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When will indyref2 happen?



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2 hours ago, Benjamin_Nevis said:

Yeah I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest he was maybe a bit pished, but I think the mask has fallen off completely. Little point in engaging with the daft wee troll any further. 

Not to worry.The Nat-ioonal should be out today for your latest info. There will even be pictures for you to crayon in.

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1 hour ago, King Ian said:

Have seen this type of thing before.

If a poster disagrees with the prevailing narrative on here, he is then rounded on by lots of people.

Answer each point individually?  Then you're accused of spamming.

Ignore some of the points for the reason above?  Expect to be accused of acting in bad faith with the likes of Welshbairn or BFTD speculating what other posters you may be.

Disagree often, because you actually think people are wrong?  You must be trolling!  #Contrarian

Admit to being wrong on a point?  Don't expect respect in return, but more abuse.

Respond to abuse?  Your abuse will be clamped down on, but not that of the mob, who are free to completely ignore the sticky, or in Day Of The Lord's case.. just told to change their username (Benjamin Nevis).

Good luck, Jedi.  You're doing well so far.

Yes indeed. Terms like puddle drinker, degenerate, Tory, moron, troll, weapon of a person etc get thrown around happily. There is a genuine hatred of anyone who doesn't simply cheerlead for the Sturg.

Learned long ago, it's not a 'debate' when any questioning of the SNP on any policy area, is simply met with abuse, accusations of operating under alias' or occasionally, very occasionally, the answer to any question on how things improve for Scotland is simply 'Independence' (which doesn't need any detail, it's now just a word).


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16 hours ago, Highlandmagar said:

The state of you! Your beloved Labour Party are so sinister that they actively worked against their own party during a general election to ensure they lost! Sinister? Not even close to the disgusting, repugnant closet Tories that you support.

Looking back at the Leonard/Corbyn era it's so obvious that all the embarrassing PR 'gaffes' coming out of Scottish Labour like using pictures of Wales were 100% intentional. Wonderful British Democracy. 

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53 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Not to worry.The Nat-ioonal should be out today for your latest info. There will even be pictures for you to crayon in.


46 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Yes indeed. Terms like puddle drinker, degenerate, Tory, moron, troll, weapon of a person etc get thrown around happily. There is a genuine hatred of anyone who doesn't simply cheerlead for the Sturg.

Learned long ago, it's not a 'debate' when any questioning of the SNP on any policy area, is simply met with abuse, accusations of operating under alias' or occasionally, very occasionally, the answer to any question on how things improve for Scotland is simply 'Independence' (which doesn't need any detail, it's now just a word).



Absolutely broken 😂

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2 hours ago, King Ian said:

Have seen this type of thing before.

If a poster disagrees with the prevailing narrative on here, he is then rounded on by lots of people.

Answer each point individually?  Then you're accused of spamming.

Ignore some of the points for the reason above?  Expect to be accused of acting in bad faith with the likes of Welshbairn or BFTD speculating what other posters you may be.

Disagree often, because you actually think people are wrong?  You must be trolling!  #Contrarian

Admit to being wrong on a point?  Don't expect respect in return, but more abuse.

Respond to abuse?  Your abuse will be clamped down on, but not that of the mob, who are free to completely ignore the sticky, or in Day Of The Lord's case.. just told to change their username (Benjamin Nevis).

Good luck, Jedi.  You're doing well so far.

What I've seen loads of times on here before are pathetic far right wingers getting repeatedly banned for being racist and bigoted weirdos, then signing up again and again because they can't live without P&B in their lives. This is despite the hundreds of self pitying posts they churn out about how much they hate it here on each increasingly tragic return.

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2 hours ago, King Ian said:

Have seen this type of thing before.

If a poster disagrees with the prevailing narrative on here, he is then rounded on by lots of people.

Answer each point individually?  Then you're accused of spamming.

Ignore some of the points for the reason above?  Expect to be accused of acting in bad faith with the likes of Welshbairn or BFTD speculating what other posters you may be.

Disagree often, because you actually think people are wrong?  You must be trolling!  #Contrarian

Admit to being wrong on a point?  Don't expect respect in return, but more abuse.

Respond to abuse?  Your abuse will be clamped down on, but not that of the mob, who are free to completely ignore the sticky, or in Day Of The Lord's case.. just told to change their username (Benjamin Nevis).

Good luck, Jedi.  You're doing well so far.

Oaksoft in sanctimonious mode.

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7 minutes ago, GAD said:

What I've seen loads of times on here before are pathetic far right wingers getting repeatedly banned for being racist and bigoted weirdos, then signing up again and again because they can't live without P&B in their lives. This is despite the hundreds of self pitying posts they churn out about how much they hate it here on each increasingly tragic return.

