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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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6 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

Said before there should be a vote on who should be allowed to return.

Much better having the likes of PB back.  There would of course still be thise not eligible to ever return such as Tedi of course.

You could have a window for them - like the grouse season or the pheasant season.

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Cry baby indeed, I couldn't really care what your latest fantasy land imaginations label me, I'll sleep well tonight knowing that...

A. I've not thrown shit at another human being or imagined that making a story like that up, would ingratiate me with a bunch of internet strangers.

B. Angrily kicked over a tramps cider in order to appear a tough guy in front of my children or making a story like that up to ingratiate myself with a bunch of internet strangers.

C. Stalk an internet stranger and invent an imaginary friend to seemingly ingratiate myself with a bunch of internet strangers.


But you carry on.




^^^Actual tears.


What a state to get yourself in.


Hope he stays the same, it's been funny watching him pipe up all the time telling others they're raging trying to disguise his own fury. 


^^^Perma-raging Clyde fan.


Tbh I don’t think I’ve prompted as many cranium detachments from any one poster as much as you Billy. You’re awful. Pipe down.


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1 hour ago, Tynieness said:

Absolutely, without the so called panto villians it would be as dull as ditch water.


1 hour ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

Fancy reinstating a few? 

There are panto villains and then there are complete and utter wallopers and roasters.

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You are an absolute degenerate. You live in a fantasy land where scooping excrement from your arse to throw at another human being, kicking over (nay, booting) over a tramps drink of choice in full view of your own children, making up a fake persona to stalk someone you don't know in real life in an attempt to humiliate them and that's all I can recall. Is acceptable.....
Yes, I'll accept you are a good contribution to society. You can shit on my shit. p***k

I really don't think you're as mad as you're making out here.
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