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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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Just waiting on an old timer coming to rant about how shite fans we are for complaining about a 1-0 loss to Montrose, as back in the 70s we lost 5-1 to them.

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13 hours ago, ali_91 said:

Wouldn’t be the first time Montrose steamroller’d us tbf. 


Not the last either,eh? Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear! Montrose were the better team by a mile and bossed the whole match apart from the first 45 seconds or so.

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3 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Any of the players still playing?

You think that someone that was playing in 1990 would still be playing their trade in 2019? Oh....wait a minute....that was supposed to be a dig wasn’t it? Sorry, a bit slow tonight, a bit like your entire team tonight at Links Park.

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1 minute ago, kingjoey said:

You think that someone that was playing in 1990 would still be playing their trade in 2019? Oh....wait a minute....that was supposed to be a dig wasn’t it? Sorry, a bit slow tonight, a bit like your entire team tonight at Links Park.

There is no need to be s sad c**t all your life lad.....There are other life choices you know...Hope this helps 

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I've gone well into the 80s, and I cant find a single result where we've lost to a team two tiers below us, within 90 minutes, so far.

I looked at 83/84, and 75/76, when we were in the top tier, and there were no examples of it there either. 

The other seasons the league structure was 3 divisions and we were mostly in the bottom two.

Has it ever happened before?

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40 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Our top scoring striker last season got 3 goals, with the other striker, who spent time in League One, only scoring against Dundee all season, both goals tap ins. The third striker couldn't get a game for Hamilton last season.

We scored 38 goals in 38 league games last season, and allowed our top scoring midfielder, and second top goalscorer of the season, leave on a free. We've reacted to this by signing a back up keeper and back up defender.

Every pre-season games has seen us shipping embarrassing goals.

Shite defence + No goals + No depth = Bad season

Aye but you’ve got the rotund winger with the fucked knee still to return.....

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35 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Very minimal concern. My biggest worry is we’re cast adrift in the same area as last year early on and we’ve got to spend the last three months playing glorified dead rubbers.  There’s not a chance we don’t go into the league season with a new striker and at least one extra defender. 

There’s a lot of frustration just now, but two weeks ago we were on the whole quite positive, and I wouldn’t be overly surprised if this time next week we’re in a positive mood again.  

I know that the lack of defensive cover has been a concern, and a rightful one, for some, but our injury list is quite frankly ridiculous for this time of the season.

Clark, Gordon, Wright, Craig, Kennedy and Kane are nailed on starters, that’s before you get on to Spoony and Anderson who are first back up in their positions at present. Take six starters out of any side in the league from Rangers down and they’d struggle against a decent lower league side imo, especially on a poor pitch. 

Montrose, decent? 😂

A decent junior team would beat them. 


Anyway’s the Saintees have got millions in the bank, you lot will buy your way out of trouble 

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18 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Hate to argue semantics,* but we don’t yet know if it will be the last. My post said that if we were steamrollered tonight it wouldn’t be the first time. As you have said ‘either’ in ‘not the last either, eh,?’ you are therefore talking about tonight’s game as well. Your post therefore doesn’t make sense. Please delete. 

*love arguing semantics

Not trying to be nasty, but I truly feel that if any post should be deleted, it should be your one about semantics. Over to you.

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