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When will indyref2 happen?



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32 minutes ago, strichener said:

Yes, yes you did.  Also need some work on your arithmetic

Nowhere in this thread did I claim that Sweden's negotiation to accession timeline was below eight weeks.

Anyone contending that this is what was suggested is arguing from an incredible position.

What I did do was use the time between a confirmatory referendum and accession to counter the equally nonsensical proposition that Scotland's accession will be somehow be too difficult or too long.

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3 hours ago, Glen Sannox said:

I’m not keen on that word either,  but these enforcement officers were only trying to do their job. Off the back of this, the SNP announced that they were eager to help the people that were being held, as opposed to the people that were trying to do their job. That tells you all you need to know.


And zey ver only following orders!

That's the thing with authoritarians - they never stop to think whether the law ought to be the law or not, and they don't care about how brutally a law many be imposed.

All they know is that they're never be on the receiving end and they don't like those who could be.

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1 hour ago, Day of the Lords said:
2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:
Indeed and I'd want a clearer and more liberal immigration policy to include meaningful quotas and support for genuine asylum seekers and refugees
However, illegal immigration is often a squalid trade based on the exploitation of the poorest and most vulnerable.
The people cheering today's example of People Power loudest would be Scotland's gang masters, pimps, human traffickers, modern slavers....and Nats.

There is literally no depth to which you will not sink. What an utterly pathetic, washed up shell of an individual you are.

There were folk welcoming him back here. I couldn't understand that at all.

That protest today was full of ordinary folk - mums pushing buggies, cyclists, old people, all sorts. My missus and my eldest kid were there. This cretin's attempts to smear them with the most ludicrous insults he can think of speaks only to his diseased little mind.

These people are funny in small doses when they don't have power. When they get together, things stop being funny really fast.

Edited by GordonS
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34 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Some millionaire c***s who live in the South East of England have decided that we're not allowed to hire foreign nationals to clean toilets on a wet and windy Tuesday night in Arbroath 

This is the most demeaning justification for illegal immigration I have ever seen.  Are you a gang master?

I want new asylum seekers and economic migrants to the UK to have proper education and training and you want your lavvies cleaned.

You are beyond disgusting.

22 minutes ago, GordonS said:

There were folk welcoming him back here. I couldn't understand that at all.

That protest today was full of ordinary folk - mums pushing buggies, cyclists, old people, all sorts. My missus and my eldest kid were there. This cretin's attempts to smear them with the most ludicrous insults he can think of speaks only to his diseased little mind.

These people are funny in small doses when they don't have power. When they get together, things stop being funny really fast.

Modern slavery is a vile trade that thrives on illegal immigration and ignorance.

No surprise to see you supporting it.

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Tory *** from my work raves about that Count Dankula character. Don't know much about him but came across him on twitter tonight. Confirmed all my expectations of him. Scum.

Also seems to take the Andy Muirhead approach of quote tweeting people who disagree with him so his cult followers can then bombard that person with abuse. That was an easy block.

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36 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:

Tory *** from my work raves about that Count Dankula character. Don't know much about him but came across him on twitter tonight. Confirmed all my expectations of him. Scum.

Mark Meechan is, as you rightly say, scum. 

He supports Scottish independence which comes as no surprise to me but may do to your pal.

You should choose your friends more carefully.


Edited by The_Kincardine
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32 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:

Tory *** from my work raves about that Count Dankula character. Don't know much about him but came across him on twitter tonight. Confirmed all my expectations of him. Scum.

Also seems to take the Andy Muirhead approach of quote tweeting people who disagree with him so his cult followers can then bombard that person with abuse. That was an easy block.

