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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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2 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
3 hours ago, CountyFan said:
Uses my amazon account because she doesn't have Prime. I understand why, but at least wire me the cash for the shite you don't need. 

Share your prime benefits with her?

Is that a thing? sounds ideal...

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2 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
3 hours ago, CountyFan said:
Uses my amazon account because she doesn't have Prime. I understand why, but at least wire me the cash for the shite you don't need. 

Share your prime benefits with her?

Originally ignored this because I thought it was some oooo errrr thing and I was being wooshed. Now I know its an actual thing I shall suggest this. Thanks much! 

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10 hours ago, Oystercatcher said:

Throws the dried cutlery back in the drawer from what sounds like a height of 3000 feet.

See also; Adding salt or coriander or whatever to a finished meal from space, and then moaning about the mess in the kitchen after dinner.

Sometimes it looks like she's plated up with a shotgun. 

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22 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

Genuine question, does she have mobility problems? This is the only reason I can see for parking close to the door.

No just the female logic of nearest the door is best, even if it means cramming the car between two others so it a hassle to get wean out of child seat and back in again. 

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19 hours ago, coprolite said:

"can you help with this thing on my phone" 

"sure, let's have a look" 

"hang on! you're always trying to take over!" 


Me: Here look at this photo of the bairn/cat/whatever

Here: I cant see it *grabs phone and starts scrolling through photos "Why is Liz McColgan on your phone?"


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On 08/01/2022 at 17:24, Raidernation said:

You should watch ‘murcan’s use cutlery (or silverware as they call it, even when it’s plastic)
I constantly get compliments on how I can use a knife and fork in “combination” nut just hack my food to bits then shovel it in with a fork only.

Notice on American programs they hold the cutlery in the wrong hand. Heathens.

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7 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Me: Here look at this photo of the bairn/cat/whatever

Here: I cant see it *grabs phone and starts scrolling through photos "Why is Liz McColgan on your phone?"




Athlete Liz McColgan cleared of attacking husband - BBC News

Thank you.


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1 minute ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Indeed. You should have seen the look I got.

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She'll be thinking you've got a 'McColgan fetish' would've liked to hear you explaining your way out of that one.

Thank you.

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I'm still working from home, she is off today, I tell her i have important meetings 9.30-12. 

9.25 rolls round and I hear the hoover being moved and plugged in, ask her what the hell? Oh I'll only be half an hour. 

Jesus wept

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When she is driving I have to find something else to focus on to take my attention away from how she drives.  The thing that annoys me the most is when there is a queue at lights or a junction she will get as close as possible to the car in front.  I was always taught that you should be able to see the back tyres of the car in front.  20+ years and she still does that - gets annoyed if the guy in front then does something stupid ( which happens a lot here) and she gets stuck. 

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Doing breakfast. 

Me - I'm doing sausage pieces, you want the square kind or the normal?
Her - Normal
Me - Fine, I'll sort it

As the sausages are being prepared to go into a piece...

Her - Can I get mine with eggs instead? Just the white tho, so you'll need to be careful not to break the yolk. And mushrooms? And a tomato?

No you can't. Fucking off-menu bullshit. Every time. I offered sausage pieces, that's all that's on my menu today. And I can guarantee that at least one of the components of whatever she comes through with will need complaining about. 

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