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And there you have it.
All that nonsense about being born to keep people like me on a leash and how easy I'd be to sort out and at the first hurdle you demonstrate that you don't have a clue how to respond.
When an employer (the person whose name is on the door, not some middle manager at a corporation who has no real power or an HR department scared to act), really wants to get rid of an employee, you can and routinely would be gone overnight.

I don’t think anyone is saying you can’t get rid of the person. However, it will come at a financial and probably reputational risk.
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If someone in my team had managed to sneak about and get time off over Christmas then sent me that email I would not be happy tbh, although I suppose it depends on your relationship with them and the dynamic in the team. Theres probably a couple of people who could send me that and I'd know it's a wind up.

Fair play to Oaksoft for being such a joyless tool though.

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For a bit of background here. Everyone is fine with it and took the wind up as it was intended. I knew someone wouldn't be happy as there was scenes and such when I jokingly suggested I was unable to work to a certain time nevermind being off. As I said in the original post. They went aff their heed before any shifts had been swapped and it just drove me to ensure I was off.

There is nothing in my email whatsoever than anyone with a brain would be upset about.

It's good what's gone on in here though.

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30 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

It's shite but it's the only thing I can do that pays what I earn. I'd love to retrain as a tree surgeon or whatever but it's not possible once you reach a certain stage in life, families, mortgages etc. emoji853.png

I was only having a razz. Cold, wet, muddy days I wish I was warm indoors looking at a Milky Gem's arse at the photocopier.

Edited by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows
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Oaksoft is someone I’d love to have as my employer. Absolutely playable...stating he can dismiss folk without going through appropriate disciplinary proceedings and just locking them out [emoji23] he’s a union hearing and tribunal away from a sexy ass pay out for an employee [emoji23][emoji23]

Don’t worry troops, I’ll find out who it is, get a job for him, get the pay out and we can have a big P&B night out at oaksofts expense [emoji23]

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On 26/12/2019 at 17:26, oaksoft said:

Time will tell but this looks like a classic case of someone winning a battle but losing the war.

This might not necessarily end well for Busta.

You can't just deliberately wind up your entire team and expect to get away with it. You also can't be daft enough to put the damn thing in writing and expect no consequences.

If I was the manager of that group it would be getting sorted out on the first day back and at least one person would be polishing their CV.


On 26/12/2019 at 17:31, oaksoft said:

Allowed? Who would stop me exactly given that I run my own company?


On 26/12/2019 at 17:32, oaksoft said:

I'll pass the message on but I'm pretty sure they'll give as few fucks about your opinion as I do.


On 26/12/2019 at 17:33, oaksoft said:

When you run your own company you can pretty much do what you want.


On 26/12/2019 at 17:38, oaksoft said:

Sure you can. What is there to stop me from sacking a member of staff engaging in destructive behaviour which is listed as gross misconduct in their employment contract?


On 26/12/2019 at 17:42, oaksoft said:

I agree but we start with the fact that the member of staff concerned put their windup email in writing.

I would also weigh up the cost/benefits. There is absolutely no way I'd keep a destructive employee on the books. It would almost certainly cost way less to get rid of them even if I lost a tribunal.


On 26/12/2019 at 17:43, oaksoft said:

How exactly would you do that? :lol:

That's your ego flexing a muscle.


23 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Fucking hell criiiiinge 😂😂

Get over yourself.


5 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Or you could tell me what magnificent plan you have to respond to me disabling your entry pass, re-assigning your work, re-purposing your desk, blocking your access to the IT system and telling you that regretfully I have no shifts available for you this week and then keeping you spinning like a dead hamster for weeks on end?

Under those circumstances I would be all ears as to how exactly you would fulfil the quest you were born for and "take people like me down".

Or are you just another ego-fuelled numpty full of hot air, you puffed up balloon?


5 hours ago, oaksoft said:

And there you have it.

All that nonsense about being born to keep people like me on a leash and how easy I'd be to sort out and at the first hurdle you demonstrate that you don't have a clue how to respond.

When an employer (the person whose name is on the door, not some middle manager at a corporation who has no real power or an HR department scared to act), really wants to get rid of an employee, you can and routinely would be gone overnight.


2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Well this is an unexpected tragedy of biblical proportions.

Your idea having a hard on keeping people like me on a leash would be to stand outside my office window taking the piss out of my company plaque.

Still my consolation is that my office window is double glazed and at the other side of the building. The only person to hear you would be Brenda on reception.

This thread has turned out to be way more entertaining than it deserved to be.


2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

I wouldn't waste your time playing to this particular gallery. They will never truly accept you.

Have some fucking pride man.


2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Don't get comfy.

Give it a week and you'll be back in your rightful place.

Enjoy my little seasonal gift in the meantime.

The fucking state of this c**t 😂

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