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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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7 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Well it's certainly made the close season go in quicker,will give you guys a wave on the 10th of august or maybe another post or two if we come back in for Carson.

That be excellent.  He is tcurrently our no.2 and making money of a no2 AND dropping Bain from being in the Scotland Squad would be great summer 

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59 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

Interested to hear the views on whether any Motherwell fans think he's possibly slightly overhyped?

I don't think he's overhyped at all- he's called Ballon d'Or for a reason- but I do think a few Celtic fans seem to be expecting him to be something he isn't. I've seen a few people talking about his "dynamism" and touting him as a box to box midfielder or some sort of long term Brown replacement, which isn't really his game at all. He isn't lazy or anything, he dropped back pretty often, though mainly out of necessity, but he does the vast majority of his best work in the final third and it'd be a waste if that's not where he's deployed.


I'm putting a few quid on him as Top Scorer for next year anyway.

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2 hours ago, MJC said:

Can we keep this on topic please? If anyone wants to go down the Rangers route I'll happily go to a Rangers thread with you and we can discuss them there, this is the Motherwell FC thread and something I take seriously, so keep to the point eh?

Nah, you're fine where you are, thanks.

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Still not really sure what the hell actually happened this past week.. As gutting as the final outcome is it has made for some great content.

The whole thing has been an utter shambles and I do hope that Turnbull gets a fair crack at the whip from the Celtic fans. Either this is a case of poor handling by an agent or the player being very poorly advised. There is no reason this whole thing should have been so public. Celtic as a club have a part to play in that as well.

As sickening as it is to see Turnbull wear a Celtic top I wish him all the best and hope he reaches the highest level. I truly believe that in a few years time he will be playing for a major club down south or abroad. He is not another Lewis Morgan that's for sure. With that being said I am dreading him scoring against us in the 2nd game of the season at FP. I think this is a rare occasion where regardless of what happened this week the vast majority of Motherwell fans won't hold any ill will towards the boy.

Now that the saga is finally concluded it's time to concentrate on who we are going to have here this year. We move on etc...

I'd like to see a few new players in sharpish to get guys bedded in. I am all for getting the young boys fully involved in first team affairs but the squad looks a tad thin just now.

In terms of the first team I would be looking at something like the below for confirmed starters.


Tait Gallagher Dunne Carroll*

Sloth Campbell Polworth

RW ST  Hylton*

*Question mark for me on whether they were signed as 'first team' guys. Still wouldn't be surprised if we see Tait at LB and Grimmy in at RB tbh. Hylton huge step up


  • 2 strikers
  •  2 wingers(Ariyibi plz)
  • 1 midfielder

Hopefully we can get some boys of a decent quality that will slot straight in. Whether you liked them or not a few of the boys that left this summer had some good quality it's really essential we try and replace that as best we can.

Personally I want us to sign less players but guys who are at a better quality. In terms of squad numbers let's use these promising youth players we have at our disposal. It turned out alright for Turnbull & Hastie last season.

Interested to see what other still think we need numbers wise?

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Gillespie should be number one, swap Sloth for Campbell as the sitting midfielder and I’d imagine you won’t be far off middle to keeper. 

The front 3 is the real unknown, until we know who’s taking no’s 9, 11 and even 7 it’s hard to gauge. Getting it right will probably be the difference between possibly challenging for top six or treading water. 

Early days yet though, however nobody round about us has really done any business that’s got me particularly fearing for our safety. 

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30 minutes ago, Luke92 said:


  • 2 strikers
  •  2 wingers(Ariyibi plz)
  • 1 midfielder

I think you’re pretty spot on with this. Purely in terms of numbers in and out, we’ve lost Cadden, Hastie, Frear and Ariyibi (please come home Gboly) as wingers and only recruited Hylton so far. Saying that, I think at this point he’s the one I’m most excited to see. Bringing in 2 more should be fine, especially as guys like Long and Polworth can seemingly play wide too.

up front we lost, (lost is a very loose phrase...) Main, Sammon, Newell, Bowman and Johnson has been missing since his goal at Fir Park against Celtic. That only leaves us realistically with a promising yet very raw James Scott. Think 2 strikers is a must, Scott to play from the bench and Johnson to either leave or make last 10 minute substitutions more interesting. 

