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3 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Make the guy feel like a right dick in front of his boss along the lines of - 

"In future can you please make sure the correct people have visibility of your requests so that they can be dealt with at in a timely manner".  Basically tell him, without telling him, that he's a fucking idiot and so that his boss knows too.

I've done something like that before a couple of times.  It's not grassing, it's showing management that some of their staff are stupid.

Reckon if he was internal I’d do something along those lines but since he’s a client my boss wouldn’t like that too much


And I’m a big shitebag 


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This seems to happen to me a lot too. Get a request to provide data or a report with a ridiculously short deadline. Then when you read through the email trail it's bounced around people for weeks but suddenly it's my fault. 

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1 hour ago, Central Belt Caley said:

I added in a lovely line of “As I haven’t been copied into this email thread I have had no visibility of your request.” 

He’s a client and I need to be nice(ish) to them otherwise we lose business. But hopefully his boss, who’s also copied, realises he’s an idiot who’s been addressing emails to someone who isn’t receiving them 

I’m too much of a shitebag for that :lol:

No visibility...I think the pendulum has swung.

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Similar thing happened at work recently where the person hadn't been copied in who was meant to complete the task.

Much apologies later the person was asked if they could expedite as the team had now lost 2 weeks of time on the task.

This was followed by the quite lovely "a mistake on your end does not constitute an emergency on mine" which I'll be using in future.

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3 hours ago, TheScarf said:

I've always found women change their best mate more than they change their underwear.  There's lads I know who were kicking about with each other in school are still best mates 20 years later.  Indeed my group of mates hasn't really changed in that time period either.  What you say is definitely a thing.


21 hours ago, microdave said:

I heard a saying a while back that stuck in my head. Men are horrible to each other but don't really mean it. Women are nice to each other but don't really mean it.

Lost interest in actually watching wrestling a good few years ago but occasionally found the backstage politicking stuff fascinating.

Can mind reading about this a while back - the women were given a mic and free reign to go out and shittalk each other:

The rumour was that Carmella was genuinely, utterly despised backstage by the other girls and it ended up boiling over when they were out in the ring. Resulting in this "boy that escalated quickly" exchange on national television.

Carmella: "Christy, I hope you win... if I don't, I hope you win."


"Joy - is this the only thing you can do?"

"Amy - it looks like you've been sucking on something sour cos your lips look like a fish"

"Carmella, you're a cum guzzling gutterslut."

So the rest of the stuff is fairly tame, but ooft. They can be pretty savage when they want to be.

22 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Similar thing happened at work recently where the person hadn't been copied in who was meant to complete the task.

Much apologies later the person was asked if they could expedite as the team had now lost 2 weeks of time on the task.

This was followed by the quite lovely "a mistake on your end does not constitute an emergency on mine" which I'll be using in future.

yeah, there was an email into a general mailbox recently complaining that someone wasn't responding to any of their emails... transpired they'd sent about 4 emails to a misspelled address, something like "stacy_x@x.com" rather than "stacey_x@x.com". Got a response back politely informing them of this and that they might need to keep an eye out in their spam folder or mailbox if something bounces back as undeliverable...

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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On 15/11/2023 at 09:41, KnightswoodBear said:

At the height of lockdown, I had to go on a teams meeting with a new project manager for a contract I was working on.  Meeting was at 8 or 9 am.  I did my usual and sat at the computer in my bombsite of an office in the house, jammies still on, not shaved for days and hair that hadn't been cut for about 3 months all over the place.

Meeting starts and she's there, camera on, in her immaculate kitchen, looking like shes been up since about 3 doing her hair and makeup.  She then proceeds to passive aggressively get everyone to put their cameras on so she can "put names to faces". Folk start putitng theirs on and there are more than a few that look even worse than i do.

She was very politely told to get fucked, which meant that for the rest of the time she was on the project she had it in for me.

She wasn't on it very long mind you as she was absolutely hopeless

These two phrases really go hand in hand don’t they?

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On 15/11/2023 at 21:18, scottsdad said:

I usually keep my camera on. Stare into it, giving my shy colleagues the evil eye. 


One of the guys in our office came up with the genius idea of recording himself in a meeting, and now his camera feed plays that video. He will eventually get caught out, but it is a genuine "I wish I had thought of that" moment every time

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6 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

One of the guys in our office came up with the genius idea of recording himself in a meeting, and now his camera feed plays that video. He will eventually get caught out, but it is a genuine "I wish I had thought of that" moment every time

I've got a still photo of the area behind me in the office that I used as a backdrop a few times. You need to be very still, but the unprepared didn't notice.

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My work have done away with big meetings with people not participating. Basically turned them into pre-recorded videos sent by email and that it's employees' responsibility to watch.

