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Blast From The Past!

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5 hours ago, The Naitch said:

That tape needs rewinding. Used to piss me off when folk wouldn't wind tapes back to the start when they were finished with them.

Used to piss me off big time. Our first vcr was pretty basic. You had to hold your finger on the rewind button and you could see the film play backwards as the tape rewound.  It took fucking ages and your finger was sore afterwards.

Any cunts who returns a video to blockbuster without rewinding it first deserves to be smothered with a spit mask.


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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I remember this Montenegran classic, definitely NSFW,


Finally, a version of Robot Wars that I can get on board with!

My BFTP is Tweed perfume. My gran used to wear it - my mum would have me buy a bottle for her birthday/Christmas - and (until recently) I don't think I'd smelled it since she died about twenty-five years ago. Someone wearing it walked past me a few months back, and it was like a smack in the face - suddenly I was a kid again, and the feelings and memories that swept over me were overwhelming. Absolutely incredible how long-dormant parts of the brain can be accessed just by something as simple as a scent.

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I recorded the 1989 Scottish Cup Final, I still had the old VHS tape from my mum and dads house till my last house move, havent seen it since.

Midway through the first half Peter Grant and Mark Walters are chasing a 50/50 ball, as commentator Jock Brown describes the slow motion replay praising Grant's strong but fair challenge, co-commentator Ian St John points out a blatant elbow to the face of the Rangers winger stating 

"A nifty left hook there from Peter, that could result in a black eye for Mark Walters"

Within seconds the commentary goes silent except for the blatant and audible sniggers of Brown and St John in the background for a good five to ten seconds. 

Casual racism was a tacitly accepted joke back then, doubt such a blatant offensive gaffe would go un-noticed these days.

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I was watching an episode of The Office last night and one of the old Windows screensavers they had in the background made me think "ooft, I'd have completely forgotten about that otherwise".
Post up your 'blast from the past'. General nostalgic things are fine, but things that you think others on here would have completely forgotten about otherwise are ideal. More obscure the better, particularly for things that prevent this from turning into a full blown 'school stories' thread.
The screensaver of note was the old Windows pipework one btw:


You used to get this little fucker in the corner of your screen as well.


Also, a trip to Belfast the other year and the sight of a Harp lager tap in a pub made me recall this advert.

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1 hour ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

The Challenger space shuttle disaster is a true blast from the past.


The NASA joke spread like wildfire afterwards. 

What were the astronauts' last words?

Why did NASA buy Coca Cola?

etc etc

Jokes still spread so quickly in the pre-internet era. 

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That tape needs rewinding. Used to piss me off when folk wouldn't wind tapes back to the start when they were finished with them.



The thought of anything VHS just reminded me of "PG: If it's romantic, it might have some sexy scenes!" (1:17)




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The thought of anything VHS just reminded me of "PG: If it's romantic, it might have some sexy scenes!" (1:17)


I remember the back of the box for dracula dead and loving it at blockbuster. Swearing 1 - asshole

Usually it say mild or strong but they actually printed the word
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