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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I’m having a dispute with Santander about my student/graduate account so phoned them up hoping it would be sorted l phone but was told I had to go to branch to sort it, the only branch which could see on the day I was off work me was up in Morningside which isn’t exactly ideal for me but it had to do. I was told to take my degree certificate with me by the person I spoke to on the phone but the woman who dealt with me said that it wasn’t necessary, I then got a phone call midweek saying that my problem would be resolved but they needed my degree certificate! I now have to do the exact same trip up the other side of town for something that should have been resolved last week. Raging!

I don't believe you've got a degree either.

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I’m having a dispute with Santander about my student/graduate account so phoned them up hoping it would be sorted l phone but was told I had to go to branch to sort it, the only branch which could see on the day I was off work me was up in Morningside which isn’t exactly ideal for me but it had to do. I was told to take my degree certificate with me by the person I spoke to on the phone but the woman who dealt with me said that it wasn’t necessary, I then got a phone call midweek saying that my problem would be resolved but they needed my degree certificate! I now have to do the exact same trip up the other side of town for something that should have been resolved last week. Raging!

Showing your degree, student bank accounts, listening to Radio 1. You’re in your 30s FFS. 

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34 minutes ago, throbber said:

Lift in our flat has been broken since Friday and the Mrs has had to waddle down 3 flights of stairs with the baby in the carrier every time she has wanted to leave the flat. She’s having a day in today thankfully.

The lift is probably just refusing to open the doors when it sees her coming. 

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4 hours ago, throbber said:

Lift in our flat has been broken since Friday and the Mrs has had to waddle down 3 flights of stairs with the baby in the carrier every time she has wanted to leave the flat. She’s having a day in today thankfully.

I thought she needed the exercise.

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Just now, throbber said:

We had to take the pram up and down the stairs when ever we have gone out with the baby, we had to come back with a fair load of shopping one day as well and had to take two trips, one with the pram/baby and one with the shopping. And I’m supposed to feel bad and donate money to children in the third world who have to walk 5 miles to get clean water!

Get your girlfriend a front sling for the baby and heavy duty rucksack for the shopping, she'll thank you for it. You could text her from Weatherspoons to check how she's doing.

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Watching a Liga 2 game in my Cartagena apartment and can't remember who I want to win because my VPN is too thick to fool Bet365 that I'm still in the UK
. And the WiFi is on the blink. Don't know why I bothered coming.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My new car is an automatic.  My wife's existing car is a manual.  After driving my new car for a while I took my wife's car to work this morning.  Got to the roundabout at the end of Stewarton Road and forgot it was a manual and stalled it.

This leads me on to my second FWP.  If, like a fanny, you stall a manual car that has one of these keyless start buttons combined with the start/stop feature, it's an absolute pain in the balls to get it started again.  It's how I imagine astronauts feel going through their pre flight checks.

Third car related FWP.  My wife's car feels like driving a tractor compared to my one.

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15 hours ago, throbber said:

lift still not fixed, this has been a month now without it. Our factor company have said that the lift company have said they had problems with parts etc and that they’re coming to fix it tomorrow but I’ll believe it when I see it! b*****ds.


on the upside, with four weeks of twice-daily baby/shopping/pram carrying, surely Mrs T is now a lithe, sinewy, svelte, slender fox of a wife with thighs that can grasp like those hydraulic tree-grabbing things ?

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15 hours ago, throbber said:


Lift still not fixed, this has been a month now without it. Our factor company have said that the lift company have said they had problems with parts etc and that they’re coming to fix it tomorrow but I’ll believe it when I see it! b*****ds.


One of the lifts in my work broke down and it took the lift company a year to get the part required to fix it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The salt chlorinator cell in my pool is busted meaning I have to manually pour chlorine into the water every couple of days until I get it fixed. This takes at least 30 seconds but sometimes up to 1 minute depending on how long it takes to unscrew the lid. 

It's times like this I wish I was on the verge of starvation in Yemen. 

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19 hours ago, Dee Man said:

The salt chlorinator cell in my pool is busted meaning I have to manually pour chlorine into the water every couple of days until I get it fixed. This takes at least 30 seconds but sometimes up to 1 minute depending on how long it takes to unscrew the lid. 

It's times like this I wish I was on the verge of starvation in Yemen. 

Which way up do you rest the lid while it's unscrewed ?

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i made a roast beef and salad baguette for me and the wife. I cut the baguette in half before filling. I wasn't paying attention properly and filled mine upside down. 

I was faced with a choice that no-one should ever have to make: whether to eat it with the bread or the filling upside down. 

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