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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Mine always looks at me with astonishment when I tell her I'm actively planning to do f**k all with a day, such as Saturday when all I plan on doing is waiting for the FA Cup final to start, and as you say, she'll start reeling off a list of things she 'needs' doing. 

We've been married almost seven years, I hope she doesn't think she needs to impress me with some Sunday to do list that rolls out like a Tampax advert full of activities or which extends further than sending me to get her ice cream or Fruit and Nut. f**k knows I'm happy for her to sit down as when she does so it's usually the only time I get peace to. 
My other half is the same. She doesn't seem to get the fact that, sometimes, I like spending a day on the couch watching football. If I have a weekend of nothing to do then she'll insist we do something regardless of whether I actually want to or not.

8 years we've been together and she still hasn't grasped that I spend my working week doing stuff I don't want to do so I have no idea why she then feels the need to try and fill my weekends with more stuff I don't want to do.
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3 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

My other half is the same. She doesn't seem to get the fact that, sometimes, I like spending a day on the couch watching football. If I have a weekend of nothing to do then she'll insist we do something regardless of whether I actually want to or not.

8 years we've been together and she still hasn't grasped that I spend my working week doing stuff I don't want to do so I have no idea why she then feels the need to try and fill my weekends with more stuff I don't want to do.

Mike Barson nailed these sentiments many years ago, I feel your pain.

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1 hour ago, JoseMarooniho said:

Insists that ANY sort of fresh air / light breeze is a ‘cold draught’. Lies under a throw thing lobbying for the heating to get put on.

Wait till she gets into her 50s, it’ll be the other way round 

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Misunderstands the word "budget". 
We're looking for a replacement car and i've told her the budget is £8k (because it's £10k). She's looking at cars around £11k-£12k.
At least she's not just concentrating on yellow ones or the like. A decent negotiater will get her pick down to 10k no bother anyways.
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I think you might be confusing 'misunderstands' with 'ignores'.

Misunderstands the word "budget". 
We're looking for a replacement car and i've told her the budget is £8k (because it's £10k). She's looking at cars around £11k-£12k.
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Has just stormed off annoyed at me as I was watching the football highlights and listening to the punditry. She arrives and asks me to mute it whilst on loudspeaker on the phone despite being in another room previously. Quite why she thinks it’s acceptable to come through on loudspeaker and demand I mute something I was watching is quite beyond me, but no doubt it’ll be my fault somehow.

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Sitting, literally anywhere when we’re out. 

“I’m just going over to the *insert random place/shop/bog*  for half an hour. Watch my handbag which has my purse, phone, jewellery and lots of other personal items which if I lost would cause a great deal of anguish”

Tale your fucking handbag with you if it’s that important to you.

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25 minutes ago, throbber said:

Her: You can pick the film tonight as I decided last night.

Me : What about Wolf creek 2 - we enjoyed the original.

Her: I’m not in the mood for a horror.

Me: Okay, will watch a comedy then.

Her: No I feel bad it’s your choice put Wolf Creek 2 on.

Me: Okay then.

Then twenty minutes into the film she decided it was too violent for her and threw down an ultimatum to put something else on or she was going to bed and still has the cheek to be annoyed at me today for apparently making her go to bed early.

Good choice on the ultimatum. 

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Need to get around to watching the TV show sometime. I saw the first episode and it wasn't bad.

Just noticed that Mick Taylor was finally acquitted of rape IRL, and that the actor hails from a town called Wongawilli. You can always rely on the Aussies to come up with some tremendous names for settlements.

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Mrs Beans made some decent steaks the other night, after my first bite asks if I like it, I let her know its cooked just how I like it and very nice. Job done.

After every second mouthful she has to go "mmmhm" in a way which, as a mad shagger, I regularly make her do most nights*

At the end of the meal asks me again if I enjoyed it, I say of course I did, I told you. Apparently just saying I enjoyed the meal isnt enough and I need to make almost orgasmic noises after every mouthful like a simpleton. Why is me literally saying its good not enough?!

Her father does this as well, accompanied by a "braw" and it does my tits right in. When eating I should stress, no idea what noises he makes at night.

*hasn't done for many, many years and jealous a steak can.

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