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P&B Relationship Advice Thread

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My missus spends all her spare time binge watching Criminal Minds, Bones, CSI and Prison Break. Should I be concerned?

Swap you. Mine's taken to watching fairy tale Young Adult pish on Netflix. I thought Twilight was bad enough.

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If you have a boat for swaps I'd think about it?

She's quite large and disabled, so we might have to give the boat a miss.

Just remembered that she's surprisingly dirty though, so maybe it's worth keeping her and putting up with the shite TV shows. Hopefully yours is the same :P

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  • 6 months later...

Throwaway account since it's a little embarrassing to ask these kind of things on a public forum.

I'm struggling.

Been with the lady for a few years, living together for the past couple. I'm mid thirties and she is late twenties. She's been hammering for marriage for some time now. I have been resisting because I can't get my head around it for some reason, especially having a family. Just quite daunted by it all and not feeling the drive or enthusiasm.

She has a temper and as she has grown more frustrated with me the verbal attacks have gotten worse (she'll be sweet as can be for a week and then explode, real Jekyll and Hyde stuff). For my part I am cynical, a worrier and anxious about everything, especially big life decisions.

It's all come to a head. My stuff is packed and ready to move out. Of course at the 11th hour she is now pleading for me to stay and being really nice (for now).

In my own head I'm at a crossroads - I already miss the good times (of which there have been many) and she is lovely most of the time, but I also live in constant fear of the next meltdown. I can't bring myself to get married but leaving is proving to be more traumatic than I expected.


For those of you that have left under similar circumstances, did you move on or regret your decision in the long term? How about those that went ahead and got married when they weren't quite sure? How did that work out?

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11 minutes ago, Throwaway_tosser said:

Throwaway account since it's a little embarrassing to ask these kind of things on a public forum.

I'm struggling.

Been with the lady for a few years, living together for the past couple. I'm mid thirties and she is late twenties. She's been hammering for marriage for some time now. I have been resisting because I can't get my head around it for some reason, especially having a family. Just quite daunted by it all and not feeling the drive or enthusiasm.

She has a temper and as she has grown more frustrated with me the verbal attacks have gotten worse (she'll be sweet as can be for a week and then explode, real Jekyll and Hyde stuff). For my part I am cynical, a worrier and anxious about everything, especially big life decisions.

It's all come to a head. My stuff is packed and ready to move out. Of course at the 11th hour she is now pleading for me to stay and being really nice (for now).

In my own head I'm at a crossroads - I already miss the good times (of which there have been many) and she is lovely most of the time, but I also live in constant fear of the next meltdown. I can't bring myself to get married but leaving is proving to be more traumatic than I expected.


For those of you that have left under similar circumstances, did you move on or regret your decision in the long term? How about those that went ahead and got married when they weren't quite sure? How did that work out?

Marry her. If things don't improve have a kid. Preferably more than one.

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Throwaway account since it's a little embarrassing to ask these kind of things on a public forum.

I'm struggling.

Been with the lady for a few years, living together for the past couple. I'm mid thirties and she is late twenties. She's been hammering for marriage for some time now. I have been resisting because I can't get my head around it for some reason, especially having a family. Just quite daunted by it all and not feeling the drive or enthusiasm.

She has a temper and as she has grown more frustrated with me the verbal attacks have gotten worse (she'll be sweet as can be for a week and then explode, real Jekyll and Hyde stuff). For my part I am cynical, a worrier and anxious about everything, especially big life decisions.

It's all come to a head. My stuff is packed and ready to move out. Of course at the 11th hour she is now pleading for me to stay and being really nice (for now).

In my own head I'm at a crossroads - I already miss the good times (of which there have been many) and she is lovely most of the time, but I also live in constant fear of the next meltdown. I can't bring myself to get married but leaving is proving to be more traumatic than I expected.


For those of you that have left under similar circumstances, did you move on or regret your decision in the long term? How about those that went ahead and got married when they weren't quite sure? How did that work out?

You should cheat on her to see if you love her enough. Then you'll know.
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I cut it as i was trying to be smart but then i thought better of trying to have a cheap shot, sorry.

Don't be sorry for it! I give my Mrs a slagging on here for a laugh, we get on like a house on fire despite her being ridiculously air headed at times (recently she made us miss a bus) and she is quite fat which is partially my fault as I constantly drink so she uses this as an excuse to eat crisps. Can't imagine being with anyone else, most women/other people piss me off far worse than her.
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