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The Official Former President Trump thread


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This reminds me of the moment I realised something had changed in America and the old rules no longer applied.
On 7 October 2016 the tape of Trump admitting sexual assault was aired. I thought "well that's that election over, then." There wasn't even a dent in the polls, and he went on to win the vote among white women. 
It really doesn't matter what Trump does, because most of his supporters love how much the left hate him more than they actually like him. There's no scandal that can bring him down and what would in the past have killed a campaign now isn't even a bump on the road.
Some think these tax revelations will damage him but I doubt it.

You could have video evidence of Trump killing every newborn child and they would still say it was fake news.
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12 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Some think these tax revelations will damage him but I doubt it.

You could have video evidence of Trump killing every newborn child and they would still say it was fake news.

Didn't he say something similar himself before the last election? Something about how he could shoot a man on the streets of New York and it wouldn't affect the polls?

Anyway, just had some excellent news: the wife's card-carrying Democrat mother is going to be here for election night.

Somebody, please, I require Harry Redknapp head gifs!

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3 hours ago, GordonS said:

This reminds me of the moment I realised something had changed in America and the old rules no longer applied.

On 7 October 2016 the tape of Trump admitting sexual assault was aired. I thought "well that's that election over, then." There wasn't even a dent in the polls, and he went on to win the vote among white women. 

It really doesn't matter what Trump does, because most of his supporters love how much the left hate him more than they actually like him. There's no scandal that can bring him down and what would in the past have killed a campaign now isn't even a bump on the road.

His campaign almost immediately turned it round on the Dems by pointing out Hillary's husband was also a repeated sex offender who she'd provided covering fire for. If there was a night of the long knives for political sickos in the US you'd be left with Bernie Sanders and maybe like 3 other people over 40.

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

His campaign almost immediately turned it round on the Dems by pointing out Hillary's husband was also a repeated sex offender who she'd provided covering fire for. If there was a night of the long knives for political sickos in the US you'd be left with Bernie Sanders and maybe like 3 other people over 40.

In fairness, Bill Clinton has denied the accusations and none have been proven. Trump not only admitted it, he bragged about it and thought it was funny.

I have no problem believing Bill is a gropey sexpest, of course.

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9 minutes ago, GordonS said:

In fairness, Bill Clinton has denied the accusations and none have been proven. Trump not only admitted it, he bragged about it and thought it was funny.

I have no problem believing Bill is a gropey sexpest, of course.

The only thing I think that proves is that the kayfabe can be dropped 

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Tbh I can't really blame those on the left who wouldn't vote Hillary/Biden, they've done little to earn left wing votes and if I had organised for Bernie then I'd have no interest in helping the rat-fuckers either. I'd have to massively hold my nose to vote for them as well.

I could be well wide of the mark here but I've just been thinking, is the quiet part amongst those folk not that from a long term electoral point of view Trump/the far right is better for the left than Biden/Hillary/centrists?

For all they're pretty shite in their own regard, it doesn't really hold water to say that they aren't a better option than Trump. But having him/the brexity far right of the Tories/the right in general tearing up institutions and norms of government for as long as possible means a higher chance of the left overtaking the centre as the viable party of government. IE, let the right make everything as shit as possible in the hope it foments an awakening of latent left-wing feeling. Those that get fucked in the meantime are collateral but under that way of thinking they'd be no better off under the libs anyway. 

It's the same as some on here who would rather stick with the overwhelmingly right wing and authoritarian trends in the UK as opposed to the imperfect but broadly progressive goal of independence. The idea that the Tories will make everything shit enough that a properly left Labour party will take power, in spite of the evidence of the last 10 years.

Might be a bit tin foily and not necessarily judging it if it is the case, just curious I've not seen it discussed before

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7 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Tbh I can't really blame those on the left who wouldn't vote Hillary/Biden, they've done little to earn left wing votes and if I had organised for Bernie then I'd have no interest in helping the rat-fuckers either. I'd have to massively hold my nose to vote for them as well.

I could be well wide of the mark here but I've just been thinking, is the quiet part amongst those folk not that from a long term electoral point of view Trump/the far right is better for the left than Biden/Hillary/centrists?

For all they're pretty shite in their own regard, it doesn't really hold water to say that they aren't a better option than Trump. But having him/the brexity far right of the Tories/the right in general tearing up institutions and norms of government for as long as possible means a higher chance of the left overtaking the centre as the viable party of government. IE, let the right make everything as shit as possible in the hope it foments an awakening of latent left-wing feeling. Those that get fucked in the meantime are collateral but under that way of thinking they'd be no better off under the libs anyway. 

