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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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I don't think Trump would actually do too much damage. The "establishment" who he's been railing against would stitch him up something rotten and basically nothing would happen, imo. The yokel racist type would probably feel empowered a la Brexit and race relations would become even more of a problem over there but he personally won't be this big threat to the planet or anything. 

I hope Clinton wins just to see the tin-foil hat wearing, basement dwelling VL fraternity lose their mind.

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11 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

You lot need to actually do some reading about Clinton before you can have an informed opinion, biblical levels of corruption going back decades allegations all the way up to several murders.  You don't seem aware of any of it.

Thing is, there's clear evidence for what Trump's done. That's why he's due in court again very soon over his University scam, never  mind the child rape thing. All you have on Clinton are unsubstantiated allegations on loony right wing blogs. The Republicans have been in charge of Congress for 6 years and have had untold committees investigating her trying to dig up the dirt, and have found nothing. 

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The irony of telling outright lies to back up the claim that Clinton is dishonest is pretty awesome.

Fact checks had Hillary telling lies within 1% of Bernie, with Bernie being slightly more disingenuous. Trump outlies them both 3:1.

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29 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:

Do you like the idea of a racist, sexist bigot as the president? Because that's the alternative.

I'm seeing plenty attacking of Clinton while when anyone brings up Trump's obvious bad points, those same folk just hide. He's much worse. The fact that you can't see this just makes you a fucking simpleton.

The exact opposite can be said for Clinton supporters pal, they ignore or go silent the second anything damaging to Clinton comes up then they attack the source and try to discredit the person saying it. I've said repeatedly that i greatly dislike both choices for President, but why is it that when i am critical of Clinton i am suddenly a Trump supporter? Saying that one is the lesser of 2 evil's is completely different from supporting them. 

I will repeat myself, do i like the idea of a racist, sexist bigot as President? No i really don't, but would i prefer that to a fucking warmonger who is in the pocket of the highest bidder? I would actually, because the last person like that who was President was Bush and we are still seeing the effects of his actions almost a decade after he left office.

I'll say this again just so its clear, i think both candidates are a fucking joke.

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I, like all, reasonable, people,  have a problem with her laughing about himpasshim passing a polygraph and tacitly admitting he was guilty, of raping a 12 year old and being amused by this. 

Can you provide a link to this audio please Pep?
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3 minutes ago, Paco said:

Doesn't Trump have a completely clean criminal record? 

It's a dangerous game to be playing to assume anyone is guilty of the crimes they've been accused of. 



Sure, make up your own mind.

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