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The Official Former President Trump thread


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6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Move along please, nothing happening here.


He’s too afraid to openly praise Trump, so he apologises for him under the guise of contrarianism.  There’s a reason for that.  Sounds very much like a high profile polemicist who has recently cashed his chips after using an AI robot as a source.   The logical gymnastics that makes that video justifiable is something to behold.

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10 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

He’s too afraid to openly praise Trump, so he apologises for him under the guise of contrarianism.  There’s a reason for that.  Sounds very much like a high profile polemicist who has recently cashed his chips after using an AI robot as a source.   The logical gymnastics that makes that video justifiable is something to behold.

Nah, he just hates centrists more than he does fascists. It's getting trendy. Kill the libtards ha ha ha. Every fuckwit unite! Not sure who this polemicist is who cashed in his chips? 


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The heads gone from Trump just now is nuts.He was actually taking about "how he could have took out Biden" over the weekend at his rally just now.

If he gets humped the breakdown is going to be epic 

Edited by doulikefish
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24 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

The heads gone from Trump just now is nuts.He was actually taking about "how he could have took out Biden" over the weekend at his rally just now.

If he gets humped the breakdown is going to be epic 

Thing is though, what he’s really edging for is encouraging someone to assassinate Biden, hes absolutely putting that out there knowing amongst his base there are people genuinely willing to do that. He’s going to stop at nothing to try and win the election. 


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26 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

The heads gone from Trump just now is nuts.He was actually taking about "how he could have took out Biden" over the weekend at his rally just now.

If he gets humped the breakdown is going to be epic 

I'm looking forward to it.  Watching this demented c**t crumble into a blubbering pile of orange shite will be a tiny fraction of comfort for the last 4 years. 

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

We Asked Finance Experts to Explain Trump’s Odd Business Methods in Scotland. They Were Mystified.


I've read stuff by serious and not particularly political accountants and other business folk saying that either he's money laundering or he's really bad at running a business. 

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6 hours ago, doulikefish said:

The heads gone from Trump just now is nuts.He was actually taking about "how he could have took out Biden" over the weekend at his rally just now.

If he gets humped the breakdown is going to be epic 

Trump is a sociopath.  That is not hyperbole.

He has not followed the disastrous foreign policies of some previous US Presidents but that aside his actions in order to try to win a second term are way beyond what most of us could have imagined.

What is terrifying is his supporters’ inability to see him for what he is.  They genuinely believe he is religious, they genuinely believe he is a successful businessman, they genuinely believe is actions are driven by a wider good.  All of these things are patently untrue and, to an objective observer, fairly obvious.  It is a cult like following only a sociopath can inspire.

Through lies and fear he has made the idea of voter suppression and intimidation acceptable in the eyes of many ordinary voters.  Not sure if it was on here that someone referenced the open democracy piece on ‘The Banality of Evil’ but it is very apt.


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So at the end of his rallies Trump, well known for being a homophobe and anti LGBT+, has been dancing / shuffling to YMCA a well known gay "anthem". It's now been rolled into a promotional video which he has tweeted.


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10 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Nah, he just hates centrists more than he does fascists. It's getting trendy. Kill the libtards ha ha ha. Every fuckwit unite! Not sure who this polemicist is who cashed in his chips? 


He’s as centrist as they come.  For all his tacit Trump support, he always has a Bolivia or a Syria to fall back on.   The self hate is strong. 

Edited by Savage Henry
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3 hours ago, RiG said:

So at the end of his rallies Trump, well known for being a homophobe and anti LGBT+, has been dancing / shuffling to YMCA a well known gay "anthem". It's now been rolled into a promotional video which he has tweeted.


If that’s the bar that has been set for old white guys dancing I need never feel ashamed again.

It’s a pity all the discotheques have been closed due to Covid or I would have been off to the dancing on Saturday night.






Waits for someone to pick up on ‘discotheques’.

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