It's the same as some on here who would rather stick with the overwhelmingly right wing and authoritarian trends in the UK as opposed to the imperfect but broadly progressive goal of independence. The idea that the Tories will make everything shit enough that a properly left Labour party will take power, in spite of the evidence of the last 10 years.

Might be a bit tin foily and not necessarily judging it if it is the case, just curious I've not seen it discussed before

I don't think that holds up. While some may find holding their nose to vote for them too much, it doesn't correlate to actively wanting a Trump win. While they might perceive an opportunity in the collapse of trust in institutions or outright dismantling of them and governmental norms, generally leftists as opposed to those who are just apathetic arenn't going to think it's worthwhile to have another four years of throwing people under the racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian eugenicist bus to get that opportunity. Who knows what damage could be done over that four years that means there actually is no opportunity for the left anyway?

Of course this doesn't mean that they will all vote for Biden, but it's clearly a false equivalence to say not voting Clinton 16/Biden 20 = wanting a Trump win. I appreciate this isn't what you're saying but although predictable it's utterly bizarre that the left get blamed for 2016 and will again if Biden loses when that's two campaigns steadfastly refusing to appeal to voters then blaming people not voting for them - by the same people who all said they would abstain or even vote for a third party to the right if Sanders won, or in a UK context actively campaigned for/voted Tory and are saying a Tory government is Momentum's fault.

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Good timing for someone who claims to be on the left and is a total piece of shit to come up: here's Tulsi Gabbard both lending credence to baseless worries of fraud which Republicans are using to suppress voters and endorsing the work of a right wing organisation whose focus on smearing Ilhan Omar is definitely entirely coincidental.


Edited by Dunning1874
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10 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

I don't think that holds up. While some may find holding their nose to vote for them too much, it doesn't correlate to actively wanting a Trump win. While they might perceive an opportunity in the collapse of trust in institutions or outright dismantling of them and governmental norms, generally leftists as opposed to those who are just apathetic arenn't going to think it's worthwhile to have another four years of throwing people under the racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian eugenicist bus to get that opportunity. Who knows what damage could be done over that four years that means there actually is no opportunity for the left anyway?

Of course this doesn't mean that they will all vote for Biden, but it's clearly a false equivalence to say not voting Clinton 16/Biden 20 = wanting a Trump win. I appreciate this isn't what you're saying but although predictable it's utterly bizarre that the left get blamed for 2016 and will again if Biden loses when that's two campaigns steadfastly refusing to appeal to voters then blaming people not voting for them - by the same people who all said they would abstain or even vote for a third party to the right if Sanders won, or in a UK context actively campaigned for/voted Tory and are saying a Tory government is Momentum's fault.

Thanks for this, was thinking out loud but it felt like weak sauce while I was writing it.

I do think for a tiny minority there's maybe something in it in regard to independence, it's the only real reason I can see for those who are anti- independent or optimistic about the UK moving to the left any time soon.

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57 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

I don't think that holds up. While some may find holding their nose to vote for them too much, it doesn't correlate to actively wanting a Trump win. While they might perceive an opportunity in the collapse of trust in institutions or outright dismantling of them and governmental norms, generally leftists as opposed to those who are just apathetic arenn't going to think it's worthwhile to have another four years of throwing people under the racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian eugenicist bus to get that opportunity. Who knows what damage could be done over that four years that means there actually is no opportunity for the left anyway?

Of course this doesn't mean that they will all vote for Biden, but it's clearly a false equivalence to say not voting Clinton 16/Biden 20 = wanting a Trump win. I appreciate this isn't what you're saying but although predictable it's utterly bizarre that the left get blamed for 2016 and will again if Biden loses when that's two campaigns steadfastly refusing to appeal to voters then blaming people not voting for them - by the same people who all said they would abstain or even vote for a third party to the right if Sanders won, or in a UK context actively campaigned for/voted Tory and are saying a Tory government is Momentum's fault.

Saying it was a load of sh*te would have been quicker.

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44 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Thanks for this, was thinking out loud but it felt like weak sauce while I was writing it.

I do think for a tiny minority there's maybe something in it in regard to independence, it's the only real reason I can see for those who are anti- independent or optimistic about the UK moving to the left any time soon.


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1 hour ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Someone woke up in a fiery mood this morning

Did you?*

I was similar to yourself - "it felt like weak sauce" when I was writing it (reply to Dunning1874) but I couldn't be bothered deleting it.


* I'm in a firier mood now, f*****g car wouldn't start, and is sitting like the pile of crap it is blocking everyone's way.

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11 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Did you?*

I was similar to yourself - "it felt like weak sauce" when I was writing it (reply to Dunning1874) but I couldn't be bothered deleting it.


* I'm in a firier mood now, f*****g car wouldn't start, and is sitting like the pile of crap it is blocking everyone's way.

All good my man! Get that car shifted

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