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Old Firm Colts in L2

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1 hour ago, Jack Burton said:


Exactly, there is no positive to this proposal for league Two clubs.

It simply boils down to are you willing to make a mockery of your league for £15k a season?


£15k gross, not net.

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It's the clubs who vote for and keep scum like Regan and Doncaster in a job.

We've shown before with the Sevco nonsense, and are showing again now with this 'colts' pish, that we have a voice and that it will be listened to.

If, as hoped, this 'colts' bullshit gets punted, we need to start lobbying our clubs to demand that Regan, Doncaster and the other incompetent sycophants are removed from power.

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

I don't think Annan (or many others) would oppose Rangers or Celtic putting a B team in the South of Scotland league, or any other league at that level, with the same restrictions that currently apply to the Annan and Stranraer teams at that level (no promotion etc).  Jumping the queue and entering the fourth tier, screwing up the organised structure of the league in the process, is a bit different.


1 hour ago, marco44 said:

Yes Annan have a Colt team playing in the South of Scotland League.
They do not want the Colt team to join the SPFL.


1 hour ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

IIRC Annan colts went in with the full agreement of the clubs in the league, too, and there is a long history of reserve teams / colt teams playing in SoSFL.

There's no comparison between the two cases.


1 hour ago, Loonytoons said:
2 hours ago, Ter said:
Annan are against "colt" teams yet have one in the South of Scotland League. Couldn't make it up. emoji3.png

That's not what is said on the link. They disagree with the current proposal, which is dumping colt sides into L2.

I see no real inconsistency on the South of Scotland League point... If Rangers & Celtic want to apply for vacant unoccupied spaces in the bottom tier of the pyramid, debarred from promotion to the Lowland League, playing home games at Ibrox & Parkhead, using local amateur players from Govan & the East End, they're welcome to try: afterall Stranraer didn't try to put theirs into SPFL2 under "special conditions".

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I see no real inconsistency on the South of Scotland League point... If Rangers & Celtic want to apply for vacant unoccupied spaces in the bottom tier of the pyramid, debarred from promotion to the Lowland League, playing home games at Ibrox & Parkhead, using local amateur players from Govan & the East End, they're welcome to try: afterall Stranraer didn't try to put theirs into SPFL2 under "special conditions".
The raison d'etre (allegedly) for this is for the benefit of the Scottish national side.
The lack of 100% Scottish "colts" being stipulated seems unconcomitant to this plan.
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Peterhead FC have replied to me stating that they have not been approached.  If they are they will consult at Board level and with supporters.

It appears to be a complete shambles where Rangers and Celtic are approaching individuals to garner support before talking to the club officially.  


I have long been a critic of Jim's continued tenure at Peterhead but given the withering nature of the statement and the recognition of us, the supporters of these diddy teams, I will gladly shake his hand and thank him.

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Rangers & Celtic have given a lot to Scotland & Scottish Football

This request for a colt team should go through without a vote IMO

McNally’s comments are not needed or add anything.
"A lot......" ??? being bigotry, racism, violence, embarrassment, wife beating, overspending, ruining careers of youths........ both of them should have been allowed to financially die when the chance was there......
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4 hours ago, Burnsythebinman said:

“At the end of the day if Celtic and Rangers want to improve Scottish football they should stop signing so many foreign players for a start.

Absolutely this. It's like one of those logic statements.

  1. If Celtic and Rangers wanted to improve Scottish football they wouldn't sign foreign players.
  2. Celtic and Rangers sign foreign players.
  3. Celtic and Rangers don't give a toss about improving Scottish football.
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The point being made re: Stranraer and Annan is a good one. There is no comparison between them having B teams in the SoS and the OF trying to shove their Colts into L2.  Annan as far as I know are basically using local teenagers for their B team. Stranraer run 3 teams: 1st team, U20 which pulls in decent players from the more populated West of Scotland (and contains the guys likely to chap on 1st team door) and their B team is AFAIK a means of giving (mainly younger) local guys a game in the blue and white, with some experienced players around and about. The only way these sides would compare to the OF's idea is if the OF only used L2 quality players and were giving them the chance to live the dream, i.e. what Sevco should have done when dumped down there in the first place.

