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Oh Kez!!!

John Lambies Doos

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Whichever way this goes, I suspect a lot of stand-up comedians should be interested in the precedent set and what constitutes a sticky wicket on jokes in this ballpark. It boils down to two egos not backing down, and the only real winners are the lawyers, as usual.

I used to have a fairly high opinion of Campbell when I had an Amiga Power subscription way back when, but that caustic style of ripping apart poor video games is one thing: incessant hyper aggression at dealing with dissent on twitter since Wings gained traction is quite another, and deeply unsavoury. Iain McWhirter sums him up well in his book, IMO. On first view of 'that' tweet, I thought it was troublesome.

Probably not alone in wishing there was a way for both parties to lose this. 


Edited by Scorge
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24 minutes ago, virginton said:

Erm yes, because the likes of the Jacobins, the Paris Commune, the Bolsheviks and other standout left movements throughout history were notoriously woke and put identity politics irrelevant to the vast majority of their given society at the top of their political agenda. Leftist liberals do not actually get to define what the entire political left stands for. Not least given that your selection of transpeople as 'the most vulnerable and marginalised' group in society would be rejected by a class-centred analysis of society i.e. the form used by the vast majority of movements on the political left. 


The Bolsheviks abolished laws restricting divorce and homosexuality almost immediately after seizing power. It's almost like any meaningful left movement is capable of having a position on more than one thing. :lol: Who is putting this at the top of their political agenda? It's only prominent in the news because transphobes with a sympathetic media are causing a moral panic to shut people down. 



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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

Erm yes, because the likes of the Jacobins, the Paris Commune, the Bolsheviks and other standout left movements throughout history were notoriously woke and put identity politics irrelevant to the vast majority of their given society at the top of their political agenda.

Erm no.

The vast majority of transpeople are working class. Trans rights are absolutely linked to the struggles of class and labour.

25 minutes ago, virginton said:

Leftist liberals do not actually get to define what the entire political left stands for. 

I'm not a liberal m9. 

28 minutes ago, virginton said:

Not least given that your selection of transpeople as 'the most vulnerable and marginalised' group in society would be rejected by any a class-centred analysis of society i.e. the form used by the vast majority of movements on the political left. 

Perhaps I should have phrased it better. I meant 'the most vulnerable and marginalised' in general terms. Transpeople very much belong in this group alongside other sections of our society.

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19 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Erm no.

The vast majority of transpeople are working class. Trans rights are absolutely linked to the struggles of class and labour.

There is absolutely no causal relationship between transgender and class status, thereby making the former completely and utterly irrelevant to disputes between capital and labour. In the same way that the majority of Scottish football fans being working class doesn't make this website an indispensable bastion of the left revolution. 


I'm not a liberal m9. 

You quite clearly are champ, as only a left liberal would try to pass off support for a form of identity politics as being the defining feature for the entire political left.

Meanwhile, back in the reality of both leftist thought and political science, trans and LGBT rights are understood as a socially liberal/conservative issue rather than one of the political left/right. There are undoubtedly trans rights campaigners on the left; there are also socially conservative left wingers opposed to trans rights; and then there is the probable vast majority on the left who don't give a toss about the issue either way and have even less interest in pursuing the bizarre identity politics obsession of liberal left activists right now.


Perhaps I should have phrased it better. I meant 'the most vulnerable and marginalised' in general terms. Transpeople very much belong in this group alongside other sections of our society.

The political left doesn't automatically take the side of vulnerable and marginalised groups though; if your marginalisation has nothing to do with the overarching socioeconomic system then many left groups will simply file your case in the bin where it belongs.

Edited by vikingTON
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49 minutes ago, Scorge said:

Whichever way this goes, I suspect a lot of stand-up comedians should be interested in the precedent set and what constitutes a sticky wicket on jokes in this ballpark. It boils down to two egos not backing down, and the only real winners are the lawyers, as usual.

Comedians won't be arsed unless they sue someone for alleging one of their jokes is homophobic.

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The Bolsheviks abolished laws restricting divorce and homosexuality almost immediately after seizing power. It's almost like any meaningful left movement is capable of having a position on more than one thing. [emoji38] Who is putting this at the top of their political agenda? It's only prominent in the news because transphobes with a sympathetic media are causing a moral panic to shut people down. 
Stalin re-instated them IIRC.
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3 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

If you consider yourself even slightly on 'the left' or 'left wing, then surely you should be showing solidarity with the most vulnerable and marginalised people in our society. 

If you're not willing to do that, then you're not a part of the left.

Standing with trans people isn't identity politics or a hill to die on, it's just the right fucking thing to do.

Why is someone "vulnerable" if they decide to change their gender ? What makes them marginalised ? and why would would favouring socialism or a form of socialism have any bearing on this whatsoever ??

There's really too many "tags" for my liking, personally I just take everyone as I find them, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, colour or religion.

There's arseholes and good people from every possible background and that's the only thing that I take into account, I really don't understand why everyone has to be labelled as this or that nowadays, other than to keep some "analyst" in a job !!!

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