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1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:


It's like Corbyn with the Venezuela comments. Why can't they just condemn the people who are obviously the arseholes?



Must've missed the memo where the opposition in Venezuela were suddenly good.

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7 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

White privilege is wandering around town with an assault rifle and not being immediately killed by the police.

It was white people protesting against that who were killed and injured I believe. It's not a race issue, it's a sanity issue.

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I see the left has gotten their semantic ducks in a row by attempting to define this as "terrorism." Got a couple texts from Democrat friends using that exact word. It's worth a try I suppose, but I don't think people are going to buy in that Nazis fighting commies in the street is the same as random Islamic terrorism.

The root of the problem is the willingness of Democrat politicians across the country over the past year refusing to protect the Constitutional rights of conservatives. In Democrat controlled area after Democrat controlled area we've seen normal Trump supporters (not these Nazi groups) physically attacked by Antifa and BLM. People were injured and massive property damage was always the result. The proper authorities clearly did not do what was needed to stop this behavior. Now, we need to wait and see what the specific situation is here, but we have a far left Democratic city govt and moderate left Democratic governor. The city government tried to ban the march, but were slapped down by the courts. We know that early on in the day the police were ordered not to interfere in clashes. Did these Democrat politicians hope the end result would be the same as previous events where Antifa and BLM "won" the day? The Democratic Party needs to take a long look in the mirror and consider their position on law and order and constitutional rights vs. street violence.

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34 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

White privilege is wandering around town with an assault rifle and not being immediately killed by the police.

Context matters. Groups like the Oath Keepers and 3%ers coordinate with the police before exercising their constitutional rights. They have zero history of violence and it's clear to the police exactly what is going on. It's quite a bid different than some dude running armed around a gang controlled neighborhood and the police have no idea what's happening.

Quick story: On May Day Antifa and these militia groups gathered in my downtown. There were maybe 20-30 antifa types who were going to have a May Day rally. They wore masks and were yelling through bullhorns about whatever they yell about. Around 50 armed militia guys lined up on the other side of the street. They were there to make sure no damage was done to the town as happens in places like Berkeley or San Francisco. Members of the public were all honking their support for the militia as they drove buy.

Those types are the core of actual Trump support, not these Nazi groups. The Nazis had to come from all over just to get a rally of any size. I've never met one of these folks. The militia types are everywhere and most people in conservative areas of the country know a few people semi-involved. They are like antifa or BLM in that there's supporters everywhere throughout the country. The Nazi groups have very, very limited support, but they do make a good story for the news. And of course it's convenient for the media to try and hang their actions around the necks of the entire right.

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I see the left has gotten their semantic ducks in a row by attempting to define this as "terrorism." Got a couple texts from Democrat friends using that exact word. It's worth a try I suppose, but I don't think people are going to buy in that Nazis fighting commies in the street is the same as random Islamic terrorism.
The root of the problem is the willingness of Democrat politicians across the country over the past year refusing to protect the Constitutional rights of conservatives. In Democrat controlled area after Democrat controlled area we've seen normal Trump supporters (not these Nazi groups) physically attacked by Antifa and BLM. People were injured and massive property damage was always the result. The proper authorities clearly did not do what was needed to stop this behavior. Now, we need to wait and see what the specific situation is here, but we have a far left Democratic city govt and moderate left Democratic governor. The city government tried to ban the march, but were slapped down by the courts. We know that early on in the day the police were ordered not to interfere in clashes. Did these Democrat politicians hope the end result would be the same as previous events where Antifa and BLM "won" the day? The Democratic Party needs to take a long look in the mirror and consider their position on law and order and constitutional rights vs. street violence.

What a load of shit.

Of course it's a terrorist act - or are you that thick that you can't remember Nice or Westminster Bridge?
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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

What a load of shit.

Of course it's a terrorist act - or are you that thick that you can't remember Nice or Westminster Bridge?

I'm not going to get into a semantic argument with you. You can call it what you want.

What's different is that these two groups were there to fight. They literally came together hoping for violence. 

I'd personally argue that if we are assigning blame beyond the actual individual murderers to groups, the antifa folks were the ones there to shut down constitutional rights. Who knows what the Nazis would have done if no counter protesters showed up to try and stop their free speech? I suspect they all would have got into their cars and left when they were done marching. 

And the biggest problem is that our government in Democrat controlled areas has allowed groups which exist only to shut down the constitutional rights of other citizens to flourish with no punishment to the individuals involved.

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