And people who sign up and go straight to the Politics forum.

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1 hour ago, GAD said:

What I've seen loads of times on here before are pathetic far right wingers getting repeatedly banned for being racist and bigoted weirdos, then signing up again and again because they can't live without P&B in their lives. This is despite the hundreds of self pitying posts they churn out about how much they hate it here on each increasingly tragic return.

Anyone questioning, not even needing to criticise the SNP, but questioning=automatically far right winger/bigoted weirdo. Ironic given that they are a right wing party.

I have no idea how many folk 'sign up' again and again, but agree that on any forum, that would be sad.

Folk like to feel part of a crowd and have their own egos stoked and get greened up by simply hurling abuse at anyone not 'in'.It's a tradition which goes back to around Primary 2 and never really moves on from that mindset.

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On the question of the thread 'When will indyref 2 happen'?

Answer is probably a long time yet 

2024 GE the defacto Ref won't reach 50% plus 

It simply rolls over to Holyrood 2026...Still won't reach 50%.

That would be '3' 'Ref' defeats...but of course it will roll over again to GE 2029..rinse and repeat.

May be that the SNP claim 45% is a 'mandate' to begin negotiations and or simply a majority of seats.

Don't see that flying either 


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7 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Anyone questioning, not even needing to criticise the SNP, but questioning=automatically far right winger/bigoted weirdo. Ironic given that they are a right wing party.

I have no idea how many folk 'sign up' again and again, but agree that on any forum, that would be sad.

Folk like to feel part of a crowd and have their own egos stoked and get greened up by simply hurling abuse at anyone not 'in'.It's a tradition which goes back to around Primary 2 and never really moves on from that mindset.


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11 hours ago, BFTD said:

See, it's all well and good mocking us for our religious beliefs, but non-believers will never understand the fundamental schism between Seventh Day MacEwanists and adherents to the Gospel of the Divine Salmond.

Personally, when I'm kneeling before my hand-carved stone clootie dumpling of an evening, it's the heretic Humza my prayers are addressed to. I've always been something of a radical.

Have a greenie for that obscure reference. I only know wtf you're on about because I was doing some research about the beginnings of the SNP recently.

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2 hours ago, Jedi said:

Anyone questioning, not even needing to criticise the SNP, but questioning=automatically far right winger/bigoted weirdo. Ironic given that they are a right wing party.

I have no idea how many folk 'sign up' again and again, but agree that on any forum, that would be sad.

Folk like to feel part of a crowd and have their own egos stoked and get greened up by simply hurling abuse at anyone not 'in'.It's a tradition which goes back to around Primary 2 and never really moves on from that mindset.

Mate, maybe people just don't agree with you? You can't argue a simple basic point, you say something stupid, you can't back it up, people pull you up on it, and you cty like a baby about how "you can't say anything anymore!". This place isn't some boomer therapy session, nobody here has to agree with you, you aren't entitled to anything. If you can't get anyone on here to agree with you, thats a you problem mate. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to stay.

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41 minutes ago, GAD said:

Mate, maybe people just don't agree with you? You can't argue a simple basic point, you say something stupid, you can't back it up, people pull you up on it, and you cty like a baby about how "you can't say anything anymore!". This place isn't some boomer therapy session, nobody here has to agree with you, you aren't entitled to anything. If you can't get anyone on here to agree with you, thats a you problem mate. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to stay.

Sums it up...as said herd mentality..'only here to see the greenies'.

Don't expect folk to agree with me..as recognised long ago, it isn't a place for 'debate' which is fine. Funnily enough. Personal abuse..couldn't give two hoots, and hardly a therapy session (if I wanted that I would simply log on to say what an outstanding job the Scot govt are doing and that NS is clearly Europe's finest politician).

The 'therapy' you see is folk needing to 'fit in' by conforming to the view in the last paragraph.

The SNP has changed out of all recognition from the party I grew up with..then there was actually debate, a different range of views were accommodated and there was even a tolerance of some who differed believe it or not. Folk didn't 'like' the Labour Party to be sure, but the visceral hatred of anything not 'on message'?..nope.

Now, since most have jumped on the bandwagon post 2014 it is all about power and grinding down any dissent with zero tolerance. The same folk who are desperate to be part of what is 'popular' will eventually bandwagon jump again to the next new shiny toy the longer it goes without Independence being delivered 

Edited by Jedi
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4 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Sums it up...as said herd mentality..'only here to see the greenies'.

Don't expect folk to agree with me..as recognised long ago, it isn't a place for 'debate' which is fine. Funnily enough. Personal abuse..couldn't give two hoots, and hardly a therapy session (if I wanted that I would simply log on to say what an outstanding job the Scot govt are doing and that NS is clearly Europe's finest politician).

