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the fruit machine one was kinda done on "the real hustle" but they didnt use a previously bought machine, they simply waited till the bar was empty on a quiet afternoon i.e only the barstaff no gaffer, walk in wearing overalls etc, claim they are here to swap the puggy's over, if the barstaff doesnt believe them they simply phone their "office" from their phone, and hand it to the barstaff

quite brazen and worked a charm, out they go with a full puggy and simply f**k off elsewhere, they done it with a van full of band equipment as well, got jess to pretend she was the pubs liaison person or something like that and they would keep the equipment safe in the van until it was time to set it up, band would show up to set up to find no van, no jess, no equipment :lol:

Are fruit machine companies not traditionally owned by umm....robust businessmen who would not look kindly on their equipment being lifted as well as the takings? ? Its a decent money laundering strategy so it would take someone very ballsy or stupid to try it.
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  • 5 years later...
1 minute ago, bernardblack said:

I got the “HMRC bill hasn’t been paid so the bailiffs are coming if you don’t press 1” call.

I work in cyber security

Press 1 ffs.  The number of times I forget to pay HMRC and avoid the bailiffs turning up by being contacted by an anonymous white knight is ridiculous,  think god for them,  never take a penny either. 

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6 minutes ago, bernardblack said:

I got the “HMRC bill hasn’t been paid so the bailiffs are coming if you don’t press 1” call.

I work in cyber security


2 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

Press 1 ffs.  The number of times I forget to pay HMRC and avoid the bailiffs turning up by being contacted by an anonymous white knight is ridiculous,  think god for them,  never take a penny either. 

I'm getting phonecalls that aren't even from a company I just answer the call to be greeted with "Hello, you have a message. Please press 1 to hear the message" 

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I've had a lot more of these "press 1 to avoid bad things" calls lately. Presumably the scammers have been preparing themselves since last lockdown and now they're making hay while the sun shines/targets are home on lockdown.

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I was reading that the reason they put in typos, bad grammar and so on in these things isn't necessarily down to foreign origin or lack of attention to detail but rather down to the fact that the kind of people they'll get the best results out of are those who don't notice such things...they're effectively screening out the 95+% who will correctly identify it as a scam.

I seem to be getting a lot of scam traffic pertaining to my (non-existent) Amazon Prime account at the moment...

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54 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:


Looks like I've got my vaccine. NHS and Citroën working their magic for me. 

Pleased to read you HAV EBEEN selected. Good to know despite these challenging times©, someone at the NHS IS TAKING THE TIME TO STUDY THE GENETICS OF DUNDE POSTERS ON P&B.

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On 13/01/2016 at 12:21, Romeo said:

Start up a football forum site and when it gets very popular flood the site with annoying pop adverts and video's that play automatically.

Then inform anyone who complains that they can pay a tenner to get rid of these adverts, hey presto...luxury holidays, jacuzzi's, Bollinger and supermodels. ..!!

The thing I always love about the support part of the forum (and I know it’s not unique to here and every IT guy reading this will be banging their head on a wall) is when everyone is saying they have an issue and Div is going along saying “I can’t reproduce any of these errors in testing” 

Same for big companies online and then replying to individual users - do you want to PM us with the issue and we’ll help and you can see them trending on Twitter due to having a massive outage at the time.

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I remember years ago, getting an email saying I had won $500,000 in the Dundee Football Clubs lottery, they even had last weeks winners holding a Wheel Of Fortune cheque.

Like I was going to fall for that! Dundee had been placed in Admin 1 the week before.

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