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I think many people have become a little scarred by the last 2 years. The idea of going back to work full time is daunting for some people, even people who maybe used to do this for years without giving it a second thought. 
That's a fair point. However, having known her for over a decade, it's probably selfishness on her part. I wouldn't be letting her know my feelings about it in any case. I'll just moan about her to other people and on here. That's how I get it off my chest.
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On 20/05/2022 at 14:32, microdave said:

My company has three employees in our office. Just me, my boss and a woman. In March 2020, just before lockdown, my boss told us that we weren't both required in the office at the same time to try to minimise us spreading the virus. We then basically started a job share where I'd only be in every second working day. My boss would cover the absent person's work and also lopped 2.5 hours off our working day so we didn't need to travel during the rush hour. And all on full pay too. This continued until about July when some restrictions were lifted and we went back to five days a week but still on the reduced daily hours and that remained the case until the end of the year. At the beginning of last year, we went back to the job share conditions with my boss also taking a day off. E.g. this week I was off on Monday, Tuesday while the woman was in with our boss and I was in Wednesday, Thursday with him and today with her while the boss is off. That's the background.


On Wednesday, my boss told me that it's coming to an end and we're back to 9-5, Monday to Friday from 30th May. Fair enough thinks me as it was never going to last forever and we've had a very generous crack of the whip for over two years. Not so with my colleague who was in actual tears over having to work her contracted hours. Greeting about having to look up a bus timetable to find out when to get one. She's the most self entitled arsehole I think I've ever had the misfortune to meet. 

Sounds like you are overstaffed.

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"service user", shirley?
Not according to Raaaaaab. They've brought the "lock em up and throw away the key" strategy out again. Pity they can't staff the jails any more. Apparently HMPPS now see Amazon and the big supermarkets as direct competitors for labour. Someday soon, this is going to go badly, badly wrong, and I'm fucking glad to be getting out in one (slightly battered) piece.
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On 29/05/2022 at 12:42, Busta Nut said:

Sounds like you are overstaffed.

Overstaffed with three staff? We absolutely are. The business could run with one part timer in the office. I've often wondered why they persist with it and can't think of how it makes any sense whatsoever. For example, this morning I spent 40 minutes actually working and nearly three hours trying to kill time and that's completely normal and has been for about eight years. . But I'm used to it and am basically waiting for my redundancy coming. 

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On 29/05/2022 at 13:18, WhiteRoseKillie said:
On 20/05/2022 at 14:39, Jacksgranda said:
"service user", shirley?

Not according to Raaaaaab. They've brought the "lock em up and throw away the key" strategy out again. Pity they can't staff the jails any more. Apparently HMPPS now see Amazon and the big supermarkets as direct competitors for labour. 

It's almost as if dealing with dangerous cnuts every day while getting 1% public sector pay rises for the last decade doesn't seem as attractive as helping Mrs McGlumpher pack her shopping. Odd that.

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7 minutes ago, microdave said:

Overstaffed with three staff? We absolutely are. The business could run with one part timer in the office. I've often wondered why they persist with it and can't think of how it makes any sense whatsoever. For example, this morning I spent 40 minutes actually working and nearly three hours trying to kill time and that's completely normal and has been for about eight years. . But I'm used to it and am basically waiting for my redundancy coming. 

Sounds ideal. Get into FM or something

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7 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

Sounds ideal. Get into FM or something

I have previously used the time to input teamlines etc into a database of Dumbarton games for a project I'm a volunteer with. I've even thought about doing an open university course which could be useful in the future but I can never decide on a course i'd like. That and imposter syndrome are the reasons I've never done it.

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I think businesses are in a tough place here. We have all proven that we can work from home over the last few years and successfully in most cases but companies have contracts for buildings/spaces that I’m sure aren’t going to be easy to get out of. Add in plenty if middle managers who believe they can only manage by physically seeing their staff and you can understand the rush back to the office.

But, and this is from my place, companies will struggle to recruit / retain staff if they don’t offer agile working. If your competition is offering 2-3 days a week from home or even allowing you to work remotely from you work location then they will have an advantage when you are competing in the same talent pool.

My work was 100% against working from home pre covid but now from July we are 2 days minimum from the office. Suits me as I like working from home but love the feel of being in the office and getting out the house.

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I think businesses are in a tough place here. We have all proven that we can work from home over the last few years and successfully in most cases but companies have contracts for buildings/spaces that I’m sure aren’t going to be easy to get out of.

Firstly, we haven't all proven we can work from home. Only 27% of the Scots workforce worked from home last year.

Secondly, while you're correct about the price of office space, you're entering sunk cost fallacy territory.
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1 minute ago, philpy said:

2 of my colleagues sit and have their breakfast before they start. Is this considered as normal behaviour?? I just find it a bit odd.

Absolutely, have your lunch whilst on the clock and then go for a walk during the break. 

Edited by 101
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5 minutes ago, philpy said:

2 of my colleagues sit and have their breakfast before they start. Is this considered as normal behaviour?? I just find it a bit odd.

I eat breakfast on the clock when I get in yeah. Lucky in that I’m in charge of the place so don’t have to worry about a boss sitting watching me, so I have no problem with the team doing the same. 

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Don't forget the P&B favourite - a good long shite right after your lunch break has finished, and not before.

I can also recommend nipping out with the smokers - good ten minutes per outing knocked off the working day, and you get to keep up with all the office gossip.

I've learned so much from this forum.

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Businesses will have to pay for their offices whether they are occupied or not, so that's an argument that doesn't particularly make much sense. They aren't getting any more or less value from having or not having people in an office they are renting.

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27 minutes ago, philpy said:

2 of my colleagues sit and have their breakfast before they start. Is this considered as normal behaviour?? I just find it a bit odd.

I heard of a guy who used to wander in late to his work despite living just down the road from his office. The boss called him in and ordered him to turn up at 9 am on the dot the next day or else.

At the next day he comes in at 9 am, sits down at his desk and starts eating his cornflakes. Boss asks him what he's doing and he says "Having my breakfast"

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15 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Don't forget the P&B favourite - a good long shite right after your lunch break has finished, and not before.

I can also recommend nipping out with the smokers - good ten minutes per outing knocked off the working day, and you get to keep up with all the office gossip.

I've learned so much from this forum.

What on earth do you eat for lunch? I can only take a shite in the morning, before running/gym/breakfast.

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20 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

What on earth do you eat for lunch? I can only take a shite in the morning, before running/gym/breakfast.

You're supposed to shite three times a day.

Edit : no yer no. It is "from three times a day to three a week is normal". I obviously switched off after "a day"

Edited by Mr. Alli
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