The 'therapy' you see is folk needing to 'fit in' by conforming to the view in the last paragraph.

The SNP has changed out of all recognition from the party I grew up..then there was actually debate, a different range of views were accommodated and there was even a tolerance of some who differed believe it or not.

Now, since most have jumped on the bandwagon post 2014 it is all about power and grinding down any dissent with zero tolerance.

You’ve spent the last two pages forensically detailing that your w**k fantasy is watching 1984 while occasionally turning to look a poster of Nicola Sturgeon in order to climax. 

The bit that you have managed to convince me of is that the health service is in a bad way, because posting that last round of shite and then expecting to be taken seriously by anyone would get you sectioned if the money was there to do it. 

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Why do folk pursue the "I really don't care about this" line after a few dozen unhinged posts? Self-pacifying gesture?

Anyway, hopefully next Christmas is a better time for all in the Jedi household.

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14 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Sums it up...as said herd mentality..'only here to see the greenies'.

Don't expect folk to agree with me..as recognised long ago, it isn't a place for 'debate' which is fine. Funnily enough. Personal abuse..couldn't give two hoots, and hardly a therapy session (if I wanted that I would simply log on to say what an outstanding job the Scot govt are doing and that NS is clearly Europe's finest politician).

The 'therapy' you see is folk needing to 'fit in' by conforming to the view in the last paragraph.

The SNP has changed out of all recognition from the party I grew up with..then there was actually debate, a different range of views were accommodated and there was even a tolerance of some who differed believe it or not. Folk didn't 'like' the Labour Party to be sure, but the visceral hatred of anything not 'on message'?..nope.

Now, since most have jumped on the bandwagon post 2014 it is all about power and grinding down any dissent with zero tolerance. The same folk who are desperate to be part of what is 'popular' will eventually bandwagon jump again to the next new shiny toy the longer it goes without Independence being delivered 

Mate, you post this same drivel every day. You aren't some noble hero bravely dissenting against the brainwashed hordes. You aren't the clever one here, you aren't the guy everyone is eventually going to slap on the back and tell you that you were correct, you are just a guy who can't handle anyone disagreeing with you on a Scottish football website.

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15 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Sums it up...as said herd mentality..'only here to see the greenies'.

Don't expect folk to agree with me..as recognised long ago, it isn't a place for 'debate' which is fine. Funnily enough. Personal abuse..couldn't give two hoots, and hardly a therapy session (if I wanted that I would simply log on to say what an outstanding job the Scot govt are doing and that NS is clearly Europe's finest politician).

The 'therapy' you see is folk needing to 'fit in' by conforming to the view in the last paragraph.

The SNP has changed out of all recognition from the party I grew up with..then there was actually debate, a different range of views were accommodated and there was even a tolerance of some who differed believe it or not. Folk didn't 'like' the Labour Party to be sure, but the visceral hatred of anything not 'on message'?..nope.

Now, since most have jumped on the bandwagon post 2014 it is all about power and grinding down any dissent with zero tolerance. The same folk who are desperate to be part of what is 'popular' will eventually bandwagon jump again to the next new shiny toy the longer it goes without Independence being delivered 

I suspect you have a few years on me Jedi (no offence! 😛 ) but I too remember a different SNP even just ten years or so ago.

I've not always cared about politics as I do now, but I remember a party that was simply more normal and nowhere near as authoritarian.

I've got friends who are party members, and you can get a decent chat with them, although one left due to the hate speech and gender stuff.

I have two theories:

1- SNP supporters and members act completely different online than offline.

2- The people who dish out constant abuse, sarcasm and general nastiness on here are not typical of SNP supporters, and perhaps even drown out normal SNP supporters on here, who stay away because of how the forum has become.

I largely agree with your assessment though, especially with regards to conformity.  Wouldn't it be great if people could exchange views like normal human beings?

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5 minutes ago, King Ian said:

I suspect you have a few years on me Jedi (no offence! 😛 ) but I too remember a different SNP even just ten years or so ago.

I've not always cared about politics as I do now, but I remember a party that was simply more normal and nowhere near as authoritarian.

I've got friends who are party members, and you can get a decent chat with them, although one left due to the hate speech and gender stuff.

I have two theories:

1- SNP supporters and members act completely different online than offline.

2- The people who dish out constant abuse, sarcasm and general nastiness on here are not typical of SNP supporters, and perhaps even drown out normal SNP supporters on here, who stay away because of how the forum has become.

I largely agree with your assessment though, especially with regards to conformity.  Wouldn't it be great if people could exchange views like normal human beings?

And that, is a proper post...It will never catch on though 😀👏

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