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Granny Danger

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Budget seems to have gone well for the tories:

YouGov: Lab 34%, Con 33%, UKIP 16%, LD 6% < Labour take a poll lead for the first time since the general election


Similar figures to this week's ICM poll, for the Guardian, before the budget. There has been a clear swing from Tory to Labour over the last two to three weeks.

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McDonnel is coming up but unfortunately can't make it as he is over a 10 minute walk away at the science centre.

Yip I hear he is around for a few days. Shame he can be good value.
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I read this on the BBC website this morning.

The reporter spoke to members of an Anglo-German Club in Freiburg, Germany.



EU Referendum

European Union: The view from Freiburg


This is what caught my eye.

The exception in this deluge of pro-EU sentiment is club co-president Penny.

Born in England, she has lived in Germany for almost half a century but describes herself as a euro-sceptic

who would understand if Britain voted to leave the European Union.

"I don't like to be bossed around... I like England to have its independence, its own parliament and sovereignty."

That’s my girl!

I’d love for England tae be independent as well.

But what really gets me is that the BBC reporter didnae correct her.


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Budget seems to have gone well for the tories:

YouGov: Lab 34%, Con 33%, UKIP 16%, LD 6% < Labour take a poll lead for the first time since the general election

I thought Corbyn had made Labour unelectable?

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I thought Corbyn had made Labour unelectable?

The Tories are hitting the headlines over cuts it is maybe not surprising. The will get as much as the bad news out as quickly as possible. Mind a lot will depend on the Referendum and the subsequent Tory leadership battle. Labour will still have its issues. Trident will be devisive. And they still need to prove themselves on the economy. Still this will spike the guns of those plotting against Corbyn.
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Corbyn is unelectable because the media won't allow it. If there's even a chance he could win the next election the front pages will be full of made-up stories about him.

it's a shame as there's no way the Conservatives should see through the next election with even a chance of victory. With a split party on Europe, what will undoubtedly be a bitter leadership battle and overall cuts to the vulnerable victory for Labour should be a sure thing. But it isn't.

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The problem with the Labour party isn't Corbyn. It's the PLP itself. There is too many Blarite careerists sitting in parliament who need to be moved on. Something I'm hoping Corbyn can make inroads into. Regardless of what happens during the next election. 

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I see Boris has released a video telling Londoners to back Zac Goldsmith in the London Mayoral Election.


Now that of course isn't a surprise, but I hadn't realised that the Labour candidate was Sadiq Khan - one of the few men who can out-walloper Tom McB.

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Corbyn is unelectable because the media won't allow it. If there's even a chance he could win the next election the front pages will be full of made-up stories about him.

it's a shame as there's no way the Conservatives should see through the next election with even a chance of victory. With a split party on Europe, what will undoubtedly be a bitter leadership battle and overall cuts to the vulnerable victory for Labour should be a sure thing. But it isn't.

They don't need to make up stories about him though given his past Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Iain Duncan Smith has said he is resigning as work and pensions secretary, complaining of Treasury pressure to make cuts to benefits.

In a letter released on Friday evening, he wrote: “I have for some time and rather reluctantly come to believe that the latest changes to benefits to the disabled, and the context in which they’ve been made are, a compromise too far.

“While they are defensible in narrow terms, given the continuing deficit, they are not defensible in the way they were placed within a budget that benefits higher earning taxpayers. They should have instead been part of a wider process to engage others in finding the best way to better focus resources on those most in need.

“It is therefore with enormous regret that I have decided to resign.â€

The news came hours after the Treasury signalled a retreat from its controversial cuts to disability benefits, amid a mounting rebellion from Conservative backbenchers.

A growing number of Tories have signalled their alarm over reductions in personal independence payments (PIP), which the chancellor said would save £4.4bn over the course of this parliament.

If IDS thinks you are going to far,is it not time for a rethink?

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"I hope as the government goes forward you can look again, however, at the balance of the cuts you have insisted upon and wonder if enough has been done to ensure "we are all in this together"."


Edited by DonnieDarko
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IDS has fairly put the boot into Osbourne with that. Interesting as well to see it appears to be Osbourne rather than IDS who was the one driving it all (if IDS is to be believed).


A prominent cabinet minister has had enough,Tory MPs are talking about voting down the disability cuts and a mess of a labour party led by Corbyn appear to have momentum in the polls. He survived the "omnishambles budget" of 2012, but I think that this month is the time that Osbourne has finally been found out. 


Osbourne's leadership prospects have just died a death. He is finished. 

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