Sad thing is he is pro-indy, but he doesn't realise that sacrifices have to be made to achieve desired goals in the corporate world of modern politics. I fully supported his cause when he first came into the news, getting arrested for making a tasteless joke aimed at nobody is fucking ridiculous imo, and free speech issues are what I disagree with most in regard to the SNP's stances. However, Dankula is so staunch in his hatred of these issues and proponent of free speech issues that he would rather join UKIP (and currently the Scottish Libertarian Party) than make those sacrifices in the short term in order to achieve said goal of independence. Fair play for being so unequivocal on your stance I suppose, but his position politically is as pointless as someone advocating full-on communism or fascism (perhaps even more so considering libertarianism is broadly more vague than those other two). He's a big voice shouting for a wee stance, and effectively nullifies him and just paints him as some obscure right-winger.

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

You want to know how to stop illegal immigration and the people traffickers who organise it all? How to stop this all overnight?

I have the solution.

Lean in.

It's a secret now. Don't be telling just any old person.

Honestly, you'll kick yourself when you hear how simple this is.


Don't make it illegal to come to Scotland.

Allow whoever wants to come here and contribute to our great wee country to come here hassle-free.

Welcome them as fellow human beings.

It's not as though we have no space for them.

Now I know this will perturb a few racists and some Tories but it's a genuine solution to the problem.

We have skills shortages and a host of lower-level jobs that our own peeps don't want to take on and a host of other peeps who wan to do those jobs. It's almost serendipitous (spelling?). Do you see how this works? It's brilliant. And we don't even need to advertise the jobs. These people arrive daily.

Ah there is one tiny fly in the ointment. A piece of grit in the lube as it were.

Despite it being OUR country, we're not allowed to make decisions about these people staying and working here.

That's right. Some millionaire c***s who live in the South East of England have decided that we're not allowed to hire foreign nationals to clean toilets on a wet and windy Tuesday night in Arbroath without their express permission.

And so determined are they to rid our land of Johnny Foreigner that they will pay bouncers to turn up at their gaffs in the middle of the night and howk them and their kids from their soft, warm beds and drag them off to a concentration camp in all but name until they can be shipped back off to the war-torn shithole they had the misfortune to be born in through a fluke of geography and bad timing. And our own elected government at Holyrood is powerless to stop it.

It's racism. Pure and simple.

And you blame the Scottish Government for condemning this?

f**k you and f**k anyone who supports this sort of behaviour.

Oh and if over-capacity is an issue, I have a solution to that as well. For every foreigner wanting to commit to our country, let's ship out people like you, the racists and the countless, heartless, chinless fuckers at Westminster who sanction and support all of this.

Rant over. Stick a fork in me. I'm done.

What has happened to Oakskoft?.....

 this is one of P&B's best rants in recent times!!!

I do not understand folk in Scotland who object to immigration.

Without it our country will die in an economic sense.

It is one of the reasons Brexit is and continues to be a tragedy forced on Scotland.

We need the ability to have an immigration policy that suits Scotland's economy......not London and the South East.


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7 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

Sad thing is he is pro-indy, but he doesn't realise that sacrifices have to be made to achieve desired goals in the corporate world of modern politics. I fully supported his cause when he first came into the news, getting arrested for making a tasteless joke aimed at nobody is fucking ridiculous imo, and free speech issues are what I disagree with most in regard to the SNP's stances. However, Dankula is so staunch in his hatred of these issues and proponent of free speech issues that he would rather join UKIP (and currently the Scottish Libertarian Party) than make those sacrifices in the short term in order to achieve said goal of independence. Fair play for being so unequivocal on your stance I suppose, but his position politically is as pointless as someone advocating full-on communism or fascism (perhaps even more so considering libertarianism is broadly more vague than those other two). He's a big voice shouting for a wee stance, and effectively nullifies him and just paints him as some obscure right-winger.

I have no time for the way he has allowed himself to be courted by right wing charlatans.

But.....his conviction is very questionable. 

Given that mainstream media sources quite happily pump out "comedy" pieces with a similar vein of ridicule on a regular basis.....with no threat of censure or punishment.

In contrast Dukula is the small man, an easy target, no big whig feathers were going to be ruffled and going after him suited. 

