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When will indyref2 happen?



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2 hours ago, Burning Barns said:

I think they would almost certainly win at least the first independent Scottish election, but after that, there'd be too many variables to make predictions beyond then.

I resigned my membership earlier this year, but I'd always been of the mindset that the SNP was merely the vehicle to get to independence.  Once we had achieved it, there would be an entirely new political landscape in Scotland.  It would no longer be about who is a nationalist, and who is, essentially, a collaborator with a foreign power.  

Always been the case for me. 

Tories at WM and SNP at Holyrood isn't tenable for much longer, something is going to have to give.

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1.  The priority is to get Independence.

2.  Only an SNP government (with support from the Greens) has any chance of achieving that.

3. Party politics in Scotland will sort itself out relatively soon after that and a PR system of voting will lead to a far more equitable and representative form of government.

4. Said government will be left-of-centre, progressive and inclusive IMO and will reflect the values that the majority of the  people of Scotland have been expressing for years.

5. It won’t be perfect.  Let’s not kid ourselves that it will be, but it will be far better than what we have.

Boris Johnson heading up a government that has such a key roll in how our lives are directed and that includes people like Patel, Raab and Mogg is an aberration.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

1.  The priority is to get Independence.

2.  Only an SNP government (with support from the Greens) has any chance of achieving that.

3. Party politics in Scotland will sort itself out relatively soon after that and a PR system of voting will lead to a far more equitable and representative form of government.

4. Said government will be left-of-centre, progressive and inclusive IMO and will reflect the values that the majority of the  people of Scotland have been expressing for years.

5. It won’t be perfect.  Let’s not kid ourselves that it will be, but it will be far better than what we have.

Boris Johnson heading up a government that has such a key roll in how our lives are directed and that includes people like Patel, Raab and Mogg is an aberration.


I don't dispute any of your points, as things currently stand.  

My question is whether the current leadership of both parties truly have the necessary determination and resolve to take action on a referendum.  I think after successive unused mandates, this is a valid concern.  I guess only time will tell.  I just really hope we don't have to go through another Holyrood election in 2026, still under British rule, basically in the same circumstances as the last one.

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2 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Still not one proper response.

Just abuse but what else can you expect?

Probably because you’re asking people who didn’t write an article why the Brexit supporting paper which published it is claiming Brexit is bad.

Probably also because you choose to present yourself an “I’m alright, Jack” piss squirt, but that’s not really new. 

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I sincerely hope to be proven wrong on this, but I believe independence supporters are being lead up a garden path.  I don't trust the SNP to deliver it, and their new coalition partners are even less interested in it than they are.
Your concern is duly noted.

"Urban Dictionary: concern troll" https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern+troll&amp=true

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31 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Your concern is duly noted.

"Urban Dictionary: concern troll" https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern+troll&amp=true

That genuinely is not what I am doing.  I've voted SNP at every election since I became eligible to, including in May.   

I'm completely sincere about my support for independence.  I'm sure the vast majority of people still involved with the SNP are, too. 

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22 minutes ago, RiG said:

Another poll this time from Scotland in Union which found that just over a third of voters supported an independence referendum in the next two years.


Interesting, but the election of the SNP/Greens very recently on a clear mandate of IndyRef2 has far more validity IMO.

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1 hour ago, RiG said:

Another poll this time from Scotland in Union which found that just over a third of voters supported an independence referendum in the next two years.


Here's a link to Scot Goes Pop's predictions about this poll (published yesterday)

Remarkably accurate


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2 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

Here's a link to Scot Goes Pop's predictions about this poll (published yesterday)

Remarkably accurate


"The mainstream media will, as ever, disgrace themselves by "reporting the poll" with articles that are nothing more than very lightly rewritten versions of the Scotland in Union press release"


Nailed it!



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Is Scotland In Union not an "astroturf" organisation?  I.e, an invention of, most likely, British intelligence, fuelled by the bottomless pool of dark money provided by the ruling class to right-wing political causes?

Obviously, this is supposed to be the new, improved, Better Together.  I suppose some kind of framework will be needed to facilitate members of the Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, Britain First and the Orange Order to campaign alongside each other again.  

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8 hours ago, RiG said:

Another poll this time from Scotland in Union which found that just over a third of voters supported an independence referendum in the next two years.


Odd - I don’t recall pollsters being commissioned to ask people whether they wanted a referendum after Cameron had won a mandate to hold one. Polls on the outcome, yes, but on whether there should even be a referendum? Smacks of desperation and utter hatred for Scotland and its democratic processes.

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3 minutes ago, TheBruce said:

Not big on an indy tbh. Better Bojo came up with constitutional reform, as in a federal system, with all component parts of equal standing ie to include an English regional parliament, with the central federal parliament at the head. Seems to work well for the Germans. Not doing so will only leave indy on the agenda forever and more division and it's all become rather fucking tiresome.

There is next to no support for this idea, particularly in England, apart from a few Red Tory fantasists like Gordon Brown.  In Scotland, the organisation he represents are a spent force, teetering on the rim of the dustbin of history.  The Tories certainly would never "reform" the UK, the way you describe.  They want to take power away from Holyrood, not give us more.  They despise us.


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