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I got one of these for my christmas last year. Unfortunately I stood on it and haven't got round to getting it fixed. Think they're quite cheap anyway..

I've got various timepieces kicking about the house. I don't tend to wear a wristwatch so I'm using a wind up sekonda pocketwatch that I found. I have a nice Limit watch that my Grandma gave me back in 1978 and it sat in a drawer for years without working until I got it fixed. I've got my Dad's old watch which I think was a 21st birthday present (he chucked it in the bin when it stopped working- not much sentiment there- and I rescued it). Haven't got round to fixing it, it would feel a bit strange wearing it as he's no longer around but I might get it fixed.

My great uncle's pocket watch used to be in a drawer in the house but I think some ****'s nicked it as I couldn't find it recently. I was given another great uncle's watch chain recently so it would have been nice to put the two together.

"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.”
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I'm not flash or flush enough to wear an expensive watch. My current watch is a Royal Engineer bomb disposal watch that I purchased on eBay for about 40 quid.


that bomb disposal one- was it advertised "one careless previous owner"...? :rolleyes:

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The only watch I own is a Next one my girlfriend bought me about 10 years ago. I only wear it at weekends as it would get ruined at work.

She was given an Apple watch as a bonus at work but neither of us will ever wear it and it's never been out the box.

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Are you trying to make your hand go numb, for some reason, Milly? That strap looks awfay tight.

I like my Tag, but my favourite watch is my, late*, grandfathers seiko windey upper.

*not a gag or pun he's genuinely, and sadly, no longer with us :(

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You are either talking bollocks or are Maradonna........


That picture reminds me of a Bengal lancer, that would always try to accost me a Fleet services. With "here mate do yo wanna buy a £1500 watch for £20?" These are big in Milan." "That's real shark skin strap, boss"

It was when I told him that, the grain of, shark skin is smooth one way and razor sharp the other. He would scuttle off and pester someone else.

Ok, not always but 3 times. Near enough word for word.

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That picture reminds me of a Bengal lancer, that would always try to accost me a Fleet services. With "here mate do yo wanna buy a £1500 watch for £20?" These are big in Milan." "That's real shark skin strap, boss"

It was when I told him that, the grain of, shark skin is smooth one way and razor sharp the other. He would scuttle off and pester someone else.

Ok, not always but 3 times. Near enough word for word.

I never saw it at Fleet (used to work in Farnborough) but it was endemic at South Mimms a decade or so back. You'd park up, run the gauntlet of the watch sellers then sashay past The AA and RAC vendors.

British motorway service stations: Come away with a shite watch, a cold burger a 'top shelf' magazine, a big bar of cheap chocolate and breakdown recovery. Nae c**t cares if you're bursting for a pish.

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The only watch I own is a Next one my girlfriend bought me about 10 years ago. I only wear it at weekends as it would get ruined at work.

She was given an Apple watch as a bonus at work but neither of us will ever wear it and it's never been out the box.

I'll give you £50 cash tomorrow for it :)

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I have always had an unnatural revulsion to watches. I wouldn't go out with a women who wore one and have gone off previous partners when they wore watches. Hate them. Not sure why. My dad tried forcing me to wear them when I was in my formative years. That's probably it.

So mobile phones have been useful as I can finally find out the time without looking for a parking meter.

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Used to just wear a Casio but was bought this for Valentine's Day this year and really like it. Fucking useless if you need to check the time during the night buy nice none the less.

Some nice watches in here but this is my favourite so far.

I'm catching the 9:12am train from Hamilton Central this morning, Bert; any chance you could drop this off to me for a shot?

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