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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Can't believe May is taking this line. Oh no, actually I can because they are utter maniacs.


May accuses unidentified figures in Brussels of meddling in election

Theresa May is now back in Downing Street and making a statement.

The election will be in 36 days, she says.

She says the election is about the future. The task for the next government will be to get the best outcome from Brexit.

And in the last few days we have seen how difficult it will be.

Britain’s position has been misrepresented by the continental media, she says. And she says threats have been made to Britain.

She says all of this was done to influence the election.

May accuses unidentified figures in Brussels of meddling in the election.

She says the UK’s position is reasonable. But some in Brussels do not want the UK the talks to succeed.

That is why the UK needs strong and stable leadership.

She says the consequences will be serious if this negotiation is not a success.


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Guest Bob Mahelp

The Little Englander f*ckwits will be lapping this up.

We can only be a few days away from accusing Germany of invading Poland so we can start building spitfires again.

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2 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The Little Englander f*ckwits will be lapping this up.

We can only be a few days away from accusing Germany of invading Poland so we can start building spitfires again.

:lol: Best summing up of the day.

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21 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The Little Englander f*ckwits will be lapping this up.

We can only be a few days away from accusing Germany of invading Poland so we can start building spitfires again.


19 minutes ago, The DA said:

:lol: Best summing up of the day.

ditto :lol:

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11 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

With sizzling hot takes such as this, I for one am baffled as to the reason why the majority of posters on here think you are a complete moron.

Either that or I'm just too good for you !

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5 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Can't believe May is taking this line. Oh no, actually I can because they are utter maniacs.


May accuses unidentified figures in Brussels of meddling in election

Theresa May is now back in Downing Street and making a statement.

The election will be in 36 days, she says.

She says the election is about the future. The task for the next government will be to get the best outcome from Brexit.

And in the last few days we have seen how difficult it will be.

Britain’s position has been misrepresented by the continental media, she says. And she says threats have been made to Britain.

She says all of this was done to influence the election.

May accuses unidentified figures in Brussels of meddling in the election.

She says the UK’s position is reasonable. But some in Brussels do not want the UK the talks to succeed.

That is why the UK needs strong and stable leadership.

She says the consequences will be serious if this negotiation is not a success.


Sounds spot on.

Well done Theresa.

I like that girl!


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9 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The reaction from EU countries is a direct consequence of the arrogant and ignorant rhetoric that's been spouted by May, the Tories and the right-wing press over the last 6 months.

It's fairly obvious that many of the right-wing extremists, the nutters in the Tory party and their dumb-as-shit followers honestly believe in British superiority, and that the rest of Europe is somehow a step below the UK in values and intelligence.

People are in for a shock.



It's a personification of the dictatorial and punitive nature of an organisation that is feeling angry and bitter at the UK's departure.

Ask the Greeks about the true nature of the EU.

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23 minutes ago, McSpreader said:


It's a personification of the dictatorial and punitive nature of an organisation that is feeling angry and bitter at the UK's departure.

Ask the Greeks about the true nature of the EU.

Let's ask the Greeks.

It is difficult to imagine an individual with a bigger axe to grind with  the EU than Yanis Varoufakis.  He is also the only person who has, as close as is possible, the experience of the very position that Theresa May is in.

He doesn't think that Britain should be leaving the EU.

In fact, he actively campaigned against it.

Edited by Shades75
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Guest Bob Mahelp
31 minutes ago, McSpreader said:


It's a personification of the dictatorial and punitive nature of an organisation that is feeling angry and bitter at the UK's departure.

Ask the Greeks about the true nature of the EU.

Ah Greece. The little country beloved of ignorant BritNats everywhere.

Let's have a closer look at Greece.....a country where until the EU got involved, financial policy was literally written on the back of a fag packet. A country that existed on a 13th century tax collection system until around 15 years ago (if they collected tax at all), a country that changed government every 15 minutes and a country who's sole economic policy was to rack up huge debts as quickly as possible and then write them off by devaluing the currency every 5 years. 

Greek infrastructure....a new airport, new motorways, and a million other things.....is based solely and utterly on EU investment. Greece without the EU would still be a chaotic 3rd world backwater with no paved roads outside the centre of Athens. 

Greece's problems have existed for centuries, and they're purely the fault of a system of government in Greece that ceased to function around 150 years before the birth of Christ but is still pretty much in existence today. 

Greece should never have been admitted into the Euro, that much is certain. But to blame the EU for actually insisting that Greece run its affairs properly is madness.

And the Greek people bless them know that. Which is why they still want to remain part of the EU despite everything. 

