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The Official Former President Trump thread


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And another thing, you've got to worry about the health of a democracy where in a pretty short period of time in the grand scheme of things, you came very close to a father and his son and a husband and his wife securing the top job. Not to mention Bush the even stupider chucking his hat in the ring. 

I can't conceive of a similar thing happening here. Gordon Brown's wife following on down the line from him for example. 

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Bercow's assessment of Trump is right but that doesn't hide that he is a rank hypocrite and what he did was out of line. He broke the rules of his job, and common decency to indulge in some Facebook Justice.

It looks likely he will be sacked at some point. A gig in the affront to democracy, House of Lords awaits.

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Bit surprised that the San Francisco Court deciding on whether Trump gets his anti-muslim way is being conducted by telephone. Don't they have Skype in America? I heard they've even got a coast to coast railroad.


A three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is hearing oral arguments via telephone on whether to stay a Seattle federal judge’s order blocking key parts of President Donald Trump's Jan. 27 directive blocking all refugee admissions and suspending travel to the U.S. from seven majority-Muslim countries.


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Mike Flynn is now leaking stories about Trump's competency. There's a well-sourced story doing the rounds about how Trump called him up at three in the morning to ask him whether a strong dollar was better than a weak dollar. Flynn told him he was his security advisor, and that he'd probably be better off calling an economist. Trump threw a tantrum.

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9 hours ago, HTG said:

And another thing, you've got to worry about the health of a democracy where in a pretty short period of time in the grand scheme of things, you came very close to a father and his son and a husband and his wife securing the top job. Not to mention Bush the even stupider chucking his hat in the ring. 

I can't conceive of a similar thing happening here. Gordon Brown's wife following on down the line from him for example. 

But you're forgetting the real power here with Mrs Windsor and her family.
They invented the phrase 'jobs for the boys'.

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And another thing, you've got to worry about the health of a democracy where in a pretty short period of time in the grand scheme of things, you came very close to a father and his son and a husband and his wife securing the top job. Not to mention Bush the even stupider chucking his hat in the ring. 
I can't conceive of a similar thing happening here. Gordon Brown's wife following on down the line from him for example. 

America loves a dynasty tbf.
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15 hours ago, HTG said:

And another thing, you've got to worry about the health of a democracy where in a pretty short period of time in the grand scheme of things, you came very close to a father and his son and a husband and his wife securing the top job. Not to mention Bush the even stupider chucking his hat in the ring. 

I can't conceive of a similar thing happening here. Gordon Brown's wife following on down the line from him for example. 


What a time.

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22 hours ago, welshbairn said:

That's not the point. The President of the United States is promising to use his power to destroy an elected Senator's career because he disagrees with him, on camera. 

P.S. From a New York property developer that could be taken as a joke to a dinner party guest who might be a contractor complaining about interference from a local politician. From the President it sounds more like a wink from a Mafia boss. From a man who cares more about his image than just about anybody alive, he's a slow learner.

I agree that this was most likely a joke gone wrong because it's inappropriate for a President to speak publicly about another person without considering his words. What's strange is that the left is acting like a President can't challenge his political opponents. Obama stood in front of the country with the Supreme Court in attendance and admonished them for a ruling that he himself didn't understand based on the comments.

22 hours ago, Wee Willie said:


I wouldn't necessarily have complained if they dropped it on an uninhabited area
But it took two bombs dropped on the two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki before the Japanese capitulated.
What makes you so sure they would have quit after one bomb dropped on an uninhabited area?

If I remember correctly the anti-bomb crowd claim that the Japanese government didn't have enough of an opportunity to study what had just occurred at Hiroshima, but I could be off on that statement.

I don't personally think they would have quit. I'm just saying that I wouldn't have had a major objection if we tried that first. I know they had several worries. We only had a handful of bombs and they didn't want to waste one. The Russian Army was moving east in preparation to enter the war and we wanted it over before they got ideas about how much land to claim. Recently I heard a historian mention that Truman had political calculations as well. He was a largely unknown politician who had been inserted last minute as Vice President for Roosevelt's fourth term. If the public found out that he held off using a weapon that could end the war while US soldiers were dying in great numbers then his reelection would have been impossible.

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The attack on the Bataclan Theatre is apparently on the list of terrorist incidents deliberately under reported by the European press!?[emoji47] The guy is f*ckin mental, along with those presumably advising him on what's going on in the world.
The twitter ramblings were a bit of an amusing novelty to begin with, before his appointment, but surely he can't believe this is the proper way to conduct himself as the President?

They couldn't have reported it more if they tried.

He's not just a moron bit a dangerous moron inciting racism.
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11 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Riddy for the weirdo Trump fans on this thread when your hero is considered too much of a lunatic even to address an audience made up mostly of Tory MPs.

Tories have never liked Americans. They are why we fought for independence. We kicked ours out so they had to start Canada.

10 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Mike Flynn is now leaking stories about Trump's competency. There's a well-sourced story doing the rounds about how Trump called him up at three in the morning to ask him whether a strong dollar was better than a weak dollar. Flynn told him he was his security advisor, and that he'd probably be better off calling an economist. Trump threw a tantrum.

