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The Official Former President Trump thread


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11 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Why were some of the Nazis wearing bike helmets?

It's become a thing for regular Trump supporters to wear bike or baseball helmets at rallies in California. During the campaign dozens of Trump supporters were violently attacked and some were put in the hospital outside Trump rallies. Since his election Antifa has taken to attacking any pro-Trump gatherings organized in that state by regular conservative or patriot groups. This includes attacks with batons and bricks. Lots of people attending the rallies started wearing head gear. I'd assume that the Nazis in Virginia expected violence. I'm sure a good many were hoping for it. 

11 hours ago, mjw said:

You wonder how many of those weirdos have actually been in a real army.
Or do they like to go home after playing'sodjies'

Almost all of them. Everyone I've ever met was ex-military. And you see the 3% sticker on trucks all over the place. It's almost always accompanied by some other sticker indicating military service.

Edited by TheProgressiveLiberal
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4 hours ago, Antiochas III said:

The worst thing is the reason they supposedly rallied isn't a bad one.  The destruction of the statues of Robert E. Lee is a disgrace.  Yes he was a Confederate General, but he was that only because the Commonwealth of Virgina joined the Confederation of States.  He did not agree with the break up of the US.  He was also a US war hero before and after the Civil War.  

When the US Government was pushing to punish Confederate sympathisers his name was always on the exemption list.  West Point even has a barracks named after him.  

If were to destroy statues of anyone who did something bad or fought for something questionable then pretty sure almost all historic figures who have statues across the world will require to be removed.  

He was a university president after the Civil War. His military career was done, but several other prominent Confederate officers did go on to future service in the US military.

It's really amazing how radical the left has become on this issue. In the 1970s Congress voted to reinstate Lee's citizenship. Only 10 voted against, and they did so to highlight the situation of Vietnam draft dodgers. President Ford signed the bill and gave a speech in honor of Lee. Just a few decades later we are supposed to erase him from history. It's weird how this confederate issue has gotten pushed so far when a pretty low % of the population associates Confederate imagery with racism according to polls. The last two polls done on the Confederate flag resulted in 28% saying it was a symbol of racism in 2000 and 33% in 2015 after the Dylan Roof shootings. 26% supported removing Confederate statues. 29% supported renaming streets / places / schools.

"He was a foe without hate; a friend without treachery; a soldier without cruelty; a victor without oppression, and a victim without murmuring. He was a public officer without vices; a private citizen without wrong; a neighbour without reproach; a Christian without hypocrisy, and a man without guile. He was a Caesar, without his ambition; Frederick, without his tyranny; Napoleon, without his selfishness, and Washington, without his reward."

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I'm curious if any of you has ever actually met a fascist or Nazi? It's a weird preoccupation the left has. They're mostly dead and gone, and were never really that big a deal in the US or UK. On the other hand we have a radical left which models itself after Lenin and Mao who are all over the place in both our countries attacking supporters of mainstream political parties. Which seems to be the bigger threat to democracy? 

And it's odd that people seriously consider Trump a Nazi because of his immigration stance. He's far, far to the left of Roosevelt and Churchill on that topic, and those are the guys who actually fought fascists when it existed.

The fact is that these rallies can be policed peacefully if the proper measures are passed and jail time is legitimately threatened for anybody who steps an inch out of line. Political violence is a disaster for any society and only serves the interests of authoritarians in the end. The other fact is that these Nazi groups have the support of .01% of the population and if people would just ignore them it would be better for us all.

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16 minutes ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

I'm curious if any of you has ever actually met a fascist or Nazi? It's a weird preoccupation the left has. They're mostly dead and gone, and were never really that big a deal in the US or UK. On the other hand we have a radical left which models itself after Lenin and Mao who are all over the place in both our countries attacking supporters of mainstream political parties. Which seems to be the bigger threat to democracy? 

And it's odd that people seriously consider Trump a Nazi because of his immigration stance. He's far, far to the left of Roosevelt and Churchill on that topic, and those are the guys who actually fought fascists when it existed.

