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c***s on the road

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Big shout out to the absolute rocket who was doing a ridiculous speed up the Whitesands in Dumfries on Saturday night. Without exaggeration I would have estimated 60 or 70 mph.  If anyone had unfortunately walked out it was instant death. I've seen some boy racers in my time but this was about the worst I've ever seen, particularly in a spot where the likelihood of people crossing the road would have been high.

Call me an old duffer if you like but I've never understood the need to go crazy speeds in a car. Other than boosting the local petrol station's profit what is the point of it?

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A year or so ago I heard a boy racer's car revving madly then a loud crunch noise outside the house. Went out to see that he'd run straight into a traffic calming bollard near the kiddies play park. Still there 15 minutes later when I had to drive past on my way to work - like everyone else I was grinning like a loon. No damage to the bollard with that one but I noticed yesterday that it's been hit again and this time it's got a noticeable lean to it now.  Hopefully it's got another one of the prats. 

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On 12/28/2018 at 14:57, DosserDel said:

Haven't read entire thread, so this has probably been covered before, but c*nts who can't maintain steady progress on the motorway when the road in front is completely clear. 

Driving works 7.5T van on M8 today, so restricted to 56mph. 

Daft bint in front doing roughly this, so happily following behind. 

Next thing she's dropped down to 50, so move into middle lane to pass her, halfway through overtaking she decides to go up to about 60 and pass me by on the inside, causing me to have to drop back in behind. 

Similar situation shortly after, but this time I pass her and pull back in infront. 

Next thing she's off at about 70 and disappearing into the distance, thank f*ck thinks I. 

Lo and behold, 5 mins later I am stuck behind the absolute melt in the inside lane again.!! 

Ultimate, rage inducing c*nt on the road!! 

Speeding up when people want to pass you is one of the most frustrating things people do on the motorway.  Was driving along and some oldiewonk was doing exactly the limit (100 KPH) in the slow lane,  which by itself doesn't bother me as long as they stay a consistent speed. I went to pass him and suddenly he feels the need to keep my speed, ended up having to go well over the limit to get ahead of this guy before he drifted back to his slowness.

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On 29/12/2018 at 09:37, CountyFan said:

I think I qualify as a c**t on the road since I got pulled over and done for speeding last week. I also got breathalysed and genuinely saw my life flash before my eyes before blowing in to the wee tube as I recalled the excesses of the previous night. Luckily I blew a zero but lesson well and truly learnt. The extra £150 on my insurance renewal plus the £100 fine is a great deterrent to slowing things down a bit. 

I got done on Thursday night. 

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On 29/12/2018 at 10:40, CountyFan said:

I have 6 altogether now. It was more the thought of a failed breath test and potentially losing my job that was the problem. 

My insurance was probably the cheapest it's ever been when I was cutting about on 9 points. Probably cos I was driving around like an old woman, scared of a ban. 

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On 31/12/2018 at 08:38, I'm Brian said:

Big shout out to the absolute rocket who was doing a ridiculous speed up the Whitesands in Dumfries on Saturday night. Without exaggeration I would have estimated 60 or 70 mph.  If anyone had unfortunately walked out it was instant death. I've seen some boy racers in my time but this was about the worst I've ever seen, particularly in a spot where the likelihood of people crossing the road would have been high.

Call me an old duffer if you like but I've never understood the need to go crazy speeds in a car. Other than boosting the local petrol station's profit what is the point of it?

The Sands is Hellish for that.  

It drives me mad and I despise the inadequate little tossers.

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Big shout out to the absolute rocket who was doing a ridiculous speed up the Whitesands in Dumfries on Saturday night. Without exaggeration I would have estimated 60 or 70 mph.  If anyone had unfortunately walked out it was instant death. I've seen some boy racers in my time but this was about the worst I've ever seen, particularly in a spot where the likelihood of people crossing the road would have been high.
Call me an old duffer if you like but I've never understood the need to go crazy speeds in a car. Other than boosting the local petrol station's profit what is the point of it?
Dumfries - and I speak from experience - is full of c***s at the wheel. See that p***k with the flags on either wing?
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On 31/12/2018 at 08:38, I'm Brian said:

Big shout out to the absolute rocket who was doing a ridiculous speed up the Whitesands in Dumfries on Saturday night. Without exaggeration I would have estimated 60 or 70 mph.  If anyone had unfortunately walked out it was instant death. I've seen some boy racers in my time but this was about the worst I've ever seen, particularly in a spot where the likelihood of people crossing the road would have been high.

Call me an old duffer if you like but I've never understood the need to go crazy speeds in a car. Other than boosting the local petrol station's profit what is the point of it?