Thinking was that people were finding it awkward delivering a presentation to a sea of blank screens, and the horrific silence after "any questions" to a row of darkness was getting everyone down. For those who haven't done it, it can't be emphasised how dis-spiriting it is giving a presentation to a row of people you know are watching Netflix.

This way the presenter just records the presentation, sends it round, and folk are no more or less likely to pay attention than sitting in the meeting with their camera off, but the presenter will probably do a better job as they won't be rushing to get the pain over. Questions can be submitted and are answered a week later. Working well so far.

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11 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

Similar thing happened at work recently where the person hadn't been copied in who was meant to complete the task.

Much apologies later the person was asked if they could expedite as the team had now lost 2 weeks of time on the task.

This was followed by the quite lovely "a mistake on your end does not constitute an emergency on mine" which I'll be using in future.

Yeah this is my all too frequent scenario, but I've not been brave enough to reply with that brilliant response. I've often thought it.

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21 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

One of the guys in our office came up with the genius idea of recording himself in a meeting, and now his camera feed plays that video. He will eventually get caught out, but it is a genuine "I wish I had thought of that" moment every time



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On the subject of emails.

I remember back in the early days of IT email systems when an information email to all employees, departments, etc with all email addresses or groups in the senders list (instead of using BCC)

Invariably you’d get all sorts of numpties replying to ALL recipients and you’d just wait for other people replying to those messages by replying “stop replying” yet copying in every other person on the email in a “look at me - how smart I am!” 

Invariably the mail exchange server would die.

P45 offence in my opinion. Eejits! 😂 

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On 17/11/2023 at 12:59, invergowrie arab said:

Similar thing happened at work recently where the person hadn't been copied in who was meant to complete the task.

Much apologies later the person was asked if they could expedite as the team had now lost 2 weeks of time on the task.

This was followed by the quite lovely "a mistake on your end does not constitute an emergency on mine" which I'll be using in future.

I just got an email asking if I had contacted a group of students on Friday. 

No, I replied. No idea what you are on about. 

Turns out a few students put in a complaint 3 weeks ago about a programme they are on. The office replied stating that I would get back to them as I'm not a member of the programme team and can offer impartial feedback after I had spoken to the team, looked in to it, etc. Helpfully, I would get back to them by Friday 17th November. 

Only downside here is that they never a) asked me if I would be willing to do this shite and b) mentioned it at all to me. 

I have a funding bid deadline next week so have replied stating clearly that I would not be doing this. 

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3 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I just got an email asking if I had contacted a group of students on Friday. 

No, I replied. No idea what you are on about. 

Turns out a few students put in a complaint 3 weeks ago about a programme they are on. The office replied stating that I would get back to them as I'm not a member of the programme team and can offer impartial feedback after I had spoken to the team, looked in to it, etc. Helpfully, I would get back to them by Friday 17th November. 

Only downside here is that they never a) asked me if I would be willing to do this shite and b) mentioned it at all to me. 

I have a funding bid deadline next week so have replied stating clearly that I would not be doing this. 

We already know that your institution's HR function is fvcking useless.

Sounds like your admin is trying to knock them off their perch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure which thread to put this article in.



But it reminds me of some former (work) colleagues who did the square root of fcuk all. 
Always seemed to have one or two individuals who invariably slept at their desk but woke up at lunchtime or when they were due to leave the office. 
Once I arranged a leaving present of an alarm clock for one dozy cnut.





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On 17/11/2023 at 10:25, TheScarf said:

Make the guy feel like a right dick in front of his boss along the lines of - 

"In future can you please make sure the correct people have visibility of your requests so that they can be dealt with at in a timely manner".  Basically tell him, without telling him, that he's a fucking idiot and so that his boss knows too.

I've done something like that before a couple of times.  It's not grassing, it's showing management that some of their staff are stupid.

It's also essential to protect your own arse, as you can guarantee the p***k will still be telling everyone that @Central Belt Caley at Initrode is fucking useless and doesn't respond to requests, rather than admit their own failings.

Chances are their boss will never read any of it and just believe what their underling is saying, but it's always good to have evidence if it comes up again.

9 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

A strange one, but anyone who works with women - do they often end their emails with a wee x?

One woman I work with (and have done so for years) has started doing this. I find it a bit disconcerting. 


All there is to say, really. Amazed you've not noticed it before. Must be a real sausagefest in your department.

Kind regards,
Milky Dave x

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26 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

A strange one, but anyone who works with women - do they often end their emails with a wee x?

One woman I work with (and have done so for years) has started doing this. I find it a bit disconcerting. 

Maybe they're posting it on Twitter, too.

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Is it normal for people nowadays not to say thanks when you’ve done something for them? 

A few times this week I’ve had to prioritise stuff to fix other folks mistakes and after letting them know it’s fixed, I get no reply. Bit rude I feel

Also spelling my fucking name wrong, once I can accept. But it‘s in my signature and the email address you’ve had to add in. Open your eyes idiots.

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