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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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56 minutes ago, RiG said:

Typical Fermer..

Not sure they will have anyone to build a partition if they turf out all the hardworking Poles.

paul wright, bordon, United Kingdom, less than a minute ago

can someone start a partition to ask the english people if we would like scotland to leave the uk, i would be the first to vote for them to go and then they can join the eu.

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What? This lie, where the courts threw the complaint out?
I believe the £350m  per week was a gross number and therefor misleading. £200-250m would have been the more accurate net figure. But whatever is the right number, it amounts to £10bn to £17bn pa. The UK state spends over £800bn pa. £10-£17bn is neither here nor there. The Brexit decision is one of principle - do you want to be part of an emerging United States of Europe? Or do you want to be a smaller more independent unit with closer trade links to the rest of the world and (largely) free from EU rules/laws. There are plusses and minuses on both sides of that decision. But surely to fck the decision didn't rest on 1-2% of UK government expenditure. Would you have voted differently if the number on the bus was £500m pa? Of course,not. Do you think any newly independent peoples  -e.g. the Irish in the 1920s should have concluded actually they might be a few % points financially better off as part of the union with the bigger neighbouring state and therefor they shouldn't really want their independence. Of course not. It's a decision of principle, not pennies.
btw, you need to come up with better insults than soup-related pish.

And either way, if you believed Boris was going to give an extra two bob to the NHS then you're even dafter than evidence thus far suggests.
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4 hours ago, Double Jack D said:

Not sure being limited to just the 200 is going to go down well though.....

According to the Guardian,


People returning from the EU would have the choice of continuing to purchase and bring home unlimited amounts of cigarettes and alcohol with duty paid – as is the case now – or to buy limited amounts at duty-free shops in EU countries instead. According to figures provided by the Treasury, someone buying two crates of beer would save £12.

I  always found it cheaper to buy booze locally in Spain than at the duty free in the airport. 

Was surprised at the gov forsaking all that duty but then realised it's obviously just another lie to suck in the suckers

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rd, harpenden, moments ago

How does a Scottish court have jurisdiction over an English Parliament. We need to kick the Scots out of the union pronto.

Tink879, Bromsgrove, United Kingdom, moments ago

I bet that Cranky lookalike poison dwarf and Alex Salmon are behind this! Deliver the mandate the people voted for and stop this nonsense!! Bring on a G.E and lets have a clear out because some of these people aren't fit to be MP's! A mass MP exodus beckons.

Usul, Cardiff, United Kingdom, moments ago

The judge was Scottish, probably drunk then, looks like he's been living on that Scottish staple, cholesterol...

BlueMinkLuvva, preston, United Kingdom, moments ago

Go and toss your caber and re-group in Culloden. Or the English could build a wall so you can keep your political mischief on your side of the border

Ican, London, United Kingdom, 6 minutes ago

I wish we could get rid of Scotland

Worldsgonmad, Reading, United Kingdom, 9 minutes ago

Scottish Courts rule on purely Scottish matters and defer any matter with National implications to the British Courts. They have acted illegally.

John7B, Bradford, United Kingdom, 9 minutes ago

Who cares what they think I want a referendum to cut them off

tony63, wiltshire, United Kingdom, 9 minutes ago

What has Scotland got to do with this?

calumbunda, Manchester, United Kingdom, 9 minutes ago

I have decided IT IS TOTALLY ILLEGAL for Judges in a court in SCOTLAND to tell OUR PRIME MINISTER IN ENGLAND that shutting down Parliament is illegal.

Zerotails, London, United Kingdom, 10 minutes ago

I think we need a referendum to see whether we want Scotland in the UK

NCB4370, Barnsley, United Kingdom, 7 minutes ago

Let them go then complete the wall Hadrian started

four thousand holes, Blackburn, United Kingdom, 15 minutes ago

Down with the union ,give the Welsh and scots what they want.




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