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The Official Former President Trump thread


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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Speaking of the divine influence on Donald...



The pastor currently holding Bible classes in the White House - and inviting Donald Trump to attend each of them - once declared that women with young children who worked were “sinners”.

It emerged last week that Ralph Drollinger was holding weekly sessions, attended by a dozen or so of Mr Trump’s cabinet members.

“It’s the best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life. They are so teachable; they’re so noble, they're so learned,” Mr Drollinger told CBN News.


“It is one thing for a mother to work out of her home while her children are in school,” he wrote in a teaching document. “It is quite another matter to have children in the home and live away in Sacramento for four days a week. Whereas the former could be in keeping with the spirit of Proverbs 31, the latter is sinful.”

It said that Mr Drollinger also claimed Roman Catholicism “is one of the primary false religions in the world”. His comments meant the group had to leave a number of offices controlled by then-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is Catholic.


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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

At least he knows his stuff when it comes to nuclear weapons


Oh boy.  I wish he had been my chemistry teacher at primary school.

Explain Uranium.  Bad stuff.

Explain Gold.  Good stuff.

Well done me.

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The Pentagon is confident is has averted Armageddon after fitting a childproof lock to the nuclear launch button in the Oval Office.


International concerns have been heightened in recent days following comments made on social media by the incoming President, and senior members of the US military confirmed they’ve moved to reduce tensions by fitting a cap to the red button which requires two arrows to be lined up and squeezed before it will come off.

International concerns have been heightened in recent days following comments made on social media by the incoming President, and senior members of the US military confirmed they’ve moved to reduce tensions by fitting a cap to the red button which requires two arrows to be lined up and squeezed before it will come off.

The move has already been hailed as the greatest contribution to world peace since the SALT II arms reduction treaty in 1979.


An extra layer of security has been added by making the nuclear launch code the same as the President-elect’s tax code, which he has thus far proven incapable of remembering.


“We considered putting a really big lock on the button because he wouldn’t be able to use his tiny, tiny hands on it”, said four-star general Simon Williams.


“But he might stop tweeting long enough to use both hands, so we needed something that added an extra layer of redundancy to the security.


“Countries around the world will be pleased to learn that it will be slightly more difficult for the President to initiate the apocalypse than it is for him to open a jar of aspirin – so panic over guys.”


Critics have suggested Trump might demand a more immediate red button to hammer in frustration, but Pentagon sources say they’ve already planned for that by giving him a Simon Says machine.







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3 hours ago, Jambomo said:

At what point will the majority of Trump supporters realise that they have made a really big mistake? When they've all been bombed by North Korea?

Around the same time as the brexiteers admit to making a mistake.

Never, in other words.

Some people have so much emotional investment tied up in the need to be right, that they cannot possibly contemplate being wrong.

They're quite fragile pups really.  Validation comes in the form of winning whatever contest they have the dog in and any reasoning or debate comes second.  They won the election/referendum - how can they possibly be wrong?

They're also quite dangerous though.  They tend to be belligerent, intolerant, angry and ego-tistical.  They hate challenge and lash out.

They're basically socially inept, right-wing, bigotted, emotionally stunted idiots with anger management problems.  The need to feel important courses through their veins affecting every utterance, stance, thought and action.

Farage, Trump, Mcspreader etc.....

Edited by Shades75
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Look forward to the Trump fans shouting "suck it up snowflakes!!" as the sky turns red and their skin starts peeling off.

Imagine all the triggered libtards when the Republic of Kekistan rules the radioactive wastes that used to be the east coast of America.
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