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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Wasn't sure whether this was the right thread for it but it's sort of American politics. 

Anyone listen to any of the Crooked Media podcasts? I've slowly shedded them and unsubscribed from the last one after listening to pod save the world from this week. Ben Rhodes claiming that Democratic candidates being expected to know the President of Mexico is unreasonable, and talking about how much he likes (widely reported bully) Amy Klobuchar. I think I gave that lot a lot of leeway just because they were involved in the Obama White  House and got ahead of most on alternate media after the election. But by God they don't have much of a clue. 

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14 hours ago, MSU said:

I lived in Alloa when Obama was elected. I remember being a sobbing mess when he gave his victory speech. The idea of change never felt so tangible. I can imagine something similar if Bernie, Warren, or Buttigieg win, except not in Alloa. Different tears if they don't.

CIA Pete is a rat. 

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Wasn't sure whether this was the right thread for it but it's sort of American politics. 
Anyone listen to any of the Crooked Media podcasts? I've slowly shedded them and unsubscribed from the last one after listening to pod save the world from this week. Ben Rhodes claiming that Democratic candidates being expected to know the President of Mexico is unreasonable, and talking about how much he likes (widely reported bully) Amy Klobuchar. I think I gave that lot a lot of leeway just because they were involved in the Obama White  House and got ahead of most on alternate media after the election. But by God they don't have much of a clue. 

Not listened to that one. I tend to go for FiveThirtyEight, Rumble with Michael Moore, and the Bulwark.
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3 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Wasn't sure whether this was the right thread for it but it's sort of American politics. 

Anyone listen to any of the Crooked Media podcasts? I've slowly shedded them and unsubscribed from the last one after listening to pod save the world from this week. Ben Rhodes claiming that Democratic candidates being expected to know the President of Mexico is unreasonable, and talking about how much he likes (widely reported bully) Amy Klobuchar. I think I gave that lot a lot of leeway just because they were involved in the Obama White  House and got ahead of most on alternate media after the election. But by God they don't have much of a clue. 

The Chapo episode where they read one of the Pod Jon's memoirs is really funny. Obama literally sounded like he couldn't give less of a shit about who they were.

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12 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

The Chapo episode where they read one of the Pod Jon's memoirs is really funny. Obama literally sounded like he couldn't give less of a shit about who they were.

I haven't heard that, would be interested to though! My favourite moment from that lot though is when, I think around Venezuela, Tommy Veitor acted on twitter as if he was the first person to ever realise that economic sanctions might not be a great humanitarian policy.

Edited by Genuine Hibs Fan
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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Do you have any evidence to back up that assertion?



Also all Trump really has to say I’m going to be even worse to those brown skinned people.  Especially the ones from Mexico and the Middle East.  America is chock full of racist thick c***s.  He will win 

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29 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Do you have any evidence to back up that assertion?

You're still quite determined that the American public will overcome generations of propaganda that anything politically left of moderate conservatism is foreign, doesn't work, and actually biblically evil.

Most of the wife's family are "wooly-headed libtards", the oldest of whom were hippies of the Woodstock generation. Some of them dodged the Vietnam draft by heading to Canada for a few years. There's not a single one of them who'd vote for a socialist, as to the majority of the country it's a synonym for "communist", which is right up there with pedophile and terrorist on the American OFTW list.

Bernie will walk out for the debates and deliver a perfect passionate speech about the need for reasonable reform in America. And Trump will point at him, say "communist", mic-drop and win with a bigger majority than against HRC. I'd love to be wrong, but there's no hope for them.

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Do you have any evidence to back up that assertion?


It’s hardly the key issue at play that’ll decide things. In fact it’s probably in Bernie’s favour - proving he ain’t no commie.


Bernie’s a good guy. I hope he doesn’t get the George McGovern treatment.



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2 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

You're still quite determined that the American public will overcome generations of propaganda that anything politically left of moderate conservatism is foreign, doesn't work, and actually biblically evil.

Most of the wife's family are "wooly-headed libtards", the oldest of whom were hippies of the Woodstock generation. Some of them dodged the Vietnam draft by heading to Canada for a few years. There's not a single one of them who'd vote for a socialist, as to the majority of the country it's a synonym for "communist", which is right up there with pedophile and terrorist on the American OFTW list.

Bernie will walk out for the debates and deliver a perfect passionate speech about the need for reasonable reform in America. And Trump will point at him, say "communist", mic-drop and win with a bigger majority than against HRC. I'd love to be wrong, but there's no hope for them.

I said evidence not diatribe.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

I said evidence not diatribe.

That wasn't a diatribe, it was an opinion. Opinions are formed as a result of personal evaluation of available information. Subsequently, the reasons for reaching an opinion can be explained to other people. What you're saying is: "Show us your working". That's fair enough, but forensic analysis isn't normally a prerequisite of posting on Pie&Bovril.

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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Do you have any evidence to back up that assertion?

Saunders will mainly appeal to and win votes from the Liberal Northern East Coast and California and wont do too badly, unfortunately Trump will win the vote of middle America and the likes of Texas etc on the EC vote.

Bear in mind he is the first US president since Roosevelt who has not started or escalated a war and instead has brought troops home while still spending big on defense, the clowns who vote for him see this as a strength plus his making out he has made big deals and introduced higher trade tariiffs against countries, especially China. Having worked with the yanks for many years and traveled extensively throughout the country I kinda know how they react to phoney bullshit. 

And Big Fat Tabby has got the Commie angle spot on, Trump will shoot his load all over the US on that line.


Edited by SandyCromarty
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Trump is an incredibly fragile position in the electoral college if Bernie can take the rust belt. The Dems have fucked up opposition to Trump with the Russia/Ukraine nonsense that only pea brained liberals cared about instead of focusing on racism, taxes, health care, misogyny and the environment which had people on the street in 2017. 

It's also worth remembering how low turnout is in America so any decent campaign to get young voters out on a pro change anti Trump ticket can have a big impact. 

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