Midfield is a bit peculiar. We’ve got Campbell, Sloth, Polworth, (which actually might end up making a solid starting midfield) and pretty much a bunch of untested kids at this level. As much as we don’t wish to stall development, you have to think we need at least 1 more in the middle to replace either the bold #DT7 or McHugh/A-Rod.

happy enough defensively for now anyway, Gallagher seems a great Aldred replacement, and I’m excited to see how Maguire kicks on.

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Not going overboard with the #YoungMotherwell bois but based on where we are just now I'd say we're definitely 3 first pick players short for our front 3. We've been extra public about Gboly. There's almost certainly an argument for another more experienced midfielder IMO. Someone who can do a bit of everything in there would be nice.

After that it really depends on what happens with guys like Johnson and Hartley and also who we're looking at getting out on development loan. Seeing Jimmy Scott front and centre on the kit reveal was interesting.

There's also the question of just *how* broken Tanner is (I've included him below anyway).


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2 hours ago, welldaft said:

I don’t blame the lad for choosing Celtic. I just wish he had not so we could avoid the goals he will no doubt score against us in the future. That said Celtic would have had someone else. 

Plus it is maybe too early for him to move south as he is only 19. 

Bottom line is Celtic have a very talented player and one that could develop into one of the best Scottish midfielders in years to come. He might not, but I have sense he will as he is level headed. And when you factor in they paid similar amount for Kouassi it is a no brainer. 

I am very surprised that there was not any other interest from down south. They are just paying silly money for players that have not had similar impact as Turnbull. Yes I know different leagues etc. But there you have it. 

We clear our debt and look to develop next David Turnbull. 

Final note on this is he did sign a contract extension when he did not have too. We have taken in a record fee so as much as it sticks in the craw he does not deserve any grief from Well fans even though he inevitably will when we play Celtic. 

Definitely surprised on this point. McGinn and McLean last season, and Robertson before them, as well as the likes of Van Dijk and Wanyama, albeit at a higher price. Would have thought more English teams would view Scotland as a place to pick up good value for money right now.

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6 minutes ago, Gianfranco said:

Is sloth definitely a defensive midfielder?

I hate losing players to one of them. However, we take the record fee, unfollow him on twitter and move on to signing forward players.

Tbh, I'm just assuming Sloth replaces Ally Gorrin. Though having said that Allan Campbell used to play that holding role (exceptionally well) for the u20s and I see he's been given #6 this season while the bold Casper has #8 so maybe they've tweaked things.

Honestly, good luck to whoever is signing in the immediate aftermath of DT's move. 

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Who is this walloper who is saying ‘fcuk Turnbull’ because he signed for Celtic? Daft cnut better wise up - next time Motherwell dig up a  really good young player, just like Turnbull, just like Lewis Morgan, just like a hundred players from diddy clubs before them - they will be off to an ‘Old Firm’ club when, like Turnbull, they’ve played about thirty games.

The ‘Old Firm’ (deceased) can, do, and will continue to hoover up any and every young Scot they want. They do it in some cases simply because they can, it’ll cost them fcuk-all, and if they do the business, fine. If they don’t, pap them out on loan, before they disappear, or sign for a middling EFL club.

At one point it felt like there was a conveyor belt of talent headed from Hibs to the ‘Old Firm’ (rivalry deceased). The vast majority of players in our diddy team squads, certainly the Scottish ones, will be supporters of one arse cheek. Either the green arse cheek, or the 2012 newco arse cheek.

We are all, and I mean all, feeder clubs. Why be depressed about it though? It’ll do your nut in if you let it. If any of us gets too down about it, just remember, Celtic have their place in the food chain too. That place is a feeder club for the likes of Southampton, as Sellik talent from foreign fields uses the hoops as a stepping stone to the EPL and the big time.

Probably the only clubs in the world who aren’t some sort of feeder club, are Barcelona, Real Madrid, Man City, PSG, and at a push, Bayern Munich. Christ, even Liverpool cannot stand in the way, if a Fernando Torres, Luis Suarez, or Philipe Coutinho wants to fcuk off somewhere bigger.

Someone give the chap who says ‘fcuk Turnbull’ a hefty dose of paracetemol, or, failing that, a hefty dose of reality check - unpalatable as it is. Us diddies are fcuked - post Bosman, and with two disproportionally large clubs swimming in the diddy sea.

