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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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2 hours ago, Andrew Wells said:

Why do you have the confederate flag in yer avatar?


1 hour ago, Andrew Wells said:

Not like Kincy to use bigotry in his avatars of course. Even when he blatantly admitted to doing so to wind people up. But hey, I guess it's cool to use racism as a wind up on here.

Pffft.  We Scots were best pals of the southern states and loved our slavery. We built dozens of ships on the Clyde to help The Confederacy run the Unionist blockade during the civil war.   FFS, even our Bard was a baw hair away from being a slave master in Jamaica.

Oh and I'm not winding people up  (much).  I just take issue with those who think our shite doesn't smell.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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15 minutes ago, The OP said:

Show your working.

The prevailing view tends to be that gross imbalances in wealth are entirely earned and proportionate.

Any attempt to suggest otherwise is often decried as Utopian, Communist, or whatever ludicrous term is handiest. 

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3 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

The prevailing view tends to be that gross imbalances in wealth are entirely earned and proportionate.

Any attempt to suggest otherwise is often decried as Utopian, Communist, or whatever ludicrous term is handiest. 

What a ridiculous analogy from the most ridiculous person on a thread where Kincardine is attention seeking to a level Katie Hopkins would baulk at.

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16 minutes ago, The OP said:

What a ridiculous analogy from the most ridiculous person on a thread where Kincardine is attention seeking to a level Katie Hopkins would baulk at.

I know it's hard for you but you have to distinguish between 'seeking attention' and 'being given attention'.

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5 minutes ago, The OP said:

Changes avatar to Confederate flag...


It's just a flag.  I'd not have bothered if there hadn't been such a strong Scottish connection to the confederate states.

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20 hours ago, Moomintroll said:



Dunno but can that HendersonDelivers clown be emptied at the same time? He had nothing to do with it but his posts annoy me.



'Moomintroll is very sensitive himself, but never bears a grudge'


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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:


Pffft.  We Scots were best pals of the southern states and loved our slavery. We built dozens of ships on the Clyde to help The Confederacy run the Unionist blockade during the civil war.   FFS, even our Bard was a baw hair away from being a slave master in Jamaica.

Oh and I'm not winding people up  (much).  I just take issue with those who think our shite doesn't smell.

Kincy's making a good point, in a blunt way I suppose. 

On the other hand one of the first memorials to Abraham Lincoln outside of the US is to be found in the Calton Cemetery, Edinburgh and there is also this case brought to the High Court: 


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2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Pffft.  We Scots were best pals of the southern states and loved our slavery. We built dozens of ships on the Clyde to help The Confederacy run the Unionist blockade during the civil war.   FFS, even our Bard was a baw hair away from being a slave master in Jamaica.

Oh and I'm not winding people up  (much).  I just take issue with those who think our shite doesn't smell.

Quite. And those Lazio fans seig heiling up and down Buchanan Street were just soberly reminding fellow Italians of the role their country played as an axis power in World War 2. And all that singing about fucking popes and wading through ****** blood is just a laudable attempt by Rangers fans to remind people of the dangers of sectarian bigotry. Maybe you can get your swastika armband on, and change your signature to a few Mein Kampf quotes in memoriam of that time Hugh Macdiarmid temporarily sympathized with Nazi Germany. Proudly donning the symbols of the worst people in the world in entirely random footballing contexts is the most effective way to inform people of the uglier parts of their history.

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32 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

Quite. And those Lazio fans seig heiling up and down Buchanan Street were just soberly reminding fellow Italians of the role their country played as an axis power in World War 2. And all that singing about fucking popes and wading through ****** blood is just a laudable attempt by Rangers fans to remind people of the dangers of sectarian bigotry. Maybe you can get your swastika armband on, and change your signature to a few Mein Kampf quotes in memoriam of that time Hugh Macdiarmid temporarily sympathized with Nazi Germany. Proudly donning the symbols of the worst people in the world in entirely random footballing contexts is the most effective way to inform people of the uglier parts of their history.

Batter in there, mate, with examples of regimes Scotland didn't support.  Playing the Nazi card is always winsome.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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