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What's the most "Tin Pot" thing you've seen in the SPFL

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It could be their late failure to win a world record points total.  Unless they did. I for one wasn't watching but it's heartbreaking if not and absolutely should be up there with the American civil rights issues. Nobody likes the inevitable late penalty to Rangers including Martin Luther King.

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On 03/08/2023 at 17:16, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

Just caught up with 5 pages of posts on here.

I can see @Ric's point about Carson, even though I don't agree with him, because I rated him very highly. I actually believe he was better than Hladky and Alnwick, a comment that I don't believe would have been controversial prior to his petulance. My views on the matter are essentially: 

i) There's no way we should be paying him to train, and I agree that he cannot be part of the team given that he clearly doesn't want to play for us anymore. Our players should be proud to don the shirt.

ii) He needs to be got rid of to set an example to other players that we will not tolerate that sort of disruptive behaviour.

iii) His continued presence might unsettle other players.

iv) Any sort of pay off, to get him off the books, would have been immoral.


Even if Carson has a sensational season for Dundee, we need to have some pride as a club. This was the right decision, IMHO.

I cannot remember who it was who made the excellent point about hos Carson's selfish antics would have possibly affected Urminsky's confidence going into the Rangers game. Of course, that's speculation, but it's a valid point and certainly it could have done. The guy's an arse and I hope everybody boos him and lets him know that he's seen for the scumbag he is. 

If he's egotistical enough to spit the dummy out over not being played in what was a meaningless game, then I think booing and jeering will get to him. You'd have to be pretty thick-skinned not to notice several thousand fans' boos at all. If it does and especially if he concedes a howler or a few goals, then it may knock his confidence and lead to him having an underwhelming season. 

"Fucking boooooo!" 🤬

^^ After they sold a keeper.

Absolute fucking lunatics.

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On 03/08/2023 at 20:55, Mr Meeker said:

It could be their late failure to win a world record points total.  Unless they did. I for one wasn't watching but it's heartbreaking if not and absolutely should be up there with the American civil rights issues. Nobody likes the inevitable late penalty to Rangers including Martin Luther King.

Martin Luther on the other hand...

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1 hour ago, Derry Alli said:

^^ After they sold a keeper.

Absolute fucking lunatics.

Are you actually aware of what went on with Carson? He fell out with Robinson because he was dropped for the last game of the season against Rangers. He spat the dummy out because family members were apparently coming over to watch Rangers and he wanted to play. Despite having just signed a new two year deal, he stated he wanted away. It is one of the most petulant, not to mention arrogant, displays imaginable from a grown man.

Fucking boooooo! 🤬


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I know this is supposed to be a lighthearted thread, but I genuinely despise all Celtic fans and consider them lower down the evolutionary ladder than the other lot. That video isn't funny, as the thick c**t truly means it. 

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The fact that any Celtgers defeat to anyone in the same league* is reported as a "shock" and questions are immediately asked about the shooglyness of their manager's peg.

* possible exception of Aberdeen, Hearts, or Hibs, depending on whether they're struggling

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