Right. I’m off for a packet of cheese ‘n onion and a cold beer. Congratulations to Celtic on winning 9, 10, 11, 25, 50.... in a row.

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5 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Who is this walloper who is saying ‘fcuk Turnbull’ because he signed for Celtic? Daft cnut better wise up - next time Motherwell dig up a  really good young player, just like Turnbull, just like Lewis Morgan, just like a hundred players from diddy clubs before them - they will be off to an ‘Old Firm’ club when, like Turnbull, they’ve played about thirty games.

The ‘Old Firm’ (deceased) can, do, and will continue to hoover up any and every young Scot they want. They do it in some cases simply because they can, it’ll cost them fcuk-all, and if they do the business, fine. If they don’t, pap them out on loan, before they disappear, or sign for a middling EFL club.

At one point it felt like there was a conveyor belt of talent headed from Hibs to the ‘Old Firm’ (rivalry deceased). The vast majority of players in our diddy team squads, certainly the Scottish ones, will be supporters of one arse cheek. Either the green arse cheek, or the 2012 newco arse cheek.

We are all, and I mean all, feeder clubs. Why be depressed about it though? It’ll do your nut in if you let it. If any of us gets too down about it, just remember, Celtic have their place in the food chain too. That place is a feeder club for the likes of Southampton, as Sellik talent from foreign fields uses the hoops as a stepping stone to the EPL and the big time.

Probably the only clubs in the world who aren’t some sort of feeder club, are Barcelona, Real Madrid, Man City, PSG, and at a push, Bayern Munich. Christ, even Liverpool cannot stand in the way, if a Fernando Torres, Luis Suarez, or Philipe Coutinho wants to fcuk off somewhere bigger.

Someone give the chap who says ‘fcuk Turnbull’ a hefty dose of paracetemol, or, failing that, a hefty dose of reality check - unpalatable as it is. Us diddies are fcuked - post Bosman, and with two disproportionally large clubs swimming in the diddy sea.

Right. I’m off for a packet of cheese ‘n onion and a cold beer. Congratulations to Celtic on winning 9, 10, 11, 25, 50.... in a row.

Can I have some likes please ^


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12 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Who is this walloper who is saying ‘fcuk Turnbull’ because he signed for Celtic? Daft cnut better wise up - next time Motherwell dig up a  really good young player, just like Turnbull, just like Lewis Morgan, just like a hundred players from diddy clubs before them - they will be off to an ‘Old Firm’ club when, like Turnbull, they’ve played about thirty games.

The ‘Old Firm’ (deceased) can, do, and will continue to hoover up any and every young Scot they want. They do it in some cases simply because they can, it’ll cost them fcuk-all, and if they do the business, fine. If they don’t, pap them out on loan, before they disappear, or sign for a middling EFL club.

There was a conveyor belt of talent headed from Hibs to the ‘Old Firm’ (rivalry deceased). The vast majority of players in our diddy team squads, certainly the Scottish ones, will be supporters of one arse cheek. Either the green arse cheek, or the 2012 newco arse cheek.

We are all, and I mean all, feeder clubs. Why be depressed about it though? It’ll do your nut in if you let it. If any of us gets too down about it, just remember, Celtic have their place in the food chain too. That place is a feeder club for the likes of Southampton, as Sellik talent from foreign fields uses the hoops as a stepping stone to the EPL and the big time.

Probably the only clubs in the world who aren’t some sort of feeder club, are Barcelona, Real Madrid, Man City, PSG, and at a push, Bayern Munich. Christ, even Liverpool cannot stand in the way, if a Fernando Torres, Luis Suarez, or Philipe Coutinho wants to fcuk off somewhere bigger.

Someone give the chap who says ‘fcuk Turnbull’ a hefty dose of paracetemol, or, failing that, a hefty dose of reality check - unpalatable as it is. Us diddies are fcuked - post Bosman, and with two disproportionally large clubs swimming in the diddy sea.

Right. I’m off for a packet of cheese ‘n onion and a cold beer. Congratulations to Celtic on winning 9, 10, 11, 25, 50.... in a row.

