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Yet another US shooting

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3 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

A scapegoat.  We found a scapegoat!  Thank f**k all mighty we don’t have to address the bigger issue.  It was that cowardly officers fault.  It’s not as if our brave boys in the Somme shat themselves and ran.  Imagine having a survival reflex.

So much for the "good guys with a gun" theory.

This poor b*****d will probably end up topping himself.

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15 hours ago, senorsoupe said:

My Cousin John lives in Scotland, he's in Glasgow, you have better odds of knowing him than I do of knowing your Aunt Rae you plonker

Then again you might have bumped into her if you had both gone to Vancouver for lunch.

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Four companies have dropped special deals available to NRA members.
This uprising by the students has got something happening. Hopefully they don't get fed up when they hit a few brick walls along the way.

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An armed officer has resigned after he failed to try and stop the shooter.  He was assigned to the school as well.

It pretty well demonstrates the problem with the “arm more people” approach to this though. It takes a lot of practice and training to be competent with a gun, especially to actually hit a target where you mean to hit it.

Then add in the fact that you have a high pressure situation and adrenaline getting in the way, since with adrenalin fine motor skills are the first things to go, and you just get people who’ll run away or if they try, will quite possibly hit someone else instead.

It’s the reason these machine guns are the weapon of choice for these guys, maximum rounds mean no skill is needed to fire them and with enough ammo, you just fire as much as you want and you’ll probably manage to hit everyone in the vicinity at least once. That also definitely includes the $10 an hour security guy or deputy sheriff, who will probably be shot before he can line his own gun up.
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1 hour ago, Blootoon87 said:

Fox News tweeted a statement from the NRA's Wayne LaPierre saying that the right to bear arms is "not bestowed by man but granted by God to all Americans as our American birthright."
Get America in the bin.

For all their chat about Islamic extremists it's hard not to view some of these bible bumming Americans as Christian extremists.

Didn't LaPierre also say "The only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." As mentioned above if someone can wander into a military base and take out a fair number of trained military personnel why do we think that Mrs Jones, the geography teacher, can suddenly become something akin to a SWAT team member and take out a lunatic with a gun before teaching her class about ox box lakes?

Mental how America reacts to mass shootings compared to other countries.

Edited by RiG
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11 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

Fox News tweeted a statement from the NRA's Wayne LaPierre saying that the right to bear arms is "not bestowed by man but granted by God to all Americans as our American birthright."
Get America in the bin.

Right wing  Christians over there seem to have mislaid the New Testament. 

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44 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

Fox News tweeted a statement from the NRA's Wayne LaPierre saying that the right to bear arms is "not bestowed by man but granted by God to all Americans as our American birthright."
Get America in the bin.

There will be many in the gun industry who genuinely believe this shit.  There will also be many who are only interested in how much money the can make.  The gun industry is very lucrative.

They know by invoking god that they will appeal to the brain dead morons who buy their products.

I doubt half the people in the US who espouse right wing Christian rhetoric believe it; I certainly include Trump in that category.


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2 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

An armed officer has resigned after he failed to try and stop the shooter.  He was assigned to the school as well.



This plays right into conspiracy theorists hands. They'll argue he was ordered not to go in and kill the guy so he stood outside for 4 minutes to elt the killer do what he had to do. The reality is that the guy, whilst trained to shoot, clearly doesn't have the confidence or ability to actually shoot someone dead. Entirely blows the "arm the teachers" approach out of the water.

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8 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

This plays right into conspiracy theorists hands. They'll argue he was ordered not to go in and kill the guy so he stood outside for 4 minutes to elt the killer do what he had to do. The reality is that the guy, whilst trained to shoot, clearly doesn't have the confidence or ability to actually shoot someone dead. Entirely blows the "arm the teachers" approach out of the water.

It's also a bit tricky to take on someone firing an assault rifle with a handgun. How would you get close enough?

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It's also a bit tricky to take on someone firing an assault rifle with a handgun. How would you get close enough?
Well, because a good guy with a gun is the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun. Surely thats all the due diligence that needs to be put in to this?
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18 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I hope we do not try to have a rational discussion on here about the pros and cons of arming teachers.

It is a batshit mental idea and we should not legitimise it.


I'm sort of with you in that it's an idea that, without even examining, is complete madness, but there's no harm in poking at the glaring holes at it on P&B.

The insanity of the thing is that there's a real risk that the idea of arming a proportion of school teachers might have to be debated by relevant parties in the states (legislators, teaching unions, gun lobbies). Time, money, resources spent arguing for and against an idea about as palatable as Arsenic flavour ice cream.

I mean surely this isn't going to get any further than most of Trump's  typical "disengage brain, open mouth" ideas spouted to play up to his supporter base, before he gets bored and moves on to the next thing... but then again a depressing portion of America is dangerously stupid when it comes to firearm control, so perhaps not.

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

This plays right into conspiracy theorists hands. They'll argue he was ordered not to go in and kill the guy so he stood outside for 4 minutes to elt the killer do what he had to do. The reality is that the guy, whilst trained to shoot, clearly doesn't have the confidence or ability to actually shoot someone dead. Entirely blows the "arm the teachers" approach out of the water.

You just have to arm all the teachers, stick them on an island battle royale style and the survivors are ready to teach in a US school.

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1 hour ago, Fullerene said:

Does the bible in America have an appendix dealing specifically with all matters America?

of course - it was released at around the same time as the addendum to the American Constitution updating the passage about the right to bear a single-shot muzzle loading musket with a firing rate of about one shot every two minutes, which couldn't hit a barn door at five paces to also apply to rapid-fire automatic weaponry that can fire armour piercing bullets with inch-perfect accuracy from up to a mile away, or spray a schoolyard with thousands of rounds in a matter of seconds...

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