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Apparently CNBC have come out and said it isn't happening, but unlikely to be smoke without fire.  Probably done to give Amazon a bit of a foothold into the industry, and probably can't hurt they're taking on products with massive potential for making huge fucking stacks of filthy money.  

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Looks like Dead Island 2 has actually been in development all this time. Whodathunkit.

Read a couple of first impressions that amount to, "yeah, plays a lot like it did six years ago," so well done to Deep Silver and all three of the developers they went through, I guess.

Now I just need another Bloodlines 2 release date and 2016 me will feel complete.


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3 hours ago, forameus said:

Apparently CNBC have come out and said it isn't happening, but unlikely to be smoke without fire.  Probably done to give Amazon a bit of a foothold into the industry, and probably can't hurt they're taking on products with massive potential for making huge fucking stacks of filthy money.  

Yeah the story seemed to fall apart quite quickly. Certainly sounds like EA is keen to merge with someone though and I'd imagine there's only a few companies big enough to buy them outright.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2k issued issued 'quality of life' for Bioshock Infinite & the two remasters on Steam. Your quality of life will be greatly enhanced as the games now require the 2k launcher. The launcher is already required from what I can gather for The Quarry, Xcom 2, Mafia I & II remasters & Mafia III.

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FIVE new assassin's creed games surprisingly revealed last night.

Two are shit mobile games (shit because all mobile games are shit).

One looks like a proper back to its roots game - proper Ezio vibes from the trailer - set in Baghdad. Mirage.

One set in Japan where you are a ninja/shinobi - Project Red.

One that seems to be more centred around Europe and witchcraft - Project Hexe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In an almost perfect summation of the message behind the game itself - capitalism, greed and lust for power destroying all around it - the studio that made Disco Elysium, having been bought over by venture capitalist, have got rid of all the developers that were involved, including the original creator of the game, presumably so that they can rush out money making sequels.

Buzzing for “DE II: Kim’s revenge” an open world action adventure with top boy Kim going rogue, or the Cuno led shoot-em-up where he takes over his dads drug empire.

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  • 2 months later...
On 02/02/2021 at 17:05, BFTD said:

I just noticed that Ruggero Deodato, of Cannibal Holocaust infamy, has a video game coming out. Just thought I'd mention it.


Exactly how much Deodato has had to do with it, I've no idea, but he has been occasionally trying to get another cannibal movie made for about twenty years - it's had a few titles, but the last I can remember was the deeply imaginative 'Cannibals', and it was supposed to revolve around an outbreak of cannibalism in an urban area, which sounded pretty similar to Antonio Margheriti's Cannibal Apocalypse.

Judging by the limited information online, it seems like this game might be an adaption of his old script, but it's billed as an 'interactive horror graphic adventure' and, looking at what's been released so far, it looks like an old-school '90s adventure in every way. Doesn't mean it's necessarily going to be shit, but I'd suggest there's a good chance, if it even gets finished.

After lengthy silence from the developers, this had a recent update and a brief demo released and, Jesus Christ, how fucking bad does it look!  :lol:

Looks like they scrapped the entire visual novel/graphic adventure they'd been working on, and have knocked together an amateurish horror FPS, of the type Jim Sterling used to rant about Steam being swamped with. I can't believe anyone would put this out thinking it would generate interest.


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  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, StellarHibee said:

The absolute shitshow that is the modern day GPU market.


Surprised more gamers aren't talking about it on here.

I'm guessing most folk don't have the money to make it worth thinking about too much.

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2 hours ago, StellarHibee said:

That's the point though. GPUs are becoming more unobtainable for people with regular incomes. That's why they don't have the money.

Aye, but most folk are more concerned with being able to afford heat and food these days, never mind extravagances like gaming PC upgrades. No doubt the industry knows their sales are fucked for the foreseeable, so they needed to squeeze more money out of the people who still have some, as people on lower wages aren't customers anymore.

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