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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

You can't sabotage something that was an utter clusterf*ck from day one.

As proven today, there are absolutely no circumstances under which the UK leaving the EU would be of positive economic and/or social benefit. 

All project fear mate.  I’d rather believe the side of a bus than all them so called experts.


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4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Why do politicians keep saying a second referendum would be "overturning the will of the people"?

Surely it is the precise opposite of that?

i remember doing rock paper scissors as a kid, for first go on a game or a sweetie or something.

If I won I always resisted best out of three.

If i lost it was always meant to be best out of three and it was cheating not to.

Rees mogg looks like he'd go for scissors every time. Vote rock.



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27 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

You can't sabotage something that was an utter clusterf*ck from day one.

As proven today, there are absolutely no circumstances under which the UK leaving the EU would be of positive economic and/or social benefit. 

They weren't actually proven. You can't prove predictions until the time passes. You can have lots of people agree on the same or similar outcomes but that is not proof.


The proof of the pudding will be if there are no ingredients left to make a pudding in April next year.

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19 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:


I believe that there is a movie on at the cinema just now. I saw it on the side of a bus.

Some things on the side of a bus will be true others will be untrue.  Being able, or unable, to differentiate is a sign of intelligence.

Or stupidity.


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1 hour ago, Alan Stubbs said:


The time is seriously running out for him to credibly expect remain voters to keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. Either he uses the opportunity to actually oppose Brexit or all the Scottish Corbyn fan boys can get back in their fucking box for good. 


Brexit isn't everyone's primary issue.

Ending austerity, supporting the NHS and creating a fairer and more balanced economy are a bigger priority for a lot of people.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:
Sky Data poll on Brexit

Note the question was not "what would you prefer?", but "what do you think would be best for the economy?"

That's 49% of the British public that could be culled (humanely/inhumanely, idgaf) and not one single IQ point would be lost. Not one.

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Perhaps they have looked at the correlation between EU membership and wages dropping as a share of GDP and thought it might be time to get out?

GDP means f**k all anyway in an individual context. The UK has got much richer in the past decade and the majority of the population have gotten poorer.

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I'm not sure how 24% of people think our economy will improve outwith the EU- do they expect British Leyland, Rover and Woolworths to rise from the ashes like a good British phoenix and lead us all to a land of hope and glory?

Edited by Comrie
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5 minutes ago, Comrie said:

I'm not sure how 24% of people think our economy will improve outwith the EU- do they expect British Leyland, Rover and Woolworths to rise from the ashes like a good British phoenix and lead us all to a land of hope and glory?

I believe in democracy, OPOV.  However it is an imperfect system due to some people being as thick as f**k.


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5 minutes ago, Comrie said:

I'm not sure how 24% of people think our economy will improve outwith the EU- do they expect British Leyland, Rover and Woolworths to rise from the ashes like a good British phoenix and lead us all to a land of hope and glory?

41% (24% thinking a hard brexit is the way to go)

I have a feeling that more 'ground breaking' discoveries in oil fields is on the horizon.

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4 minutes ago, glasgow-sheep said:

Or a two part question?

A) remain

B ) leave

B1) May's deal

B2) no Deal

B3) renegotiate

You can't have a series of options with a peoples vote, because there would be no majority. It has to be 2 options only.

A) Remain
B) Back to the parliamentary cluster f**k

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It would help if the new young voters actually vote to make use of the old dying off.  Apart from my Dad who would have voted remain again. Although he probably thought he was signing for a pizza delivery at the time tbh.

Hopefully would be too short notice for postal votes and it can be very slippery underfoot in January and February.

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You can't have a series of options with a peoples vote, because there would be no majority. It has to be 2 options only.
A) Remain
B) Back to the parliamentary cluster f**k
Could you not ask
Remain or leave
Then also ask
In event of a leave vote do you want May's deal or No Deal

Similar thing was done in the Scottish Devolution referendum
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