Was sitting behind a boy in an old Volvo doing similar. He sat revving the c**t off his car every 30 seconds or so after I'd pulled up behind then wheelspun off, hammered it for 300 yards before he turned right into a car park.

Absolutely no idea what the crack was there.

Had a few Fiesta ST folk dive out in front of me at a junction without even looking lately aswell.

Assume this is the time when folk are passing their tests.

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Read through this whole thread and I can't remember seeing anything about motorcyclists. So motorcyclists. Had one just the other day. I was overtaking cars on the A92 Dual Carriageway round Glenrothes at almost exactly 70 mph (they were all doing between 50 and 60 I'd reckon) and this guy on a motorbike was right up my arse. I eased off a little, hoping he'd take the hint, but no. After passing about 7 or 8 cars, there was enough of a gap til the next one that I would be able to pull in and let him past but as soon as is started to indicate to the left, and was about ready to pull in he undertook me. He was in my blind spot for quite a few seconds and if it wasn't for the fact I recognised he was a c**t on the road and specifically waited a bit longer before moving across I'd have totally wiped him out. He then pulled just ahead of me and looked over his shoulder shaking his head as if I was somehow in the wrong. Am absolute c**t of the highest order and I'm sure he'll swap himself round a lamppost or tree sometime soon. What is it with c***s on motorbikes? For all the adverts with "think Bike" and the rest, they seem to have a fucking death wish. Another one overtook me up a hill coming up to a bend to the right doing about 90 mph and was very fortunate that the car coming the other was a few yards further up the road - there was no way of seeing it coming and it must have missed him by a matter of inches.

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Read through this whole thread and I can't remember seeing anything about motorcyclists. So motorcyclists. Had one just the other day. I was overtaking cars on the A92 Dual Carriageway round Glenrothes at almost exactly 70 mph (they were all doing between 50 and 60 I'd reckon) and this guy on a motorbike was right up my arse. I eased off a little, hoping he'd take the hint, but no. After passing about 7 or 8 cars, there was enough of a gap til the next one that I would be able to pull in and let him past but as soon as is started to indicate to the left, and was about ready to pull in he undertook me. He was in my blind spot for quite a few seconds and if it wasn't for the fact I recognised he was a c**t on the road and specifically waited a bit longer before moving across I'd have totally wiped him out. He then pulled just ahead of me and looked over his shoulder shaking his head as if I was somehow in the wrong. Am absolute c**t of the highest order and I'm sure he'll swap himself round a lamppost or tree sometime soon. What is it with c***s on motorbikes? For all the adverts with "think Bike" and the rest, they seem to have a fucking death wish. Another one overtook me up a hill coming up to a bend to the right doing about 90 mph and was very fortunate that the car coming the other was a few yards further up the road - there was no way of seeing it coming and it must have missed him by a matter of inches.
They are above the law. Them and taxi drivers. c***s the lot of em.
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What about horses. They tend to be a bit shit on the road. Apparently they shit it and go mental if you honk the horn or overtake them quickly.

I wouldn't know as I'm not a horse. Or a driver.

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12 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Read through this whole thread and I can't remember seeing anything about motorcyclists. So motorcyclists. Had one just the other day. I was overtaking cars on the A92 Dual Carriageway round Glenrothes at almost exactly 70 mph (they were all doing between 50 and 60 I'd reckon) and this guy on a motorbike was right up my arse. I eased off a little, hoping he'd take the hint, but no. After passing about 7 or 8 cars, there was enough of a gap til the next one that I would be able to pull in and let him past but as soon as is started to indicate to the left, and was about ready to pull in he undertook me. He was in my blind spot for quite a few seconds and if it wasn't for the fact I recognised he was a c**t on the road and specifically waited a bit longer before moving across I'd have totally wiped him out. He then pulled just ahead of me and looked over his shoulder shaking his head as if I was somehow in the wrong. Am absolute c**t of the highest order and I'm sure he'll swap himself round a lamppost or tree sometime soon. What is it with c***s on motorbikes? For all the adverts with "think Bike" and the rest, they seem to have a fucking death wish. Another one overtook me up a hill coming up to a bend to the right doing about 90 mph and was very fortunate that the car coming the other was a few yards further up the road - there was no way of seeing it coming and it must have missed him by a matter of inches.

He's just a c**t. He'll ride like a c**t. Drive like a c**t. He's just a c**t. The vehicle chosen, is irrelevant. 

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I'm walking to work at present (around 3.8 miles either way) and it's utterly glorious not to be on the road with the usual hellish assortment of mutants, even in bad weather. Walking at the side of a road with a 10mph limit watching Audis and BMW trying to gun it then having to brake frantically for the next speed bump. Highlight last week was one woman who just went into a panic as I approached her, apparently unaware that she had plenty of room to drive around me without even crossing the middle of the road.

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