BritNat myth number 45, blown out of the water. You're welcome.

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11 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Ah Greece. The little country beloved of ignorant BritNats everywhere.

Let's have a closer look at Greece.....a country where until the EU got involved, financial policy was literally written on the back of a fag packet. A country that existed on a 13th century tax collection system until around 15 years ago (if they collected tax at all), a country that changed government every 15 minutes and a country who's sole economic policy was to rack up huge debts as quickly as possible and then write them off by devaluing the currency every 5 years. 

Greek infrastructure....a new airport, new motorways, and a million other things.....is based solely and utterly on EU investment. Greece without the EU would still be a chaotic 3rd world backwater with no paved roads outside the centre of Athens. 

Greece's problems have existed for centuries, and they're purely the fault of a system of government in Greece that ceased to function around 150 years before the birth of Christ but is still pretty much in existence today. 

Greece should never have been admitted into the Euro, that much is certain. But to blame the EU for actually insisting that Greece run its affairs properly is madness.

And the Greek people bless them know that. Which is why they still want to remain part of the EU despite everything. 

BritNat myth number 45, blown out of the water. You're welcome.

TBF, that isn't blowing it out of the water.  You post paragraph after paragraph of how the greeks are 150 years behind the times and brush off the EU allowing them to into the Eurozone with a single sentence.  The consequences of this one decision was far more significant to the current state of Greece than you allude to.  Given your own admission that the country was an economic basket case when admitted, you have to ask who loaned the money into this basket case and why the EU would be attempting to save these institutions from those financial decisions.  EU expansion trumps all other considerations (other than protecting German banks).

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9 hours ago, DrewDon said:

You actually are too good for this forum, McSpreader. Probably best you never post again for that reason alone. Thank you. 

I know, and that is, in fact, why I will stay. Cheers!


9 hours ago, jupe1407 said:


You've literally never got the better of a single poster on here.



Apart from Yourself, Fidiot, Cream Cheese, mjw, Wee Willie and several others...... Obviously bothers you somewhat !


9 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Ah Greece. The little country beloved of ignorant BritNats everywhere.

Let's have a closer look at Greece.....a country where until the EU got involved, financial policy was literally written on the back of a fag packet. A country that existed on a 13th century tax collection system until around 15 years ago (if they collected tax at all), a country that changed government every 15 minutes and a country who's sole economic policy was to rack up huge debts as quickly as possible and then write them off by devaluing the currency every 5 years. 

Greek infrastructure....a new airport, new motorways, and a million other things.....is based solely and utterly on EU investment. Greece without the EU would still be a chaotic 3rd world backwater with no paved roads outside the centre of Athens. 

Greece's problems have existed for centuries, and they're purely the fault of a system of government in Greece that ceased to function around 150 years before the birth of Christ but is still pretty much in existence today. 

Greece should never have been admitted into the Euro, that much is certain. But to blame the EU for actually insisting that Greece run its affairs properly is madness.

And the Greek people bless them know that. Which is why they still want to remain part of the EU despite everything. 

BritNat myth number 45, blown out of the water. You're welcome.

The EU imposed the Euro on Greece, offered them cheap money from French and German banks  without checking out their ability to repay said loans, an offer any third world country with a creaking economy and decrepit infrastructure would bite your hand off to get, in order to entice them into 'The Project'.

The EU's globalist expansionist uber alles agenda was a disaster for Greece, it has caused a war in the Ukraine and it has denuded Eastern Europe of it's brightest and best.

Greece should never have been admitted to the Euro......we agree.....And yet it was because The EU is flawed , arrogant and dictatorial and it gave Greece little choice.

The punishment Greece is recieving  now  for inevitably defaulting is beyond the pale. The EU wants Greece to run it's affairs 'PROPERLY' you say!!  No, NOT PROPERLY....It wants it to run it's affairs according to the German /French economic model......And woe betide you if you dare stray from that model.  A model they were ill-equipped to follow.....again, we agree.

It's funny that you hammer the Tories for imposing an 'Austerity Light' programme of economic diligence and yet are happy to see the Greeks suffer 'Austerity Ultra' with the EU jackboot against the back of it's neck and pushing it's face into the dust......Double standards!

As for the Greeks wanting to  remain part of the EU ........They really do not have a choice. None of the small economies do.  Luckily we have the choice and chose to excercise it......Funny how you say 'The Greeks want to remain' based on no evidence as though that needs to be respected and yet fail to respect the proven choice of the UK electorate as evidenced in the result of a legal and binding referendum......Double fucking standards, pal !  You're more than Welcome!


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