The fact is that these rallies can be policed peacefully if the proper measures are passed and jail time is legitimately threatened for anybody who steps an inch out of line. Political violence is a disaster for any society and only serves the interests of authoritarians in the end. The other fact is that these Nazi groups have the support of .01% of the population and if people would just ignore them it would be better for us all.


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22 minutes ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

I'm curious if any of you has ever actually met a fascist or Nazi? It's a weird preoccupation the left has. They're mostly dead and gone, and were never really that big a deal in the US or UK. On the other hand we have a radical left which models itself after Lenin and Mao who are all over the place in both our countries attacking supporters of mainstream political parties. Which seems to be the bigger threat to democracy? 

And it's odd that people seriously consider Trump a Nazi because of his immigration stance. He's far, far to the left of Roosevelt and Churchill on that topic, and those are the guys who actually fought fascists when it existed.

The fact is that these rallies can be policed peacefully if the proper measures are passed and jail time is legitimately threatened for anybody who steps an inch out of line. Political violence is a disaster for any society and only serves the interests of authoritarians in the end. The other fact is that these Nazi groups have the support of .01% of the population and if people would just ignore them it would be better for us all.

Bannan, Miller and Gorka are in the Whitehouse, and Trump is still to disavow American fascists, even while they plough into demonstrators attempting mass murder, or bomb mosques. The alt right fascist and misogynist agenda has the support of a lot more than .01% of the population, although Daddy Trump's ratings drop every day he's in office. After his failure to come up with a health plan that doesn't rob his base it's not surprising, but the tax reform debate will shrink them further. War and race is all he has left, I expect him to use them to the full.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Bannan, Miller and Gorka are in the Whitehouse, and Trump is still to disavow American fascists, even while they plough into demonstrators attempting mass murder, or bomb mosques. The alt right fascist and misogynist agenda has the support of a lot more than .01% of the population, although Daddy Trump's ratings drop every day he's in office. After his failure to come up with a health plan that doesn't rob his base it's not surprising, but the tax reform debate will shrink them further. War and race is all he has left, I expect him to use them to the full.

Bannan isn't a fascist. By all accounts he was a normal conservative who started to rethink a few things when an ordinary working class man like his dad was ruined in the financial crisis and nobody was punished / nothing changed. That pushed him towards a more nationalist position from mainstream conservativism. Miller is a Jew. Don't know about Gorka.

Trump has condemned Nazis on numerous occasions. The left likes to play that game where you have to "punch right" in every interview at every opportunity. If you do it with less enthusiasm than is required once or twice then you must be a Nazi. 

The alt right wasn't Nazis. I suppose the combination of the media saying it equaled Nazis with actual Nazis trying to capitalize on the brand has made it synonymous with Nazis now. That's why it's always dangerous to buy into a new political brand name. I stick with conservative, libertarian, and nationalist. They suit me fine.

I guess we will see about your predictions.


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Trump doesn't have a plan for anything apart from being top topic on the TV. He promised health care reform, tax reform. a massive infrastructure programme, a big wall. Despite the resources available to the Whitehouse he hasn't come up with a single plan for how to achieve any of these things. Hasn't helped himself by not nominating replacements for all the people he fired when he took office. No Ambassador in South Korea for example, and the State Department is near empty. His only plan seems to offload all responsibility and blame to the Republican party in Congress. It might work with his base for a while, but they're not all stupid.

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Robbie Travers is some boy. Reminds me of when the BBC inexplicably invited him on to discuss airstrikes in Syria, and he contributed the square-root of f**k all. Thankfully, he uploaded his invaluable insight to YouTube - and the Like/Dislike ratio vindicates that decision. 


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8 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:

I'm all for free speech in most cases but stopping anything that celebrates the Nazis is more important to me than protecting the freedom of speech of people with those views. What the Nazis did was so unbelievably abhorrent that the offence and harm celebrating them causes is more than the harm caused by prohibiting that part of freedom of speech. f**k Nazis, f**k anyone who supports the Nazis, does Nazi salutes, waves swastikas or sympathises with their world view.

Saddest part is these nazi cretins live among us. 

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