Washington, DC: Clinton - 90.5%, Trump - 4.1%

Arlington County, Virginia - Clinton 77%, Trump 16.9%

Montgomery County, Maryland - Clinton 75.9%, Trump 20.3%

Prince George's County, Maryland - Clinton 89.3%, Trump 8.3%

These are the federal workers and the political media. I don't believe one leak coming out of the federal government right now. There's an organized effort within the bureaucracy to resist Trump and the media showed during the campaign that they are not trustworthy when covering Trump.


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A few leftists are starting to wonder if this immigration ban is worth risking their dominance of the federal court system. No court but the Supreme Court is mentioned in the Constitution. All others are subject to the jurisdiction of Congress. They can be abolished. They can have their jurisdiction stripped on certain matters. The courts have been great for the left over the past decades and their stature has enjoyed wide support from both the public and both parties. If Trump and the Republicans decide to go to war with the lower courts over rulings that are based on political positions rather than law it's a battle that they could very will win. At the very least the standing of the courts would be lowered to the level of the other government branches in the eyes of the public, which would have a huge effect on their ability to operate. A few have even suggested that this might be part of a Bannon plot to bring down the judiciary, which has long been a goal of the populist right.

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20 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

A few leftists are starting to wonder if this immigration ban is worth risking their dominance of the federal court system

Are they, aye?


20 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

No court but the Supreme Court is mentioned in the Constitution. All others are subject to the jurisdiction of Congress. They can be abolished. They can have their jurisdiction stripped on certain matters. The courts have been great for the left over the past decades and their stature has enjoyed wide support from both the public and both parties. If Trump and the Republicans decide to go to war with the lower courts over rulings that are based on political positions rather than law it's a battle that they could very will win. 

Could they, aye?


22 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

 A few have even suggested that this might be part of a Bannon plot to bring down the judiciary, which has long been a goal of the populist right.

Have they, aye?



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Whenever I hear Trump supporters citing Trump's potential ulterior motives it recalls something Tony Soprano said about Anthony Junior (when it was suggested that maybe AJ knew a rope tied to a cinder block was too long to ensure he died) -

"Or he could just be a fucking idiot. Historically that has been the case".

Edited by The OP
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8 minutes ago, kilbowie2002 said:

Just goes to show that people with an idea of how things work dont trust the man. You continue to be a fcuking moron. Also for someone who pretends to be an american you've used several pieces of Scots language in several of your posts which if you were american you really wouldnt have even heard of to use. If you're going to try and pass yourself off as an american at least dont do it half arsed.

Which words?

6 minutes ago, The OP said:

Whenever I hear Trump supporters citing Trump's potential ulterior motives it recalls something Tony Soprano said about Anthony Junior (when it was suggested that maybe AJ knew a rope tied to a cinder block was too long to ensure he died) -

"Or he could just be a fucking idiot. Historically that has been the case".

Whatever you think of Trump, some of the guys behind him like Steve Bannon are very, very smart. I personally think that there's more to Trump than people give him credit for.

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1 hour ago, Deplorable said:

If I remember correctly the anti-bomb crowd claim that the Japanese government didn't have enough of an opportunity to study what had just occurred at Hiroshima, but I could be off on that statement.

I don't personally think they would have quit. I'm just saying that I wouldn't have had a major objection if we tried that first. I know they had several worries. We only had a handful of bombs and they didn't want to waste one. The Russian Army was moving east in preparation to enter the war and we wanted it over before they got ideas about how much land to claim. Recently I heard a historian mention that Truman had political calculations as well. He was a largely unknown politician who had been inserted last minute as Vice President for Roosevelt's fourth term. If the public found out that he held off using a weapon that could end the war while US soldiers were dying in great numbers then his reelection would have been impossible.

If the public found out that he held off using a weapon that could end the war while US soldiers were dying in great numbers then his reelection would have been impossible.
That was what James Byrne, Secretary of State said.
It was when Okinowa was going tae be used as the starting point for the invasion of Japan.
Experts had estimated that up to 1 million Americans could be killed in the endeavour.

Leo Szilard, Hungarian scientist, handed Byrne a petition signed by 70 other scientists (who all worked on the bomb) pleading that the bombs shouldn't be dropped on Japan.
It was in answer that Byrne said that the American public would not tolerate a weapon costing several billions of dollars not being used while a million servicemen were killed.
One of the War Cabinets biggest fear was that if they invited Japan and the rest of the world to an A-bomb test - what if it was a dud and didnae explode.

That is a superb documentary Hiroshima, in three parts.
Of course I downloaded it years ago from the internet :wub:  and I thoroughly recommend it.

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When discussing whether it was or wasn't morally acceptable to drop the atomic bombs on Japan, people don't take into account what how horrific the conventional bombing raids already were for civilians. In a single night in March 1945, the US Air Force dropped over 1,500 tons of napalm on Tokyo which killed 100,000 people. There comes a point when you can't really make it any worse for the people on the ground.

Edited by Carl Cort's Hamstring
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