scenes to be fair.

Yeah there's that one other scene with the sniper. It's well acted but it's nothing special. It's one film I've really changed my opinion about. Is it a good film? Yeah sure, it's alright. Is it a modern classic/great film? No, not by a long shot. Am I saying that it is terrible? No but that ending is just dreadful.

Bland characters and a throw-back to the old war movies (I don't have a problem with that but let's not kid ourselves on that it was a new take on WWII), it's an action movie that tries to pretend it has some deep moral sentiment about war behind it.

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Definitely. If only talking about set pieces the climactic battle is also brilliant. Still can only barely watch the scene with the German on top of Mellish slowly stabbing him to death in the midst of a massive battle outside. Got the scene at the antenna where Wade is killed which is refreshingly shot from afar but still tense. Sniper scene etc. Not to mention all the amazing scenes taking a look at the men on this mission as well. Superb piece of cinema for me.

100% this. Really uncomfortable scene right enough with regards to mellish.

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