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Outing the Foreigners

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Rainy season just finished here last week. Temperature has been between 32-36 degrees since but the humidity is the hard part......especially since I've started going running!

Heading to Japan in a couple of weeks. Osaka/Hiroshima/Tokyo. Any tips on what to do, where to go? Will be with the Mrs.

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15 hours ago, Menzel said:

Easier said than done...maybe!


If the internet has taught me anything it's that women in the Czech Republic will do anything for a few hundred Euros.

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1 minute ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

Heading to Japan in a couple of weeks. Osaka/Hiroshima/Tokyo. Any tips on what to do, where to go? Will be with the Mrs.

Good man! Be prepared for hot and humid weather.......I'm probably not the best person to ask as whilst I came here for 2 weeks back at Christmas and I've lived here since April, my time for exploring and sightseeing has been restricted due to my girlfriend being heavily pregnant and our daughter arriving 6 weeks ago.

I've been to Osaka and visited Kyoto which is nice with all the old temples. Took the bullet train down to Hiroshima......I'd definitely recommend going there. Try the Okonomiyaki in both Osaka and Hiroshima.....same dish very different! Be prepared for a food culture shock too......be brave and try as much as you can!

If you fancy a trip to Matsuyama (a 1.5 hour ferry from Hiroshima) I can put you up in our spare room.......don't worry - no irn bru required although a beer wouldn't be knocked back! ;) 


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Cheers, food and temperature will be no issue. The humidity is a bit of a concern, it can be a struggle at times here in Indonesia but I believe Japan will be worse.

We won't be doing overly much as the wife is pregnant. So just looking for the basic things not to miss.

Unfortunately we'll only be in Hiroshima for 2 days so no boat trips this time, but in the future you never know, the flight from Jakarta isn't too long.

ETA: congrats on the birth of your daughter.

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19 hours ago, Eednud said:

I'm sure there's Kiwi P&Ber based in Dunedin which, apart from Invercargill, is as close to Antarctica as anyone should be.

That'll be me and it f'cking feels like Antartica tonight.

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That'll be me and it f'cking feels like Antartica tonight.

Great place was over there in 2006.

Most pubs I walked into, which was many got my first drink free, as I was a hunk of a Scottish man.

Also got irn bru on Princess street. Lorne sausage rolls just round the corner.

I was their in June and it was snowing. I felt great

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18 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Have you ever been to Baldwin Street? I'd love to visit it, although a 24,000 mile round trip to look at a steep street seems a bit excessive. 

Yeah, I've climbed Baldwin Street before, never seemed that steep at the time.

17 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

Great place was over there in 2006.

Most pubs I walked into, which was many got my first drink free, as I was a hunk of a Scottish man.

Also got irn bru on Princess street. Lorne sausage rolls just round the corner.

I was their in June and it was snowing. I felt great

It definitely has it's positives however it does feel a long way from anywhere at times.

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