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One of our dopier section heads was in touch earlier complaining that they hadn't been informed about some online seminar they wanted to go to...I pointed out that there had been previously been two emails and a calendar invite sent out about it, in addition to an article on the intranet and an announcement on the section's home page.

Suggested the next logical step to ensure they notice stuff like that in future would be to send somebody round to their house to ring a bell, shout "Oyez! Oyez!" and read the fucking thing out to them.


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16 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

I see Amazon let their workers stay home in the snow recently, was surprised at that. Maybe getting their act together?

Though they should have made it clear to their delivery drivers that it didn't apply to them.

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18 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

edit: If anyone happens to know anything Glasgow wise that they reckon I could do with applying to I'd be very grateful; sadly not in a position to give you a commission apart from maybe a nice wee green dot/square/circle on here I'm afraid, so no worries if I can't talk any of you into doing the hard bit for me. No degree education, shitey admin work most of my working life and an HND in Accounting that has been pointless so far since all accounting entry level work wants either professional accreditations or 1 - 2+ years of accounts experience which I can't get as a placement or voluntarily. Also legit unsure what sort of accounting work would even interest me, bookkeeping was the more interesting modules for me, no idea if transactional finance would be up my street or not as no real practice with it. Will work for food, harr dee harr.


There's a few places going at the corrupt COPFS atm. If you've plenty of shitey admin experience then you'll be grand.

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3 minutes ago, Steve_Wilkos said:

Some middle manager at my work has just posted a picture of himself in the buff, wearing a pink cowboy hat, with his erect, three-inch penis centre frame, into the general company Teams chat.

I expect questions will be asked.

A hard one to explain...

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34 minutes ago, Steve_Wilkos said:

Some middle manager at my work has just posted a picture of himself in the buff, wearing a pink cowboy hat, with his erect, three-inch penis centre frame, into the general company Teams chat.

I expect questions will be asked.

We will need regular updates on how this story unfolds.

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20 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

tempted, but it was a she, ha! Probably a blessing to be WFH, avoided any heads gone #scenes at the office that may have unfolded in another timeline.

thanks for the support. Increasingly certain I've made the right call. Also occurred to me; why we weren't doing these ID refs from the start of january, feels like this has been someone elses f**k up that we were meant to fix for all our tracker spreadsheets. Pinning it all on "my poor timekeeping" - again remembered after the call that we were told to wait a few days to see if it calmed down w/o any mention of getting it backdated or anything if we were to do it in our own time lol. + both my teammates were under the exact same impression as me - is a pile of shite. Very odd that she said "the temps are now going to be paid", realised in a bit of a shower moment but I have a feeling they weren't going to before this shambles unfolded. Little annoyed I never asked the question, would be dynamite if I had it in writing somewhere that no we were to do these in our own time, but perhaps they'd have been fly and done it on a quick call or something rather than get it in writing. Fuckers.

Just enjoying the time off the now, will get my UC claim started on Monday and touch up the CV etc. probably a haircut from somewhere if I can rope someone that knows what they're doing into it with a pair of clippers...

I know I mentioned it earlier but legit wasn't intended to be disparaging about Tesco shelf stackers at the nightshift, was recommended it elsewhere as a suggestion for a job I might find a bit more straightforward to get shifts in at the minute - no customers/very few if its a big 24 hour store, comfy, relatively straightforward work. If your colleagues are decent you can have some fun arsing about a little and all. Been better at sticking to my cardio/pishy weights routine from home recently so the physical side of it might be alright and all.

Working firmly on a "can't be any worse than what went before" proviso the now. Will see what I can get.

edit: If anyone happens to know anything Glasgow wise that they reckon I could do with applying to I'd be very grateful; sadly not in a position to give you a commission apart from maybe a nice wee green dot/square/circle on here I'm afraid, so no worries if I can't talk any of you into doing the hard bit for me. No degree education, shitey admin work most of my working life and an HND in Accounting that has been pointless so far since all accounting entry level work wants either professional accreditations or 1 - 2+ years of accounts experience which I can't get as a placement or voluntarily. Also legit unsure what sort of accounting work would even interest me, bookkeeping was the more interesting modules for me, no idea if transactional finance would be up my street or not as no real practice with it. Will work for food, harr dee harr.

na but srsly im not all that fussy so open to any suggestions.

I saw ACCA were looking for customer service advisors so was tempted to go for that, not all that keen on call centre work but the job advert sounded like it might be quite cool and a good bit more involved than shitty data processing. If its still open I'll apply for it once I do my UC claim and fix my CV up, think it needs a bit of simplification too tbh. a wee bit wary of trying to do contact centre work from home which would seem a bit... odd, but i think it might be open and you go to the office for the training part of it and then you work from home, would need to check the ad again.

(The CV will just say reason for leaving: temp contract expired, but holy shit there's so much more to it than that :lol: )

Are you expecting to be paid any holiday pay or anything more from them?  If so I would wait until the last of it is paid, and then make your claim to UC.  Your assessment period starts from the first day of your claim, so if you are paid wages in your first period that will have an impact on your first payment.


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19 minutes ago, Loki said:

Are you expecting to be paid any holiday pay or anything more from them?  If so I would wait until the last of it is paid, and then make your claim to UC.  Your assessment period starts from the first day of your claim, so if you are paid wages in your first period that will have an impact on your first payment.


yeah i think so, we're before April so I think a back of a fag packet look means I'm due a few hundred in tax too, holiday pay entitlement restarted in January so I think due about £160 for that too unless they shaft me for not working notice (didnt even check that, didn't really make a difference to whether I would resign or not so didn't bother. I don't think they'd actively shaft me that way for all that's unfolded but idk) 

Ta for the heads up.

Really appreciate all the encouragement and messages, older brother has been brand new about this too - has recommended a few jobs to me after a quick look on my behalf on indeed which already look great, I'm going to fix up CV tomorrow, get a 2nd opinion on it and then start hunting. A bit of luck and I might not need to even claim, that'd be pretty braw. :D 

deffo looks like indeed has a better selection, usually use the pishy gov.uk site and s1jobs. interesting.

Leaning heavily to driving too as a 2nd option, don't care if its for Royal Mail, Just Eat, DHL or whoever, I've kind of had enough of shitty office horseshit for now and being cooped up either in an office with commuting or doing office work at home seems a bit... yech, but I know not all employers are like that and ultimately I need that money, so I hope there's something decent I can grab (Student Loans Co were remarkably really good with me when I left there on my own back so I can't say anything bad about them, don't know if they're the same way with temps but I was perm there and it was night and day contrasting with the following job tbh)

There's a part time job that looks amazing too which fits my prior experience pretty well, gonna go for that asap.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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1 hour ago, Steve_Wilkos said:

Some middle manager at my work has just posted a picture of himself in the buff, wearing a pink cowboy hat, with his erect, three-inch penis centre frame, into the general company Teams chat.

I expect questions will be asked.

is that MS paint request thread still on the go on here?? please tell me it is

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Some middle manager at my work has just posted a picture of himself in the buff, wearing a pink cowboy hat, with his erect, three-inch penis centre frame, into the general company Teams chat.
I expect questions will be asked.
Fucks sakes. Now I'm having to explain to my partner why I just about choked on coffee reading something on my phone.

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15 minutes ago, Xander Green said:

Guys, I need your advice. I work online and have several people under my supervision. What is the best way to monitor the work of subordinates online? How to motivate them to do everything in a row and efficiently?

You must be very proud

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