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5 hours ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

I'm scunnered we've only got a few weeks left of the Chairman Flao patter.

Taking a look at SO I noticed the resident Burrows h8rs over there are absolutely making the most of the short time they have left to get their kicks in.

Truly the end of an era.

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My main takeaway from this is how such a massive Mothwerwell fan as Flow  appears to have essentially snaked the club big time here by announcing his departure, saying he would be in place til a successor and now fucking off to another club in the league before they've (apparently) even begun to even identify said successor. 

Did the board not believe him?

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To be honest nobody knows what the hell is going on or indeed went on apart from Flow, our Board and the Aberdeen Board.

What often happens is companies offer you the job contingent that you can start on a certain date. Happened to me a couple of times. You either accept or move on. Aberdeen without a permanent Manager probably wanted Flow to start asap and hence where we are.

It has obviously caught our Board off guard and yes you can argue given the shit position on and off the field it was not an ideal outcome. 

Surprised that he is still working with us. As what also happens when you go to a direct competitor is you go on gardening leave immediately. Perhaps MFC want Flow around should we lose one or both of next two games and we need to empty the management team. 

Not a great statement or one that installs belief but to be fair it is a statement none the less. 

More concerned about Saturday now given Raith beat Dundee last night 🙈.

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16 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Did the board not believe him?

Sounds like, naively or otherwise, they just didn't expect him to go and line up another job at another club. Can see why they'd be happy to keep him around indefinitely if he was just planning to doss around in his pants after he left, but as soon as there's a potential conflict of interest, moving him on as soon as possible doesn't seem like the worst idea.

Edited by Gallus Numpty
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Ach, it is what it is. 

Taking it at face value, Alan resigns with the intention of staying on till a replacement is in, gets an offer/a few offers and accepts one, so original plans change. Not sure anyone is being full on snakes here. He could have course not entertained any offers at all. But as someone said it's not like he's on Lawwell levels of salary with a young family sitting.

It's not ideal, but I get why the exit has been sped up. It would be entirely odd to have the CEO of our club in place knowing he's going to a direct competitor within a month or two or three. Both clubs potentially looking for a manager at the same time being the main bone of contention and conflict if interest I'd imagine. On the flip side, if there is anyone who would act properly and faithfully to us it's probably Alan. 


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7 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

My main takeaway from this is how such a massive Mothwerwell fan as Flow  appears to have essentially snaked the club big time here by announcing his departure, saying he would be in place til a successor and now fucking off to another club in the league before they've (apparently) even begun to even identify said successor. 

Did the board not believe him?

It makes you wonder if he has previously been tapped up by Aberdeen and our board has obviously dragged their heels in finding a successor which essentially made Aberdeen make the announcement sooner, could be well off the mark though. I appreciate all he has done for the club but it's a weird situation, I know he threatened to quit in his head of media days when Boyle was wanting to sell to that South American Consortium. The timing all seems a bit weird, but good luck to the guy.

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It's probably impossible to know the whole truth but even if we assume everyone acting in good faith we still look amateurish. It does nothing to help the atmosphere and indeed further cements the increase feeling 'this is the season'.

And I don't mean for winning the cup!

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It's a bit like the January transfer window, except in the office.

Well in advance of the January window, we knew we needed a lot of positions filled but took until after the window closed to fill the most pressing. It's been public knowledge for a long period of time that Burrows is offski (and presumably private knowledge for longer still) and the fact that we are (apparently) not close to a replacement is piss poor planning on behalf of all involved.

TBH - I was fine with the long goodbye as I assumed (and it was couched this way) that it would be part of a graceful handover to the next CEO but it looks like we'll be in limbo at an absolutely critical point for the club's future which is close to unforgivable.

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At least we got our statement…

I mean the actual mechanics of who did what and when? Whatever.

Reading between the lines it doesn’t exactly instil confidence that we’re proactive and prepared to do what needs done though.

As others have said did we think he wasn’t going to take another job?

Given the amount of fawning Cormack has done over Burrows in the past it’s be wildly naive to think he hasn’t at least floated the idea of coming to work for him informally. That’s fine and it happens all the time.

As @Swello mentioned yesterday the status quo wasn’t satisfactory because even before it was announced he’d taken the Aberdeen job his stepping down meant we were in a limbo. He’d be doing the day to day but he’s not going to be making any impactful decisions while he’s clearing his desk.

From that POV it actually makes sense to have expedited the process.

