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Granny Danger

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12 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Co2 being needed for photosynthesis isn't relevant though is it?...

If CO2 levels were declining rather than increasing from pre-industrial levels for the last two centuries we would have had a much bigger problem. There's a balance on what's too high and what's too low with CO2 in the atmosphere. No photosynthesis = no food crops and fodder for livestock = mass starvation. Nature isn't a benign force that helps make the planet habitable for us. When viewed on a geological timescale, CO2 levels were arguably dangerously low from a photosynthesis standpoint because of the effect of weathering the emerging rocks of the Himalayas due to India colliding with Asia in plate tectonic terms. Pre-industrial CO2 levels were significantly lower than the levels most plants originally evolved for, which is why greenhouses work so well.

As things stand the increased CO2 levels and slightly higher temperatures have been increasing crop yields and boosting plant growth in general over most of the planet. There's a reason why you hear less about the problems of feeding the growing world population and desertification of the Sahel than you used to. That doesn't fit the preferred dumbed down for an IQ of 90 narrative on climate change so this is almost never highlighted in the mainstream media. In order to reach CO2 levels that lead to a spectacularly damaging outcome on the greenhouse effect the models need growth in fossil fuel use to continue unabated through to the latter half of the century. The other angle that is left out of the dumbed down narrative is the skepticism that most geologists have over whether that is actually even possible.

Green politics like a doomsday cult latches onto the worst case scenario and turns it into an apocalyptic vision of the future that only they can save us from. The main problem I have with that is the effect it has on the psyches of the people who think the dumbed down narrative is factual and don't grasp that the future is still very much in our hands and that there are actually many reasons for optimism over what lies ahead.

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He’s utterly terrified of her, he knows she’ll upstage him and tear him to bits.

He knows the only votes he’ll gain in Scotland are from Ukippers and orange lodges...so he’s trying to appeal to those Davidson failed to win over.

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Huh. That's some good points.

Not really.   It's mostly stuff that is about one step up from .... "..... it's all a natural phenomenon...",

while smearing Green politics, activism, and the intelligence of the average person.... to muddy the waters. 

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How the f**k does somebody "recognise you as a Conservative" on a night out?

Telling the bar staff to "get a real job, pleb"? Refusing to get a round in? Burning £50 notes in front of tramps?  :huh:

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28 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
17 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:


Image result for octopus coat hook

Police have released an image of the offender.  They believe the  anti Tory Octopus is on the loose and dangerous and ask the public to stay vigilant.  

Edited by dirty dingus
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Javid promising to raise the minimum wage to £10.50 but surprisingly not saying when they will do it. 

A genuine media would point out that Osbourne promised £9 an hour by 2020 in 2015 and that pledge got quickly binned (without much media protest). 

Edited by Detournement
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Previously announced by Ha

1 minute ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
7 minutes ago, oaksoft said:
Within the next 5 years.
The full NMW will apply to those 21 and over as well.

Lies the lot of it. As the good ship Brexy McBrexfarce sinks below the waves, the Tories are pulling out fantasy policies like a whore looking for a decent pair of stockings. And still idiots fall for it.

And announced by Hammond in the Spring Budget anyway.


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45 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It would be interesting to read the peer-reviewed scientific literature that you are getting your information from.

The standard kneejerk retort of the Green activist. At no point in any of that did I question that the greenhouse effect is real and that business as usual on ever increasing fossil fuel use over the next few decades would be a very bad thing to do, if it were possible. The info about the effect of the emergence of the Himalayas on the composition of the Earth's atmosphere and by extension on the efficiency of photosynthesis over the last 15 million years or so, on CO2 fertilisation in greenhouses and on concern over imminent peak fossil fuels due to the rate of reserve depletion outpacing the rate of new discoveries sits within the mainstream of the scientific fields that are involved.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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Nikki Morgan being given a very hard time right now by Emily Maitlis on Newsnight, and delivering a thoroughly gut-churning and uncomfortable  performance in response.  There is no bar low enough for many Tories to slither under at this time, and you honestly get the feeling that some sort of conditioning therapy has been used - seriously.  The likes of Anna Soubry may have been pilloried as an opportunist, but at least she had the integrity to walk away from this political death cult.

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15 hours ago, Cerberus said:


Chancellor Sajid Javid has pledged to raise the National Living Wage to £10.50 within the next five years.

It might sound pitiful but after Brexit £10.50 will be today's equivalent of £20.

You may have that the wrong way round. Won't it be  more like the equivalent of £4.49?  Stuff will be more expensive, you'll need more pounds.

More likely, 10 euros and 50 cents will  be equal to £20.

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