It makes our legal system look hypocritical and weak


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8 hours ago, sophia said:

Nowhere in this thread did I claim that Sweden's negotiation to accession timeline was below eight weeks.

Anyone contending that this is what was suggested is arguing from an incredible position.

What I did do was use the time between a confirmatory referendum and accession to counter the equally nonsensical proposition that Scotland's accession will be somehow be too difficult or too long.

Your intentions were clear, if you are arguing otherwise then I would suggest that you are the one in the incredible position.

However just so we are clear, your position is that when Scotland holds a referendum on EU membership, we will be in the EU within 8 weeks and that however long it takes to get to that point in incidental to the entire process? 

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22 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

The tory governmental hierarchy seem to have an almost obsessive attitude against immigration.

The irony being is that Boris's Great Grandfather was Turkish and Priti Patel's paternal grandparents were Indian.

I see now that they will refuse asylum to any immigrant who has passed through mainland Europe on foot, the argument being that why didn't they ask for asylum in say France, Italy or Spain.

Well what if they can't speak Italian, French or Spanish and only can converse in English? 

Any old excuse eh?

Many  Scots have been emigrants over the years and know what it is to arrive in a new country with all the obstacles that presents so we should be welcoming.

I think all most people are arguing for is a fair and reasonable immigration policy which fits in with our economic needs.

Asylum is a separate issue and the UK has signed up to international requirements.

However, once we have a settled policy, then that policy needs to be enforced vigorously and anyone

 found to be here illegally needs to be deported forthwith.


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I think all most people are arguing for is a fair and reasonable immigration policy which fits in with our economic needs.
Asylum is a separate issue and the UK has signed up to international requirements.
However, once we have a settled policy, then that policy needs to be enforced vigorously and anyone
 found to be here illegally needs to be deported forthwith.
f**k the f**k off.
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13 hours ago, Stormzy said:

And you can make that point without dehumanising language as you have done. It's something I see on a daily basis here mainly towards Conservative voters but I at least try and be consistent with criticism of it. 

The difference being that asylum seekers are human and deserve to be treated accordingly, conservative voters are not. 

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47 minutes ago, Pato said:

Unpopular opinions thread for this pish but I don't get why more asylum seekers don't settle for mainland europe. It's quite nice.

They do. The UK only gets a small proportion of refugees. As a proportion of population the UK was 17th of the 28 EU members as a destination for refugees.

Studies of refugees have shown that the UK is a relatively unpopular destination because of distance, weather and lack of opportunities. The most common motivations of those who do come here are that they know people here already, language and our large grey economy.

Flag-shaggers believe that there are hordes of migrants seeking to come to the UK because the UK is obviously superior to all those Johnny Foreigner countries, but they are wrong on both counts.


Screenshot 2021-05-14 at 09.56.31.png

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8 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Mark Meechan is, as you rightly say, scum. 

He supports Scottish independence which comes as no surprise to me but may do to your pal.

You should choose your friends more carefully.

He has more in common with you politically than anyone else on this board m74.

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4 minutes ago, Pato said:

Some strong 'Donald Trump finally let back on twitter only to be banned minutes later' vibes from the Buckinghingam welcher on display last night.

Enjoyed his 'the liberal position here is dawn raids and detention camps and if you disagree, you are no better than the human traffickers'.

Also loved the 'I don't want girls forced into brothels or kids drowning in the sea, but YOU clearly do' from a man in Tory Bucks who has now fully embraced Brexit.

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11 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

That is a good question.

Maybe it's the English language thing or maybe they grow up hearing about the UK for some reason.

Maybe, despite the Kincy's of this world, other countries have more race issues than us. France and Germany certainly do and I'm not sure Spain or Italy are much better. East European countries tend to be cesspools for that type of thing too.

I can't imagine it's for the weather.

ETA. The figures above show that actually the UK isn't the main destination for asylum seekers after all.

I think thats correct , the view is mistaken that europe is somehow less racist  , its at least equal to and in a lot of countries more racist from what ive seen


Edited by BigDoddyKane
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