To have expedited his exit but (apparently) not be any further than putting a notice up in the job centre for his replacement...fucking hell.

That statement and general situation though…


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He announced he was standing down 4 weeks ago. The decision will have been made and the rest of the board notified a fair bit before that. It's not as if he's said all the right things in the morning and then been announced at another club in the afternoon.

He offered to stay on til a new person came in, but it's taken that long that he's been offered another job and decided to take it.

Essentially he's an out of work guy who's been offered a good job and has taken it. I'm not sure what some people would be expecting him to do....pass up great job offers and stay unemployed just so that it makes them feel better?

If the board and the club as a whole haven't gotten their finger out to do anything about it then thats squarely at their door. Unless they assumed his future plans involved signing on and sitting in his pants eating rice krispies and watching Loose Women.

Thats not to say I'm not fucking gutted seeing him rocking up at Aberdeen, but whether people like/agree or not, he's probably the most sought-after guy in his field in the country and I'd be very surprised if both halves of the OF weren't in touch with him as well.

Just can't wrap my head around what some people would be expecting from him. Or that a lot of the same people getting bent out of shape about it are the same people that have called him a glorified tea boy. Does the standard of tea at Pitoddrie really bother them that much? Or have they really just been jealous weirdos this whole time 🤔

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9 minutes ago, Al B said:

He announced he was standing down 4 weeks ago. The decision will have been made and the rest of the board notified a fair bit before that. It's not as if he's said all the right things in the morning and then been announced at another club in the afternoon.

He offered to stay on til a new person came in, but it's taken that long that he's been offered another job and decided to take it.

Essentially he's an out of work guy who's been offered a good job and has taken it. I'm not sure what some people would be expecting him to do....pass up great job offers and stay unemployed just so that it makes them feel better?

If the board and the club as a whole haven't gotten their finger out to do anything about it then thats squarely at their door. Unless they assumed his future plans involved signing on and sitting in his pants eating rice krispies and watching Loose Women.

100% this.  It's fairly well known than Alan was looking to stand down at Motherwell a good while before he actually announced his departure.  If there's been f**k all done in terms of succession planning (because they knew it was coming eventually) then that's completely at the door of the Board who remain. 

Am I naïve enough to think that at some point over the last few years, Dave Cormack hasn't said to Flow at some point, "Oh, I'd love for you to work at Aberdeen some day".  Of course not, but do I think there's been some mental plan in place for months for Alan to jump ship just as we're heading into a relegation battle to screw Motherwell over?  Don't be silly.  The usual crowd on Facebook/Twitter/SO will howl at the moon simply because they've got the brain the size of a milkybar button and that's all they know. 

In terms of the current situation, I firmly believe he should be on gardening leave as of today.  However, if he's being asked to stay on by the Chairman, he's stuck really, isn't he?  Being the type of guy he is, he's going to do everything he can to help Motherwell, even if it's probably not the right thing to do.

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32 minutes ago, Al B said:

He announced he was standing down 4 weeks ago. The decision will have been made and the rest of the board notified a fair bit before that. It's not as if he's said all the right things in the morning and then been announced at another club in the afternoon.

He offered to stay on til a new person came in, but it's taken that long that he's been offered another job and decided to take it.

Essentially he's an out of work guy who's been offered a good job and has taken it. I'm not sure what some people would be expecting him to do....pass up great job offers and stay unemployed just so that it makes them feel better?

If the board and the club as a whole haven't gotten their finger out to do anything about it then thats squarely at their door. Unless they assumed his future plans involved signing on and sitting in his pants eating rice krispies and watching Loose Women.

Thats not to say I'm not fucking gutted seeing him rocking up at Aberdeen, but whether people like/agree or not, he's probably the most sought-after guy in his field in the country and I'd be very surprised if both halves of the OF weren't in touch with him as well.

Just can't wrap my head around what some people would be expecting from him. Or that a lot of the same people getting bent out of shape about it are the same people that have called him a glorified tea boy. Does the standard of tea at Pitoddrie really bother them that much? Or have they really just been jealous weirdos this whole time 🤔

Like Al and @Desp I am bit perplexed at folk upset that Flow has taken another job. The board should have been preparing for this despite the initial thoughts Alan would be in place until another CEO is appointed.  

I am only shocked he's still in the building. Well let me correct that. I am not shocked cos I bet he's the only person that keeps that place running on a daily basis. 
He should really be on gardening leave as someone else suggested.

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