That walloper would be myself, a Motherwell fan through and through who is just a little bit disheartened and bitter to see us lose yet another key player to what is my most hated club. I understand the way it works in terms of the 'food chain' in football, but it still doesn't make it any easier to stomach when it happens and now that Turnbull is a Celtic player, I wish him no good will whatsoever, he's on a par with Scott Brown, Leigh Griffiths or Kieran Tierney as far as I'm concerned now. I wouldn't wish any of them any good will and I won't for David Turnbull.

Celtic may not be a direct rival to us, but they are a club that I and alot of other Motherwell fans dislike for various reasons, not least the way they have poached players off us on numerous occasions over the years and their supporters are largely obnoxious, bullying c***s who have previous for smashing up stands in our home.ground and glorifying the death of a former Motherwell legend, so us losing yet another player to them does not sit well.

Can I also add, the manner in which Celtic and their media placemen have conducted themselves this week is yet another reason why I won't wish Turnbull well going there. The petulant and arrogant statement on Tuesday about magnificent offers, followed by two days of dummy spitting and "we'll no lose any sleep" from both Celtic and the media only for them to now welcome him with open arms just makes me sick. If there is a more arrogant and self righteous club and support in world football then I've yet to encounter them.

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5 minutes ago, MJC said:

That walloper would be myself, a Motherwell fan through and through who is just a little bit disheartened and bitter to see us lose yet another key player to what is my most hated club. I understand the way it works in terms of the 'food chain' in football, but it still doesn't make it any easier to stomach when it happens and now that Turnbull is a Celtic player, I wish him no good will whatsoever, he's on a par with Scott Brown, Leigh Griffiths or Kieran Tierney as far as I'm concerned now. I wouldn't wish any of them any good will and I won't for David Turnbull.

Celtic may not be a direct rival to us, but they are a club that I and alot of other Motherwell fans dislike for various reasons, not least the way they have poached players off us on numerous occasions over the years and their supporters are largely obnoxious, bullying c***s who have previous for smashing up stands in our home.ground and glorifying the death of a former Motherwell legend, so us losing yet another player to them does not sit well.

Just a little disheartened? You’re saying stuff like ‘fcuk Turnbull’, when, as others are saying, Motherwell are powerless to stop it, and at least the lad signed an extension, allowing MFC to bring in over three million quid. I get it, it’s a scunner. It will do you no good to get angry about it though. I saw Kirk Broadfoot sign a PCA with deadco, and he was great for us after signing it. I saw Lewis Morgan sign with Celtic, come back on loan, and was great for us. If it isn’t the OF, it’ll be Sunderland getting your manager, or whatever. I used to get wound up about it, but there is diddly-squat, absolutely fcuk-all, you can do to stop it.

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3 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Just a little disheartened? You’re saying stuff like ‘fcuk Turnbull’, when, as others are saying, Motherwell are powerless to stop it, and at least the lad signed an extension, allowing MFC to bring in over three million quid.

Obviously saying I'm "a little disheartened" is an understatement, but then again I thought that would be obvious.

Motherwell were powerless to stop this and I don't blame them one bit, indeed, they have conducted themselves well throughout this saga and done very well to get such a good fee. No blame can be attached to the club here. I don't blame the player either, he's a 19 year old lad who's got the chance of a lifetime to make life changing money and join a club where he will win trophies and probably play in the Champions League. No one can realistically expect him to knock that back to stay at Motherwell.

However, as I said, I hate Celtic and if a Motherwell player leaves us to join them then I will say nothing other than "f**k him". 

And now we move on.

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6 hours ago, MJC said:

f**k him, he gets no good wishes from me joining those b*****ds and to anyone that upsets, tough...put it in your pipe and smoke it. Any other club I would have been fine with, but not that shower.

I will seriously need to consider avoiding the first home of the season against that lot, as no doubt the usual mugs in our support will applaud him, then he'll score and we'll have to listen to their hoardes singing One David Turnbull or whatever. I think I'd blow a fucking gasket.

As a club we need to forget about Turnbull and move on to the new season.

You would have had a strauner if he signed for Rangers.

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Just now, eez-eh said:

You would have had a strauner if he signed for Rangers.

I wouldn't have been over the moon about it but it certainly wouldn't have bothered me as much as I don't have the same dislike for Rangers as I do Celtic.

It would still have been a hard watch to see him play against us as it was when Jamie Murphy played and scored against us for Rangers a couple of seasons ago.

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