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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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1 hour ago, RossDee01 said:

We were going out on Sunday, I’d been out in the morning and the plan was that we’d basically just leave straight away when I got back. So I get back home, walk in the door and hang my keys up on the key rack (like I always do, every single time I walk in the door). Go for a quick piss, change and 2 minutes after getting in the door I’m ready to go. As I go to leave, I go to grab my keys and they’re not there. I ask her if she’s picked them up and she says, in a rather defensive tone, “no I picked up my keys (shows me said keys in her hand), I’ve not touched your keys”. So, I spend the next 5 minutes searching the only 2 places I have been in the 2 minutes I’ve entered the house and can’t see them anywhere. As we need to get going by this point I say f**k it, and take the spare car key. 

5 minutes into the car journey I hear her rustling about in her handbag and hear a set of keys jingling. Out come my keys. 

Obviously I put them in her handbag. I genuinely couldn’t even be arsed arguing about it.

Another long lost b-i-l. Uncanny.

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Even with shit I watch that she suggests/only she wants to watch, she still has an uncanny knack of not paying attention to important bits or talking over big reveals.

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Spends so much time chatting to her friends on messenger that she'll either leave things lying around or forget to tidy up. She's got a job interview tomorrow,  she was meant to be organising stuff for it and having a bath at 8pm. Since 7.30, she's been on the phone to 2 different friends, and is now rushing around sorting her stuff for tomorrow....

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Works shifts. Day off today, she's lying on a lounger out the back when the neighbour over the back, who also has a shift based job has the "audacity" to start work on some DIY project. Que an absolute rant as she storms in to the house (whole I'm trying to work) going tonto about her day being ruined by the drilling and hammering. I suggested she go and rant at the neighbours rather than shouting at me as I was a totally innocent party in this charade but nah basically offload at me as if it was somehow my fault !!!

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5 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

She’s playing you here. First time you appear after shouting upstairs that she wants pumped, she now knows forever that you can in fact hear everything. You should take the hit here and continue to ignore. If she wants pumped badly enough she can come downstairs.

Where else would you suggest?

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There’s no such thing as recycling it seems. Plastic? Chuck it in the bin. Cans? Chuck them in the bin. Massive cardboard box your Amazon delivery came in? Balance that on top of the bin.
I feel your pain. My other half spent 60 odd quid on a bin which has 3 different compartments for recycling but then just puts everything in the general waste compartment.
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Works shifts. Day off today, she's lying on a lounger out the back when the neighbour over the back, who also has a shift based job has the "audacity" to start work on some DIY project. Que an absolute rant as she storms in to the house (whole I'm trying to work) going tonto about her day being ruined by the drilling and hammering.

Could have been worse. They could have been banging and screwing as well.
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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

Works shifts. Day off today, she's lying on a lounger out the back when the neighbour over the back, who also has a shift based job has the "audacity" to start work on some DIY project. Que an absolute rant as she storms in to the house (whole I'm trying to work) going tonto about her day being ruined by the drilling and hammering. I suggested she go and rant at the neighbours rather than shouting at me as I was a totally innocent party in this charade but nah basically offload at me as if it was somehow my fault !!!

Probably realised the neighbour would rightly get her telt that she’s being mental expecting them to just telepathically know she is not working that day, and to even care about that fact in deciding when to do DIY!

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Refusing to take the most blatant, easiest option in a situation. Has an issue at work where a client has asked for changes to a marked up document, but when looking at the marked up version the changes are already made so think they’ve made a mistake. After staring at it for ages and me having a look and confirming I can’t see what changes they mean, I make the suggestion “maybe just phoned the person and clarify, would take 5 mins?”.

That advice has been ignored with preference to angrily repeating “I don’t understand” over and over, and phoning a colleague to discuss how she doesn’t understand it. Here we are half an hour later with no progress yet. Painful.

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Refusing to take the most blatant, easiest option in a situation. Has an issue at work where a client has asked for changes to a marked up document, but when looking at the marked up version the changes are already made so think they’ve made a mistake. After staring at it for ages and me having a look and confirming I can’t see what changes they mean, I make the suggestion “maybe just phoned the person and clarify, would take 5 mins?”.
That advice has been ignored with preference to angrily repeating “I don’t understand” over and over, and phoning a colleague to discuss how she doesn’t understand it. Here we are half an hour later with no progress yet. Painful.
This isnt just a female thing tbf (not that you are saying it is) but I find this a lot at work and more so in my current job than ever before. Speculating, guessing and even getting angry about sitiations where its clear folk dont have all the info, and a reluctance to go directly to the person that does.

It fucking riles me beyond comprehension. Surely the working world with few exceptions, we all want the path of least resistance. Lift the phone, kill it stone dead, move on.
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5 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

There’s a female operated horticultural business in Montrose called “Lady Gardeners”
There also used to be a laundry business called “Iron Maidens”, again, run & operated exclusively by females.

Think about the title of the thread.

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Starting to Watch 4OD, we'll get through to the end of the introductory adverts and just at the end of them she'll say "pause it a minute before it starts, I'll be back in a moment...".

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She's decided we're upgrading our sunloungers, and has seen the ones she wants in B&Q.

Gets me to look them up on B&Q site, which takes fucking ages on my laptop, due to the amount of content on it.  After taking another eternity to load, site tells me none available in Falkirk store.  

"Click 'nearest alternative store', there might be some in Dunfermline" she says.  Another age spent, to find that the nearest stores are Perth, Newcraighall, Ayr, which only have 1 lounger each.

Only mildly infuriating so far, but then.......

"Put in that we live in Dunfermline, and try again" says Mrs R.  "Eh?" says I.  "Just try it, it might get a different answer" she says.

Another long wait, then we DID get a different answer.  Answer was Newcraighall, Perth, Ayr, which all had only 1 each.

I won't get that time back, Mrs R has decided to try The Range instead.


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12 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Starting to Watch 4OD, we'll get through to the end of the introductory adverts and just at the end of them she'll say "pause it a minute before it starts, I'll be back in a moment...".

All 4 - Wikipedia

On 30 March 2015, 4oD was merged into and renamed All 4.[7] (References below to "All 4" before that date should be understood as including 4oD.)

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