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Sensible Legal ways to make money.

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In Melbourne there's some form of porn company that pays you $250 to take one of their cameras and film a 5 minute video of your face as you bash one out. They pay you an extra $50 if you convince someone else to do it.

I do realise that there is literally no possible way of me trying to convince the forum that it really was one of my friends that did this and not actually me.

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In Melbourne there's some form of porn company that pays you $250 to take one of their cameras and film a 5 minute video of your face as you bash one out. They pay you an extra $50 if you convince someone else to do it.

I do realise that there is literally no possible way of me trying to convince the forum that it really was one of my friends that did this and not actually me.

5 minutes?

Ambitious surely...

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In Melbourne there's some form of porn company that pays you $250 to take one of their cameras and film a 5 minute video of your face as you bash one out. They pay you an extra $50 if you convince someone else to do it.

I do realise that there is literally no possible way of me trying to convince the forum that it really was one of my friends that did this and not actually me.

I also assume you don't have a copy of this video

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Put an advert in the paper for "Brain Training Exercises GUARANTEED to protect you from Alzheimers!"

Charge 20 quid a session (one hour) and just download some spacial awareness tests or sudoko type stuff and puzzles and riddles from the internet. Go through them all with the numpty who's paid while doing tai chi moves or something equally ridiculous.

Most people don't get alzheimers or dementia so will believe it's worked

The ones who do get it wont remember giving you the £20

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Think I posted this cracking wheeze a while ago, but advertise in women's magazines and the like that you can guarantee the sex of their baby for £1,000 - or their money back.

Send them a sugar pill and wait.

If their baby turns out to be the wrong gender, refund the £1,000. But if it is the correct gender, jackpot!

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You start a company - "Arse Ticklers Faggots Fan Club". Put an advert in a gay mag, advertising the latest in arse-intruding dildos.
You sell it with..."Does what no other dildo can do until now", "The latest and greatest in sexual technology", "Guaranteed results." All that bollocks.
These dils cost 25 quid a pop - a snip for the pleasure they'll give the recipients. They send their cheques to the other company name. Not offensive, "Bobby's Bits" or something, for 25 quid. You stick it in the bank until it clears.
This is the smart bit. You send back the cheque for 25 pound from the other company name - "Arse Ticklers Faggots Fan Club" - saying we're sorry, we couldn't get supplies from America - they ran out of stock.
You see how many people cash that cheque. Not a single soul. Who wants their bank manager to know they tickle arse?

Been watching 'Lock Stock' recently I see.

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1. Become an incredibly pointless person

2. Get someone from the Daily Mail to take photos of you being pointless

3. Get thousands of people commenting on said photos with remarks like "What is the point in this person" or "Well that was pointless".

4. Release a book titled "Pointless"

5. Sue the BBC for copyright

6. Lose the trial.

7. There is now a point to you.

8. Go on Big Brother/I'm a Celeb/Crimewatch

9. You've now made it.

10. However you are now most likely a c**t.

Good luck though...look forward to the drug rehab story.

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In Melbourne there's some form of porn company that pays you $250 to take one of their cameras and film a 5 minute video of your face as you bash one out. They pay you an extra $50 if you convince someone else to do it.

I do realise that there is literally no possible way of me trying to convince the forum that it really was one of my friends that did this and not actually me.

I could be rich.
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