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Smacking Ban

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Question for the "My kids and I'll hit them if I want to" posters - Do you also hit your grandparents?

I have neither grandparents or children so obviously I'm not allowed an opinion on whether hitting either group is acceptable. Is there a difference and if so, what?

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14 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I am, Mr McEnroe. We are obviously more influenced by American Halloween traditions than Scottish ones down here.

I assumed from your user name that you had some connection to Glasgow.

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10 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

I've been heard of it being called Guising.

Then again I didn't grow up in the 50s.

You didn't grow up with a grasp of English, either, by the look of things...

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20 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

Question for the "My kids and I'll hit them if I want to" posters - Do you also hit your grandparents?

I have neither grandparents or children so obviously I'm not allowed an opinion on whether hitting either group is acceptable. Is there a difference and if so, what?

While I am very much against smacking children, I am intrigued at this grandparent hitting thing. Has this been banned yet and do they have to be yours?

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Why would you hit your grandparents?

Why would you hit your child?

1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Why are people throwing these bizarre examples in?

What's bizarre about it? Why is hitting an elderly person unacceptable to you but hitting a child OK?


3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Also, since the bottom point is obviously directed at me, I never said you weren't allowed an opinion, I said I personally won't be lectured to by someone who isn't going through what I am going through in terms of trying to best figure out how to raise my child. I also find it quite bizarre that people have jumped on what I said to defend their right to an opinion, by basically trying to belittle my right to my opinion. 

My 88 year old mother has dementia and lives in a nursing home.  I'm pretty sure that if I admitted to hitting her, plenty of people would "lecture me" even though they aren't going through what I am going through in terms of trying to best figure out how to care for my mother.

Obviously you're going to continue hitting your child regardless of what any of us think. But you specified you won't take a lecture from "people who don't have kids." If had kids, could I lecture you then? 


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Just now, HenryHill said:

While I am very much against smacking children, I am intrigued at this grandparent hitting thing. Has this been banned yet and do they have to be yours?

As far as I'm aware there is no ban, because society has never needed one. Nobody thinks hitting elderly people is acceptable. Children though...they're fair game.

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1 minute ago, Shotgun said:

As far as I'm aware there is no ban, because society has never needed one. Nobody thinks hitting elderly people is acceptable. Children though...they're fair game.

Well. Since kids are now protected, I can see old folk getting rough treatment until that loophole is dealt with.

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1 minute ago, Shotgun said:

As far as I'm aware there is no ban, because society has never needed one. Nobody thinks hitting elderly people is acceptable. Children though...they're fair game.

You're being silly. If I'd slapped my Dad's arse when he did something dangerous he wouldn't have remembered. A child might.

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:


Like I said there are some exceptions to people who might know a thing or two, but all the moral high ground stuff going on in here, people with zero experience shouting about how parents are abusing their kids because they've given them a wee skelp is utter nonsense. This isnt a black and white issue and it is being painted as one on here. I also didnt suggest all parents are automatically good parents, what I said was purely from my own point of view.

There seem to be folk here refusing to acknowledge the difference between a tap on the legs or on the back of the hand versus beating a child and saying its just all abuse. Its just not that simple. I dont discipline my children that way, but for those who dont have children to come on here amd try to villify those who do and call them abusers, is quite cringeworthy to watch.


Its almost like some P & Ber's get themselves worked up over whatever is in the papers at the time and behave like its a view that they've been passionate about since 'forevah'........



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3 minutes ago, LiviLion said:

Think it's great we've got the Daily Mail types with their "I was smacked and I turned out fine".

Turned out fine, other than encouraging violence towards children. 

I'd say your use of language is very "Daily Mail". 

Encourage violence indeed .:lol:

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3 minutes ago, LiviLion said:

Think it's great we've got the Daily Mail types with their "I was smacked and I turned out fine".

Turned out fine, other than encouraging violence towards children. 

You have just crossed a line!

I have been called a scumbag, a dinosaur and a child abuser on here today, however I have never read the Daily Mail! How low can you go? Your parents should of disciplined you with a smack. 

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It's a generation thing!   I reckon how you view this smacking  ban might depend on what decade you were born.

I think the Older guys maybe over 45, who had the threat of being disciplined by the belt at school will be against the new laws.

The younger lads who've had a free pass (at school) to do whatever they want  all their days, will be outraged at the thought of  being disiplined.

Your view on this will be whatever you've been used to growing up yourself.

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Funny subject.

I don't hit my kids, but tbf none of them have caused any criminal damage, brought the Polis to the door or shoved fireworks up the arse of the neighbours cats.

I find that going into the fuseboard and flicking off the circuit breakers for the upstairs sockets does the trick if the little fuckers get too lippy.

Not sure about a smacking ban though. Could be a green light for any feral little b*****ds to do what they want.

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7 minutes ago, LiviLion said:

Think it's great we've got the Daily Mail types with their "I was smacked and I turned out fine".

Turned out fine, other than encouraging violence towards children. 

I'd suggest that while the Daily Mail rhetoric is pretty tragic, they're using a first hand example to put their case forward.  I cringe at the Mail myself but I'm not 12 so try and keep an open mind, using first hand examples is a pretty standard way of backing your case. Of course, if you're that blinkered and judgemental then you'll only see what you want to see.  

There are plenty ways to harm a child, either by an adult or another child, physically is just one of them, I have more memories of being bullied/humiliated or however you want to describe it by other kids (or young adults) than I do of being skelped by parents, who would never have tried to humiliate me the way other kids treat each other. 

I realise this is irrelevant because its all about the bandstanding, just putting it out there for those that will get it.

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4 minutes ago, Tenkay said:

It's a generation thing!   I reckon how you view this smacking  ban might depend on what decade you were born.

I think the Older guys maybe over 45, who had the threat of being disciplined by the belt at school will be against the new laws.

The younger lads who've had a free pass (at school) to do whatever they want  all their days, will be outraged at the thought of  being disiplined.

Your view on this will be whatever you've been used to growing up yourself.

I think there may be some truth to this as a generalisation but I can assure you, I'm an exception to it. If it were possible to get my parents' opinion on the subject they would be sure to tell you that the constant 'swats' they (and my teachers) dished out never did me any harm.

They'd be wrong.

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