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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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17 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Consistency for one.  Big Peter would stop a shot that would take your breath away one minute then let a pass back trickle between his legs.

Distribution was another.  I hate to quote @KnightswoodBearbut Peter's main idea of being a "sweeper keeper" was to launch a Garryowen and start a cavalry charge.

Thus Kennedy was a revelation.  Terrific keeper with presence and an idea of how to start an attack from the back.  Brilliant...until that England game.

Did he simply displace McCloy from the team for a while then?  

McCloy was the first Rangers goalkeeper I was aware of, but I know he played for them many years before that.  From what you're saying though, he was far from an ever-present during those years then?

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On 12 March 2017 at 11:54, Malcolm Malcolm said:

Jonny McFarlane on Twitter, speaking with authority 'as a Perth lad' about the poor St Johnstone crowds. I wonder why these things happen, eh Jonny?

See this twat is at it again suggesting that the new sevco assistant manager recommend that they sign Ryan jack,Callum Paterson,Christophe Berra Jason Cummings and walker of hearts.

No mention though how potless fc would finance this as they can hardly afford the shit that currently graces the pretendgers first team.

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1 hour ago, Dubford don said:

See this twat is at it again suggesting that the new sevco assistant manager recommend that they sign Ryan jack,Callum Paterson,Christophe Berra Jason Cummings and walker of hearts.

No mention though how potless fc would finance this as they can hardly afford the shit that currently graces the pretendgers first team.

Agreed - there's not a chance they could afford that kind of signing spree.

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1 hour ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

So did that England game genuinely ruin him then? I thought it was a bit of an exaggeration as he played on for donkeys afterwards.

My take?  Stewart was utterly buggered and so was Scotland.  The 1975 Scotland team was pretty tasty but after the first few minutes at Wembley the game was a bogey.

Edit...I found this vid and forgot that the young Mr Conn was playing for us:


Edited by The_Kincardine
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On 3/21/2017 at 18:31, RandomGuy. said:

Picking up on spelling errors when you've got a misplaced apostrophe above your profile photo. Minter.


On 3/21/2017 at 18:49, Ludo*1 said:

It's a quote from here you utter buffoon.



On 3/21/2017 at 19:32, The DA said:

What's misplaced about the apostrophe?  'The Thinking Man's  Trevor McDonald' looks OK to me.

Grown men arguing about the apostrophe on a football forum?  Dreary fucking me.

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Bbc headline states that bluescum posted profit for last 6 months.
Clicked two links by way of checking facts and have verified that this is in fact shite.
They posted a loss (albeit 50k less than the comparable period)
Even the vermin's own website doesn't have the gall to suggest they made a profit.
In defence of the beeb, there is an operating profit but this us wiped out by "other charges". So the headline should say that "Rangers could have made a profit but spent too much money"

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“He is determined and he is a born winner. Second best is not good enough for Barry and that is in everything that he does not just football.

Arrived at Clyde when the club had just reached a play-off spot in League Two; left Clyde fighting relegation to the Lowland League. 

Not sure what Barry's views are on being 41st best out of 42 clubs in the national league setup, or being absolutely owned in managerial terms by Jim Duffy.

None of these facts were brought up though by the gormless DR reporter; funny that. 


His coaching and training sessions are very good.

As demonstrated by the stunning set of results he managed to achieve with one of the largest budgets in the division. Good to see the laughable bullshit claims normally reserved for a "promising youth coach" get a fresh airing in this context though.



Clyde recruited players that were arguably better than the league they were in and that was all because Barry was a big name in the game.

“Barry would be able to bring a certain calibre of player to the club as they would want to play for him and that is something that Rangers might want to consider.


1) Didn't do them any good though; as Barry Ferguson is an utterly shit coach and manager. Oh and one of the reasons why Ferguson managed to recruit said players was because external backers were paying wages that Clyde couldn't actually afford.

2) What calibre of player, specifically, would look to a failed Blackburn Rovers haddy as an inspirational reason to sign? 



“Rangers need someone like Barry or someone who has been at the club for years to occupy this role.

“They need someone who Rangers at heart and Barry being a fan is the perfect fit.”

“The club needs someone like Barry especially as a foreigner is now the new manager.


Substitute "staunch", "good Proddy" and "Catholic" here to work out what Bob 'FTP' Malcom is really trying to say. 


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Fun fact: nine out of eleven DR and SM 'journalists' at the start of the season tipped "Barry Ferguson's Clyde™" to win the League Two title this season. In any credible business, they'd be getting sacked for such gross incompetence covering Scotland's only credible sport.

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Barry Ferguson's last 10 league games as Clyde manager: W0 D2 L8 F8 A20

If the players are "arguably better than the league" it says a lot about Barry Ferguson's managerial abilities that he contrived to get such abysmal results.

Alternatively, the players are in fact shite and no manager could be expected to do any better with them, in which case it says a lot about Barry Ferguson's managerial abilities that he contrived to build such a poor squad with one of the best budgets in the division.

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2 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Barry Ferguson's last 10 league games as Clyde manager: W0 D2 L8 F8 A20

If the players are "arguably better than the league" it says a lot about Barry Ferguson's managerial abilities that he contrived to get such abysmal results.

Alternatively, the players are in fact shite and no manager could be expected to do any better with them, in which case it says a lot about Barry Ferguson's managerial abilities that he contrived to build such a poor squad with one of the best budgets in the division.


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32 minutes ago, virginton said:


Arrived at Clyde when the club had just reached a play-off spot in League Two; left Clyde fighting relegation to the Lowland League. 

Not sure what Barry's views are on being 41st best out of 42 clubs in the national league setup, or being absolutely owned in managerial terms by Jim Duffy.

None of these facts were brought up though by the gormless DR reporter; funny that. 

As demonstrated by the stunning set of results he managed to achieve with one of the largest budgets in the division. Good to see the laughable bullshit claims normally reserved for a "promising youth coach" get a fresh airing in this context though.

1) Didn't do them any good though; as Barry Ferguson is an utterly shit coach and manager. Oh and one of the reasons why Ferguson managed to recruit said players was because external backers were paying wages that Clyde couldn't actually afford.

2) What calibre of player, specifically, would look to a failed Blackburn Rovers haddy as an inspirational reason to sign? 

Substitute "staunch", "good Proddy" and "Catholic" here to work out what Bob 'FTP' Malcom is really trying to say. 



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Lead article currently on the BBC website is about their live coverage of the Challenge Cup Final. Right next to it the top article is 'League overshadows Challenge Cup Final'. All involved in Scottish football continue to show they graduated from the Gerald Ratner school of sales.

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