More widely, looking at the Elgin document it would seem that the sole purpose of this is to get the 60% or so of players who don't progress from U19 to U21 international football playing - it brazenly states that the best youngsters are in OF squads but are not being played and therefore are lost to international football. This week Aberdeen released a 17 yr old named named Lewis Hutchison who was an U17 Scotland cap. He has now signed up with a Junior team in Aberdeen and has turned his back on the full-time game (for now). 10 months ago he was regarded as being part of the elite at that age category and now finds himself in the middle division of Junior football's weakest region (admittedly with a good side). Could it be that the way players are scouted at ages 15-20 is pretty hopeless?

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On ‎22‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 15:49, Randy Giles said:

It's pretty important that, even though it looks good from Stirling's stance, you let them know exactly how you feel and how strongly you feel about it. Being complacent could see a swing the other way if there ends up being more support for the idea.

Have you had any response from Morton yet?

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The point being made re: Stranraer and Annan is a good one. There is no comparison between them having B teams in the SoS and the OF trying to shove their Colts into L2.  Annan as far as I know are basically using local teenagers for their B team. Stranraer run 3 teams: 1st team, U20 which pulls in decent players from the more populated West of Scotland (and contains the guys likely to chap on 1st team door) and their B team is AFAIK a means of giving (mainly younger) local guys a game in the blue and white, with some experienced players around and about. The only way these sides would compare to the OF's idea is if the OF only used L2 quality players and were giving them the chance to live the dream, i.e. what Sevco should have done when dumped down there in the first place.
More widely, looking at the Elgin document it would seem that the sole purpose of this is to get the 60% or so of players who don't progress from U19 to U21 international football playing - it brazenly states that the best youngsters are in OF squads but are not being played and therefore are lost to international football. This week Aberdeen released a 17 yr old named named Lewis Hutchison who was an U17 Scotland cap. He has now signed up with a Junior team in Aberdeen and has turned his back on the full-time game (for now). 10 months ago he was regarded as being part of the elite at that age category and now finds himself in the middle division of Junior football's weakest region (admittedly with a good side). Could it be that the way players are scouted at ages 15-20 is pretty hopeless?

Good post

Lewis Hutchison shouldn’t have been released but if Aberdeen had a B Team he would’ve been playing football week in week out

Development is the key and clubs need support as well
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4 hours ago, Smokiejohn said:

Have just found this thread , haven’t made it through all 75 pages yet , but did read this article from Nutmeg 3 which I’ve shared below and elsewhere( screenshots ). Raises some pretty interesting points .


I have not posted here in years, but this thread and this issue has caused me to return.

I have been a Seattle Sounders supporter for a while, albeit not that closely the last few years, and I remember when MLS and USL were discussing adding all of those MLS reserves teams into the USL and my voicing significant concern about it to fellow Americans for the exact reasons stated in the quoted story above, and I received little support. Nobody seemed to have any concerns or see the big-picture ramifications of incorporating all of those reserves teams into that league.

Part of the reason for my strong opinions  was that I really dislike how minor league baseball is organized. It's almost all reserve teams with the major league franchises overseeing them, focused significantly more on player development than on winning games and championships. And, with the USL looking to add all of those reserves teams, I could see soccer heading towards how baseball is organized, and it was distressing. I want independent teams and I want independent leagues, not just reserve sides for clubs at the top level of the pyramid.

So, I am very strongly against this Colts-in-the-Scottish-League proposal. When I first heard about it, it was distressing that it was receiving any support, but seeing how many are strongly against it in this thread has been heartening. I hope that enough clubs listen to their supporters and block this from happening.

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1 minute ago, mrman2011 said:


Good post

Lewis Hutchison shouldn’t have been released but if Aberdeen had a B Team he would’ve been playing football week in week out

Development is the key and clubs need support as well

To be fair his reason for wanting to leave was that he couldn't get into the U20s...

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